求一道推理题的解 会英语的来

There are four good friends in a city.Their names are Andrew Smith,Sam Miller,Henry Hall and Frank Green.They have different jobs.One is a doctor.One is a teacher.One is a driver and one is a farmer.
one day andrew's son is ill, so andrew takes him to see a doctor. the doctor 's sister is just henry' wife. we know andrew isn't a driver. and the farmer isn't married.the farmer has many good hens, so he often sells eggs. sam buy eggs from the farmer every week. the teacher sees henry every morning because they live in the neighborhood. what do they do? now piease tell me.
(不是要你翻译 是叫你推理出各自的职业)

Andrew Smith is a teacher ,Sam Miller isa doctor,Henry Hall is a driver,Frank Green is a farmer

Henry Hall 不是农民和老师,你可以推出来的,the doctor 's sister is just henry' wife,伦理上他不能娶姐姐为妻子,所以只能是司机。

Andrew Smith不是医生和司机,你可以得出的,the farmer isn't married,而Andrew Smith有儿子已结婚,所以他不是农民,只能是老师。

Sam Miller buy eggs from the farmer,他不是农民,只有老师一职了

Frank Green只能是农民了
第1个回答  2010-04-04
第2个回答  2010-04-04

80%的这类题 都可以用这招

A-Andrew S-Sam H-Henry Fr-Frank

T-true F-false

A S H Fr
doctor F T F F
farmer F F F T
teacher T F F F
driver F F T F


Andrew teacher
Sam doctor
Henry driver
Frank farmer本回答被提问者采纳



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