
采用氯仿对煤样平顶山八矿原生结构煤和构造煤对比样品进行充分萃取,由实验结果可知,两者氯仿萃取率差别较大,构造煤比原生结构煤高一倍多。由此看来,与原生结构煤相比,构造煤萃取物的组成饱和烃含量稍低,而极性芳烃化合物含量高一些。构造煤在力化学作用下, 具有更强的脱侧链能力, 从芳核上脱落的侧链可能运移出其母体, 也可能吸附在其母体上. 因此其低分子化合物的含量较高。

Using chloroform on coal Pingdingshan primary coal and construction of coal samples were compared to fully extract from the experimental results, large differences between the two chloroform extraction, construction of coal higher than the original structure of coal more than doubled. Seen in this light, compared with the original structure of coal, coal structure the composition of extracts was slightly lower content of saturated hydrocarbons, while the higher content of polar aromatic compounds. The chemical structure of coal under the action of the force, with more capacity off the side chain, from the aromatic side chain may be falling on the migration out of its parent, may also be absorbed on the matrix. So its high content of low molecular weight compounds.

    Structure during the formation of coal, alkanes compounds changed significantly, due to tectonic structure of coal were fractured under stress or even a strong tough plastic deformation, causing the carbon in coal strand breaks and formation of light fractions in coal bed or discharge, resulting in construction of coal in the heavy components significantly increased. Construction of coal formation process, because of the role of aromatization, fused aromatic compounds were increased, but with decomposition. Poor chemical stability, non-condensed aromatic, mixed aromatic compounds content decreases.
第1个回答  2010-04-27
第2个回答  2010-04-30
Taking the measure of chloroform to extract the sample of protogenesis texture coal and the deformed-coal from the Mine No.8, Ping Dingshan. According to the experiment result, there is a large different in the chloroform between the two kinds of coal. Therefore, compared with the texture coal, it is low in seturated hydrocarbon content in the extract of deformed-coal, but it is high in aromatic compound. deformed-coal, under the action of chemechanics, is strength in the ability of side chain, which comes off nucleus of the aromatic hydrocarbon, may remove from its matrix, and also adsorb its matrix. As a result, it has a higher content of low molecular compound.

It is extremely remarkble to the changing for normal compound of alkanes in the formation processes of deformed-coal. Because the deformed-coal was crushed, enven deformation of its toughness and plasticity, by the tectonic stress, carbochain is broke and light component is formed in coal seam to remove and eject, which heavy component is obviously increasing in the deformed-coal. In the process of deformed-coal, a series compound of condensed aromatics grow in quantity with splitting actin under the aromatization. Meanwhile, there is a low content of compound in unthickened polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and pah mix which both are poor in chemical stability.




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