
不断不断的重复着他们不懂的概念 然后就很郁闷
把主谓宾 两个盒子和一个箭头
用聚光灯来描述 the 和a的区别
请告诉下那本书的名字 谢谢了

虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)
Section One:
(General Information)
 条件句的类型
 虚拟语气的类型
 例题
 其他条件句

 宾语从句
 状语从句
 名词性从句(主语从句,同位语从句, 表语从句)
 定语从句
 特殊类型 (感叹句)
 省略if 的虚拟法 (倒装)

 The rapid change of society requires that college students adapt to the world outside campus by getting to know the society.
 I would rather that you did nothing for the time being.
 I wish that I were a student again.
 I wished that I had followed his suggestion.

 主语从句(it is +adj./p.p that)
 同位语从句(The +n. that )
 表语从句(n. +be that)

省略if 的虚拟法 (倒装)(1)
 虚拟语气中如果从句引导词if / whether 省略,从句中需要倒装,提前助动词(系动词)或情态动词。
 Eg. If it should rain tomorrow, we would not be able to have the sports meeting.
 =Should it rain tomorrow, we should not be able to have the sports meeting.

省略if 的虚拟法 (倒装)(2)
 Eg. Whether it (may) be fine or rainy, we would have the sports meeting.
 =Be it fine or rainy, we would have the sports meeting.
 If she had been given more information, she could have answered the questions.
 =Had she been given more information, she could have answered the questions.
虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)
Section Two: 第二部分 详解(Detailed Points)
 "insist, suggest, require, request, demand, propose, prefer, maintain, move, urge, recommend, command, order"等动词表"建议、愿望"时,其后宾语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。Should +V
 wish其后宾语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。{
 1 “necessity”或“suggestion”等名词后面的表语从句或同位语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。
 2 名词word 表“命令”时,其后主语从句、表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词需用虚拟语气 (should)+V。
 3 wish 作名词时其后主语从句,表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词需用虚拟语气(should)+V。
 It is + adj. that 句型中出现形容词如necessary, important, vital, decisive, critical, crucial, urgent, strange, desirable, advisable, disappointing, 或过去分词充当的形容词如suggested, proposed, advised, demanded, requested, required等时,that 句中用 should + V 表示虚拟。
 But for相当于if it had not been for。 But for her help, I would have lost my way.
 Without, in the absence of 等组成的短语可相当于一个虚拟的条件从句。 Without the light and heat of the sun, what would become of all the animals on earth? In the absence of water, plants would not grow well.
 Under…condition,也可相当于一个虚拟条件从句。 Under more favorable conditions, we would have made more achievements.
 条件状语从句中谓语动词的形式可与主句中谓语动词的形式不“配套”,即错综时间的虚拟。
 If he had done as I had suggested then, he wouldn’t be regretful now. If they hadn’t found us then, we would still be missing on the sea. If I hadn’t made sufficient preparation for the exam then, I wouldn’t be in college now.

 (前虚拟后事实)标志: but Eg. I would have gone to the party with you, but I was too busy.
 = If I hadn’t been too busy, I would have gone to the party with you.
 (前事实后虚拟)标志: otherwise Eg. I was too busy then, otherwise I would have gone to the party with you.
More Information
 was (were) +to have done (不定式完成式)表示“原来想做而未做”后面通常but…(陈述语气)。
 Eg. I was to have arrived home on time, but my car was held up by a bad traffic jam.
 had hoped表示过去未实现的愿望,其从句中谓语动词要用虚拟would+V。
 Eg. I had hoped that he would agree to lend me the money.
Adj. & Adv.

限定词 + 一般描述性形容词 + 表示大小、形状的形容词 + 表示年龄、新旧的形容词 + 表示颜色的形容词 + 表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词 + 表示物质材料的形容词 + 表示用途、类别的形容词或名词
 When she got her first month salary, Diana bought herself ___ dress.
 A. a cotton, blue expensive
 B. a blue, expensive cotton
 C. an expensive blue, cotton
 D. a cotton, expensive blue

 用连字号构成的形容词中的名词一般不用复数形式。
 A three-day journey
 =a three days’ journey
 A two-hour meeting
 =a two hours’ meeting

 Daily, weekly, yearly, monthly等一些以ly结尾的词即可以是形容词也可是副词。
 A daily newspaper
 Go to visit a place weekly
 Yearly production (annual)
 Change yearly
 At a monthly interval
 Go to see a doctor/ a dentist monthly

 fast、long、well、enough等一些形容词本身也可以做副词用,不能再加ly。
 The train is fast.
 The train runs fast.
 There is enough water.
 He is old enough to go to school.

late, lately; hard, hardly
 有些形容词加ly后意义不同,发生变化(late, lately; hard, hardly等)。
 Sorry I am late.
 I haven’t seen him lately.
 It is hard to predict what will happen in the future.
 If you work hard, chances are that you will achieve success in your career.
 It is hardly too much to say that we benefit from doing some part-time jobs.
 有些形容词只能做表语。(如表健康的ill、well和以前缀a开头的形容词alone, awake, aware, astir, ashore, asleep, alike, alive)
 Are you aware that you are heading for danger?
 My mother was still awake when I came back.
 I am liable to fall asleep during boring lectures.
 过去分词充当的形容词用much修饰/与very+adj的区别。
 He was much respected.
 The story was very funny.
 I was much excited.
 It is very interesting.

 too ... to 表否定含义
 a. It was too cold for us to go shopping.
 (= It was so cold that we couldn't...)
 (all/ only) too…to 表示肯定意义
 He‘s only too pleased to help us. 非常愿意/高兴帮助我们。
 I shall be only too happy to go with you there.
 有些形容词(表示形状)只有原级,不能用比较级和最高级形式(round、square)。
 还有一些形容词本身就表示“最好,完美,独一无二,最理想的”等最高级意义,只有原级,不能用比较级和最高级形式(perfect, ideal, excellent, unique, favorite)。
 少数的外来词本身就有比较的含义,不能再加er或more…than,一般用介词to引出比较对象。
 Superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior
 This is much superior in quality to the previous one.
 She is senior to me in rank/in age.
 Prior to the meeting, I attended a lecture.
No More/less Vs. Not More/less
 She is no more intelligent than he is.
 她不比他聪明多少。(两人都不太聪明)(两者都否定)
 She is not more intelligent than he is.
 她不如他更聪明。(他比她更聪明)(肯定后者,否定前者)
much too 和too much的区别
 ——Much too +adj./adv.
 ——Too much+noun. 或用做代词
 The coat is much too expensive.
 It caused too much pain.
 I have already had too much.


 ⑴as+adj(adv)原级+as
 ⑵as+adj(原级)+a (an)+n +as
 ⑶no+比较级+than
 ⑷the same…as
 (5)not as (so)+原级+as

 This room is as big as that one.
 He is as timid as a rabbit.
 The cap in his head is as indispensable to him as his nose on his face.
 The athlete runs as fast as a horse.
 The train travels as fast as a plane.

 He is no more intelligent than I am.
 Implied meaning: we two are not very clever. We two are both quite stupid.
(cf. He is not more intelligent than I am.)
Implied meaning: I was more intelligent than he is.
He is less intelligent than I am. I am quite intelligent but he is not.
 This film is no more interesting than the one we saw last week.
 (cf. This film is not more interesting than the one we saw last week.)
 (1)比较级+than
 (2)使用带有比较含义的形容词+to(senior to等)
 (3)the+比较级,the+比较级(越…越…)

使用带有比较含义的形容词+to(senior to等)
 Superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior, previous, preferable等形容词本身已含有“比什麽更”的意义,不需要比较级more…than.
 Human beings are superior to other animals in that they can make and use tools for various purposes.
 Fake goods are inferior to genuine commodities in both quality and durability.
 Absolute secrecy is essential. Consequently, the fewer who are aware of the plan, the better.
 The more, the better.
 The more quickly, the better.
 The more he learned, the more eagerly he wanted to learn.
 Chances are that the more you practice, the more you perfect. (the more practice you make, the more skillful you are.)

 ⑴the+最高级+in(of)
 ⑵比较级+than+any other/all the other
 ⑶Nothing(no+noun.)+is +so+形(副)原级+as
 (4)Nothing(no +noun.)+is +形比较级+than
 (5)as+adj+as +S.+can be
 (6)all the +形副比较级+从句

 By far, she is the most ambitious girl among all the students I have ever taught.
 To me, physics is the most difficult subject in all the courses offered in the college.
 As far as many people are concerned (as far as occupations are concerned), teaching is the most noble profession of all.
比较级+than+any other/all the other
 She is more intelligent than all the other students in her class.
 He is more mischievous than any other boy in the neighborhood.
 The man is more knowledgeable than all the other men in his company.

Nothing+is +形比较级+than
 Nothing is more enjoyable than going out for a walk after a big supper.
 Nothing is more valuable than good health.
 Nothing gives the old man more happiness than raising birds.
 Nothing benefits college students more than constantly taking part in social practice to adapt themselves to the society (to gain some social experience).
 ⑴倍数+as+原级+as+被比对象(甲是乙的多少倍)
 ⑵倍数+比较级+than+被比对象(甲比乙….多少倍)
 ⑶倍数+the+表数量大小的名词+of+被比对象或that/those of

 Their new house is twice as large as their previous one.
 The electrical bicycle runs twice as fast/quickly as common bikes.

 The factory produces three times more cars than the other one.
 The passage is twice longer than the one we discussed last week.
倍数+the+表数量大小的名词+of+被比对象或that/those of
 The size of the apartment is three times that of the house they used to live in/inhabit.
 The number of students who failed in the final exam this term is twice that of the students last term.
 The rooms in this hotel are six times those of the small inn.
 I have had enough water.
 I have had enough.
 It is enough.
 He is old enough to go to school.
 Do you have enough money to buy the book?

So, such
 So +adj. + a +noun.
 Such +a+adj. +noun.
 Eg. It is so interesting a story.
 It is such an interesting story.
 不可数名词只能用such修饰。
 Such fine weather
 So fine weather (X)
 The book is so interesting that I read it twice.
 It is too hard for me to understand.
 He is too old to be a qualified soldier.
 The textbook is too easy for our use.
 Am I qualified enough to do the job?
 Are there enough books available?
Important Points
 频率副词always, often, frequently, seldom, never, ever, usually , rarely, occasionally, no sooner, hardly, scarcely等以及just, shortly等其他副词必须放在助动词、情态动词或 be动词与实义动词之间。在省略结构中,这些副词必须放在助动词、情态动词或be 动词之前。
 We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
 A. just have had B. have just had C. just had had D. had just had
 San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles ____.
 A. is rarely B. rarely is
C. hardly is D. is scarcely
 程度副词的位置通常放在所修饰的词前面, 如very, much, almost, hardly, nearly, awfully, fairly, rather等。但enough必须放在所修饰词的后面。
 How I wish John recognized the fact that he ___ in the wrong.
 A. is always nearly B. always is nearly C. is nearly always D. nearly is always
 频率副词如always, usually, never, ever, just, shortly, seldom, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, rarely, occasionally常放在助动词、情态动词、或be动词后或实义动词之前,但在省略结构中,必须置于助动词、情态动词或be动词之前。
 San Francisco is usually cool in summer, but Los Angeles ____. (91.6)
 A. is rarely B. hardly is C. rarely is D. is scarcely
 对全句进行修饰的评注性副词如actually,fortunately, surely, certainly, briefly通常放在句首,并用逗号隔开。
 Not ____, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture. (93.6)
 A. obviously B. particularly C. surprisingly D. normally
 When ___ scientists first suggested the possibility that one person could speak directly to another over a long distance, few people took them seriously.
 A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imagination
 The car is quite ___ of petrol.
 A. economic B. economical C. economics D. economy
 No one imagined that the apparently ___ businessman was really criminal.
 A. respectful B. respectable C. respective D. respecting
 This is a well ___ plan.
 A. considered B. considerate C. considerable D. considering

 Considerable
 Historic(历史上重要的)
 Confident
 Favorable
 Industrial
 Comparative
 Incredible
 Continual (连续不断的)
 Economic

 Considerate
 Historical
 Confidential
 Favorite
 Industrious
 Comparable(可比的)
 Incredulous (不轻信的)
 Continuous (持续的)
 Economical
第1个回答  2010-04-05

第2个回答  2010-04-04
第3个回答  2010-04-04



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