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第1个回答  2010-04-22
Long time ago, there's a mother who lived with her son. Unfortunately, the mother had an incurable illness and will soon passed on. One day, her son came to visit his mother. He took his mother to the hospital garden and the mother pointed at one of the brightest star in the starry sky and said,"Baby, can you see? It's heaven. Only someone who is kind-hearted will be able to go heaven when they die. Do you think mommy is kind-hearted?" The son nodded his head innocently while he looked at his mother. His mother continued,"Therefore, when mommy is in heaven, don't cry." Then, the mother handed him a letter and told him that there's a special magic in the letter. He could only read the letter after his mother passed away if not there wouldn't be any magic. The son nodded his head. The next day when the son came to visit his mother, his mother has died. While he was grieving, he opened the letter. The letter read: Dear baby, while you're reading this letter, the angels already had mommy in heaven. Form now on, mommy will be watching you from above. Will baby miss mommy? Mommy shall give you a number, it's the phone number for heaven. Remember, it's 1234567. If you miss me, please say the number as you think of me. Mommy will be able to hear you. Remeber the number 1234567. This number belongs to mommy and you only. The son folded up the letter and smiled, looking at his mother. I will remember this number, 1234567, I will remember heaven's phone number, the number that only belongs to me and my mother.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-04-27
A long time ago, a pair of mother and Dependence, but unfortunately, my mother was very ill, the dying. One day, her son see her mother, the mother pushed him to the hospital garden, the night sky has many stars, her mother pointed to the brightest one son said: Dear baby, see? There is heaven. After only good people die to go there, baby feel good mother it? Son looked at her mother simply nodded, her mother went on to say: So, after my mother went to heaven, must not cry baby, and then her mother and handed out a letter to his son, and told his son: the letter inside special magic, so her mother can go see, so magic will be revealed. Children nodded. The next day, when children look at my mother, my mother was no longer unable to open their eyes, still sad he opened the letter that read: Dear Baby, when you open this letter, the angels have to pick Mother in heaven, from now on, my mother in heaven looking at your baby will want to mother you? That mother made an exception to give you a number, is the paradise of phone numbers, remember well, is: 1234567. If the baby to her mother, and remembered phone number on the side of one side to the mother on the phone, so my mother can hear you want me to say, remember the 1234567, which belongs to my mother and your phone number. Children put away stationery, smiling at my mother, I will remember, 1234567, heaven's phone number, my mother's phone number.


第3个回答  2010-04-22
A long time ago, a pair of mother and Dependence, but unfortunately, my mother was very ill, the dying. One day, her son see her mother, the mother pushed him to the hospital garden, the night sky has many stars, her mother pointed to a brightest son said: Dear baby, see? There is heaven. After only good people die to go there, baby feel good mother it? Son looked at her mother simply nodded, her mother went on to say: So my mother went to heaven after the baby must not cry, then her mother and handed out a letter to his son, and told his son: the letter inside special magic, so her mother can go see, this magic will be revealed. Children nodded. The next day, when children look at my mother, my mother has never failed to open their eyes, still sad he opened the letter that read: Dear Baby, when you open this letter, the angels have to pick Mother in heaven, from now on, my mother will be in heaven looking at your baby will want to mother you? That mother made an exception to give you a number, is the paradise of phone numbers, remember well, is: 1234567. If the baby to her mother, and remembered phone number on the side of one side to the mother on the phone, so my mother can hear you want me to say, remember the 1234567, which belongs to my mother and your phone number. Children put away stationery, smiling at my mother, I will remember, 1234567, Heaven's phone number, my mother's phone number.




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