
a woolfe to be found,

and so that tribute ceased in the fourth yeere after it began to be paid. * * * * * _The death of Alfred king Edgars wife (or concubine) causeth him to fall into
a fowle offense, an example teaching men to take heed how they put others in trust to woo for them; earle Ethelwold
cooseneth the king of his wife, the danger of beholding a womans beautie with lustfull eies; king Edgar killeth earle Ethelwold to marrie faire Alfred his wife; the bloudie and unnaturall
speach of Ethelwolds base sonne: examples of king Edgars great incontinencie and lewd life; Dunstane putteth the king to penance for his vnchastitie, the Welshmen

rebell against him and are corrected, king Edgars vision before his death, of what religious buildings he was founder, his example a spur to others to doo the like, moonks esteemed and secular priests little regarded, king Edgars deformed reformation, his vices, stature, and bodilie qualities, he offereth to fight hand to hand with Kinadius king of Scots vpon occasion of words

euill taken, Kinadius submitteth himselfe and is pardoned; his wiues and children, the
good state of the realme in king Edgars time, the amplenesse of his dominions._
THE XXIIIJ. CHAPTER. [Sidenote: _Osborne_ and _Capgraue_ hold that she was not his wife
but a nun.] In this meane time, Alfred the wife of king Edgar (as some say) or rather (as others write) his concubine died, of whome he had begot a sonne named Edward. The death of this woman caused the king to commit an heinous
offense. For albeit at the same time the fame went, [Sidenote: _Wil.

Malm._ Horger.] that Horgerius duke of Cornewall, or rather Deuonshire, had a daughter named Alfred,

a damosell of excellent beautie, whome Edgar minding to haue in mariage, appointed one of his noble men called earle Ethelwold, to go with all speed into Cornewall or Deuonshire, to see if the yoong ladies beautie answered the report that went of hir, and so to break e the matter to hir father in his behalfe: yet Ethelwold being a yong iollie gentleman, tooke his iournie into Cornewall, and co


and so that tribute ceased in the fourth yeere after it began to be paid.因此,在恭贺第四yeere停止后,开始发放。 * * * * * _The death of Alfred king Edgars wife (or concubine) causeth him to fall into * * * * *,两队的死亡阿尔弗雷德国王埃德加斯妻子(或妾)若不是他陷入
a fowle offense, an example teaching men to take heed how they put others in trust to woo for them; earle Ethelwold 1福尔罪行,例如教学男子留意他们如何在信任他人吸引他们;厄尔埃塞沃尔德
cooseneth the king of his wife, the danger of beholding a womans beautie with lustfull eies; king Edgar killeth earle Ethelwold to marrie faire Alfred his wife; the bloudie and unnaturall cooseneth他的妻子,看见了一个妇女的危险国王beautie与lustfull eies;国王埃德加killeth厄尔埃塞沃尔德到Marrie医师放任阿尔弗雷德夫人的bloudie和unnaturall
speach of Ethelwolds base sonne: examples of king Edgars great incontinencie and lewd life; Dunstane putteth the king to penance for his vnchastitie, the Welshmen讲话Ethelwolds基地索内:国王埃德加斯例子伟大incontinencie和猥亵的生活; Dunstane putteth国王为他的忏悔vnchastitie,在威尔士人

rebell against him and are corrected, king Edgars vision before his death, of what religious buildings he was founder, his example a spur to others to doo the like, moonks esteemed and secular priests little regarded, king Edgars deformed reformation, his vices, stature, and bodilie qualities, he offereth to fight hand to hand with Kinadius king of Scots vpon occasion of words造反者对他和被纠正,王埃德加斯生前,前景展望,宗教建筑,他的创始人,他为榜样鞭策别人去斗等,moonks尊敬和世俗教士小把,改造王埃德加斯变形,他的恶习,地位和bodilie素质,他打献与Kinadius苏格兰国王的话vpon场合手手

euill taken, Kinadius submitteth himselfe and is pardoned; his wiues and children, the euill采取Kinadius submitteth himselfe并赦免,他wiues和儿童,
good state of the realme in king Edgars time, the amplenesse of his dominions._良好的状态,在国王埃德加斯时间realme,他dominions._ amplenesse
THE XXIIIJ.的XXIIIJ。 CHAPTER.章。 [Sidenote: _Osborne_ and _Capgraue_ hold that she was not his wife [联盟论坛:_Osborne_和_Capgraue_认为她不是他的妻子
but a nun.] In this meane time, Alfred the wife of king Edgar (as some say) or rather (as others write) his concubine died, of whome he had begot a sonne named Edward.但一尼姑。]在这meane时间,阿尔弗雷德国王埃德加的妻子(如某些人所说)或相当(如别人写)死于whome他的妾,他名叫爱德华们生了一个索内。 The death of this woman caused the king to commit an heinous这个女人的死亡所造成的国王犯下滔天
offense.罪行。 For albeit at the same time the fame went, [Sidenote: _Wil.对于虽然在同一时间名声去,[联盟论坛:_Wil。

Malm._ Horger.] that Horgerius duke of Cornewall, or rather Deuonshire, had a daughter named Alfred, Malm._霍尔热。]这Horgerius康沃尔公爵,或者说Deuonshire,有一个女儿叫阿尔弗雷德,

a damosell of excellent beautie, whome Edgar minding to haue in mariage, appointed one of his noble men called earle Ethelwold, to go with all speed into Cornewall or Deuonshire, to see if the yoong ladies beautie answered the report that went of hir, and so to break e the matter to hir father in his behalfe: yet Ethelwold being a yong iollie gentleman, tooke his iournie into Cornewall, and co一批优秀的beautie damosell,whome埃德加托儿到haue在婚姻法任命他的高尚的人之一叫厄尔埃塞沃尔德到一起去到康沃尔或Deuonshire所有速度,看看熊龙女士beautie回答了报告认为的HIR去了,因此,打破E的事在他behalfe的HIR父亲:作为一个尚未埃塞沃尔德勇iollie绅士,图克到康沃尔他iournie,及合作
第1个回答  2010-04-24
因此,在恭贺第四yeere停止后,开始发放。 * * * * *,两队的死亡阿尔弗雷德国王埃德加斯妻(或妾)若不是他落入
cooseneth他的妻子,看见了一个妇女的危险国王beautie与lustfull eies;国王埃德加killeth厄尔埃塞沃尔德到Marrie医师放任阿尔弗雷德夫人的bloudie和unnaturall
讲话Ethelwolds基地索内:国王埃德加斯例子伟大incontinencie和猥亵的生活; Dunstane putteth国王为他的忏悔vnchastitie,在威尔士人
euill采取Kinadius submitteth himselfe并赦免,他wiues和儿童,
良好的状态,在国王埃德加斯时间realme,他dominions._ amplenesse
的XXIIIJ。章。 [联盟论坛:_Osborne_和_Capgraue_认为她不是他的妻子
一批优秀的beautie damosell,whome埃德加托儿到haue在婚姻法,任命了他崇高的人之一叫厄尔埃塞沃尔德,去与所有到康沃尔或Deuonshire速度,看看熊龙女士beautie回答了报告,对的HIR去了,因此,打破E的事在他behalfe的HIR父亲:作为一个尚未埃塞沃尔德勇iollie绅士,
第2个回答  2010-04-23




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