求Trust Company的《The War Is Over》的中文歌词 不是莎拉·布莱曼的

[00:23.50]The hours devour me
[00:27.34]My life‘s wasted waiting here for you
[00:31.50]There‘s nothing left of me
[00:34.50]Lost in a void I don‘t see
[00:36.61]There‘s nothing left to believe
[00:39.00]The end is now(I surrender)
[00:43.84]The war is over
[00:46.24]The rain is falling
[00:48.62]And all that's left has blown away
[00:52.88]your eyes are haunted
[00:55.00]By what you wanted
[00:57.87]I surrender(I surrender)
[01:02.08]The war is over
[01:06.55]The anger I keep for you
[01:10.27]The bitter lessons I will keep for me
[01:14.82]There's nothing I can do
[01:17.30]To save you from your own hell
[01:19.44]There's nothing left for you
[01:22.00]The end is now(I surrender)
[01:27.27]The war is over
[01:29.00]The rain is falling
[01:31.65]And all that‘s left has blown away
[01:35.99]Your eyes are haunted
[01:38.39]By what you wanted
[01:40.46]I surrender (I surrender)
[01:45.47]The war is over (It‘s over now)
[01:49.35]I can see it, I can see what you‘ve become
[01:58.63]I can feel it, as everything goes numb
[02:14.32]The war is over
[02:17.00]The rain is falling
[02:19.00]And all that‘s left has blown away
[02:23.47]Your eyes are haunted
[02:25.50]By what you wanted
[02:28.45]I surrender (I surrender)
[02:32.50]The war is over
[02:34.00]The rain is falling
[02:37.00]And all that‘s left has blown away
[02:41.47]Your eyes are haunted
[02:44.20]By what you wanted
[02:46.45]I surrender (I surrender)
[02:50.80]The war is over

看好了是Trust Company的 不是莎拉·布莱曼的



[00:23.50]The hours devour me 时间吞噬了我
[00:27.34]My life‘s wasted waiting here for you 我的生命浪费在这里等着你
[00:31.50]There‘s nothing left of me 我已经一无所有
[00:34.50]Lost in a void I don‘t see 迷失在一片我看不见的空白里
[00:36.61]There‘s nothing left to believe 我再也不会相信任何事情
[00:39.00]The end is now(I surrender) 现在就让一切都结束吧(我投降了)
[00:43.84]The war is over 这场战争结束了
[00:46.24]The rain is falling 雨落下来
[00:48.62]And all that's left has blown away 所有剩下的都已烟消云散
[00:52.88]your eyes are haunted 你的眼里对于你想要的充满
[00:55.00]By what you wanted 了困惑
[00:57.87]I surrender(I surrender) 我投降了
[01:02.08]The war is over 这场战争结束了

[01:06.55]The anger I keep for you 怒火是为了你而存在的
[01:10.27]The bitter lessons I will keep for me 而这场惨痛的教训我将为自己保存
[01:14.82]There's nothing I can do 已经没有什么是我可以做的了
[01:17.30]To save you from your own hell 将你从你自己的地狱里拯救出来
[01:19.44]There's nothing left for you 已经没有什么留给你了
[01:22.00]The end is now(I surrender) 终点已经到了
[01:27.27]The war is over 这场战争结束了
[01:29.00]The rain is falling 雨正在不停地落下
[01:31.65]And all that‘s left has blown away 所有剩下的都已烟消云散
[01:35.99]Your eyes are haunted (这里的两句应该是一句话)你的眼里对于你想要的[01:38.39]By what you wanted 充满了困惑
01:40.46]I surrender (I surrender) 我投降了
[01:45.47]The war is over (It‘s over now) 这场战争已经结束了
[01:49.35]I can see it, I can see what you‘ve become 我能看到的,我能看到你到底变成了什么样
[01:58.63]I can feel it, as everything goes numb 我能感觉到,就像所有的一切都已麻木
[02:14.32]The war is over 这场战争已经结束了
[02:17.00]The rain is falling 雨正在不停地落下
[02:19.00]And all that‘s left has blown away 所有剩下的都已烟消云散
02:23.47]Your eyes are haunted (这里的两句应该是一句话)你的眼里对
[02:25.50]By what you wanted 于你想要的充满了困惑
[02:28.45]I surrender (I surrender) 我投降了
[02:32.50]The war is over 这场战争已经结束了
[02:34.00]The rain is falling 雨正在不停地落下
02:37.00]And all that‘s left has blown away 所有剩下的都已烟消云散

2:41.47]Your eyes are haunted (这里的两句应该是一句话)你的
[02:44.20]By what you wanted 眼里对于你想要的充满了困惑
[02:46.45]I surrender (I surrender) 我投降了
[02:50.80]The war is over 我们之间的战争结束了
第1个回答  2010-04-24
第2个回答  2010-04-24
The War Is Over 结束战争

My statures are falling 我的身体在降落
Like feathers of snow 像雪般的羽毛
Their voices are calling 他们在呼唤
In a whispering world 在一个搬弄是非的世界里
Waiting for the morning glow 等待早晨的阳光

Heaven is calling 天堂在召唤
From rainy shores 来自雨中的海岸
Counting wounded lights falling 数着受伤的心灵坠落
Into their dreams 在他们的梦里
Still searching for an open door 依然寻找那扇开敞的门

In morning dew 清晨的露珠里
A glorious scene came through 经历了光荣的场面
Like war is over now 如战争结束了般
I feel I'm coming home again 我感到自己又回家了

Pure moments of thought 纯洁的思念瞬间
In the meaning of love
This war is over now 这场战争已经结束
I feel I'm coming home again 我感到自己又回家了

An arrow of freedom 自由之箭
Is piercing my heart 刺穿我的心
Breaking chains of emotion 打破情感镣链
Give a moment to pray 给予瞬间去祈祷
Lost innocence to find its way 为找到出路而失去无辜

Fields of sensation 情感之野
A cry in the dark 黑夜里的一声哭泣
Hope is on the horizon 希望就在眼前
With a reason to stay 留下的原因
And living for a brand new day 是为了一种崭新的生活

What A Wonderful World 多么美好的世界

I see trees are green, red roses, too 我看见树的翠绿和玫瑰的红艳
I see them bloom for me and you 她们为你我而绽放
And I think to myself 我心中想着
What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界啊

I see skies of blue and clouds of white 我看到了蓝天与白云
The bright blessed day 明亮、幸福的一天
The dark says good night 夜晚向人们道晚安
And I think to myself 我心中想着
What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界啊

The colors of the rainbow 彩虹的颜色
So pretty in the sky 在天空中多么美丽
Are also on the faces of people going by 那些过往的行人脸上也是
I see friends shaking hands 我看到朋友互相握手
Saying "how do you do?" 说着最近好吗
They're really saying "I love you" 他们是真心的爱着彼此

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow 我听着婴儿哭泣,看着他们长大
They learn much more 他们学习着许多
Than I'll never know 我从不知道的事物
And I think to myself 我心中想着
What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界啊

What You Never Know 你从不知道

What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你
What you never know won't lie 你从不知道我不会对你说谎
What you never know won't desert you 你从不知道我不会责罚你
What you never know won't say goodbye 你从不知道我不会对你说再见

What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你
What you never know won't lie 你从不知道我不会对你说谎
What you never know won't desert you 你从不知道我不会放弃你
What you never know won't make you cry 你从不知道我不会让你哭泣

What you never know 你从不知道
What you never, never, never 你从不,从不,从不
What you never know 你从不知道

What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你
What you never know won't lie 你从不知道我不会对你说谎
What you never know won't desert you 你从不知道我不会放弃你
What you never know - unless you try 你从不知道,除非你哭泣
What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你

It's A Beautiful Day 美好的一天

With every new day 随着每一个新的日子
Your promises fade away 你的诺言逐渐凋谢
It's a fine day to see 看起来是一个好日子
Though the last day for me 即使对我来说是最后一天
It's a beautiful day 也是一个美好的一天

Un bel di, vedremo
Le varsi un fil di fumo
Sull'e stremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appare

With every new day 随着每一个新的日子
Your promises fade away 你的诺言逐渐凋谢
It's a fine day to see 看起来是一个好日子
Though the last day for me 即使对我来说是最后一天
It's a beautiful day 也是一个美好的一天

It's the last day for me 对我来说是最后一天
It's a beautiful day 也是一个美好的一天
第3个回答  2010-04-24



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