六年级水平英语作文,命题的:polite student


It is a civilized and polite age now.And Shenzhen is an enlightened city too. If we want to become a civilized and polite student, we must have filial piety and we should respect teachers and elderships. Then, we ought to say "Thank you" when someone help us and say "Sorry" when we hurt someone.I hope I can be a mannerly student.
第1个回答  2012-06-22
It is a civilized and polite age now.And Shenzhen is an enlightened city too. If we want to become a civilized and polite student, we must have filial piety and we should respect teachers and elderships. Then, we ought to say "Thank you" when someone help us and say "Sorry" when we hurt someone.I hope I can be a mannerly student.
中文:它是现在文明、 礼貌的年龄。与深圳也是一个开明的城市。如果我们想要成为一个文明、 礼貌的学生,我们必须有孝道,我们应该尊重教师和 elderships。然后,我们应该说"谢谢你",当有人帮助我们,当我们伤害别人时说"对不起"。我希望我能错怪学生。
第2个回答  2012-02-28
It is a civilized and polite age now.And Shenzhen is an enlightened city too. If we want to become a civilized and polite student, we must have filial piety and we should respect teachers and elderships. Then, we ought to say "Thank you" when someone help us and say "Sorry" when we hurt someone.I hope I can be a mannerly student.
第3个回答  2012-02-28
尺寸规格高不超过个非常方便和防范工程vvbvbvvhhb 韩国的吧不会的后果hush.iwiyh 户都是一副不后悔不要让功夫和渔业uu风格化 风格常在线
hxgfhgufyuhl ysgj飞箭如蝗人事科
第4个回答  2012-02-23
第5个回答  2012-02-23
It is a wenminglimaoshidai,shenzhenshiyigewenmingdechengshi,you should zenmyang zuoyige



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