
《西游记》是一部很吸引人的小说。这本书讲的是:有一个叫唐三藏的和尚,奉命替唐朝天子西天取经,带着三个徒弟:悟空,八戒,沙僧一齐,经历了九九八十一难,终于在西天取得真经,成了神仙。在西天取经的路上,他们遇见了妖媚毒辣的白骨精和蜘蛛精、调皮顽劣的红孩儿、野蛮的牛魔王、聪明有心计的铁扇公主……许多妖怪各有各高强的本领,但是都被正义的孙悟空打败了。 当然,这种空前绝后的“奇迹”与人物个性有着直接关系,比如说唐僧吧,我认为他太懦弱了,无能。胆小,这才会让孙悟空成英雄。孙悟空是个聪明伶俐的不同寻常的小猴子,我最喜欢的就是他,猪八戒太贪吃贪睡,也许这就是造成如此多的劫难的原因之一,沙僧很忠实,也很听话,所以它可以说助了师徒四人西天取经的一臂之力。

"Pilgrimage to the West" be very attractive one novel. Being that this book says: Have a Buddhist monk who is called Monk Tang San Zang , act under orders to go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures for the Tang Dynasty Son of Heaven , be training three apprentice: Difficult to realize empty space , eight prohibitions , sand monk having experienced 9,981 in unison, have got real classics , have become a supernatural being finally in Western Paradise. On the way going on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures in go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures, they have come across diabolic seductive the White Bone Demon and spider essence , the stubborn mischievous bad successful child , Gothish cattle Prince of the Devils, have been clever iron fan princess having scheming, ... A lot of monster ability having every be master of respectively , have been defeated by just Sun Wu Kong but. Certainly, this unique "miracle" and personage individuality have direct relation, for instance , Tang Seng , I think that he has been very weak , incapable. Cowardly, this only meeting lets Sun Wu Kong become a hero. Sun Wu Kong is a small different common monkey clever and quick-witted , my most delighted accommodating oneself to is him , pig Ba Jie is greedy for eating very much sleepyheaded, this maybe is obedient very much even if one of cause , sand monk bringing about the so many inexorable doom are very loyal,therefore it can say a helping hand having helped master and apprentice four people to go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures. The long and the short of , Pilgrimage to the West have been very attractive Chinese of a volume classical fiction , it has displayed imaginative faculty of Chinese only to the common people and creative ability has drawn till high literature realm, this is the very good work communicating with promote China-foreign literature!




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