

明朝皇基的开创者朱元璋,在北伐灭元的战争中,挥戈直指元军的军事要塞——太原。驻扎太原的元军,凭借太原城高池深的地理优势,以逸待劳,垂死固守。明西征大将军常遇春,为了解守敌详情,遂亲自化装成樵夫,混进太原城卧底。不料,事不机密,常遇春的行迹被元军探子探得 。当他刚刚穿过太原城东门外的桥头街 ,混进朝曦门时,就被元军伏兵四面包抄。常大将军急迫之中,杀开一条血路,拐入城墙根下的一条小巷,钻进巷北的一个破旧小院。


Walking on the streets, has anyone been curious about the origins of the names of the places in Taiyuan City, for example, the names of some road, some street, some alleyway and some building which we are quite familiar with? I think we can learn a lot about the history of Taiyuan City from those names by studying their origins. I have written an article about the names of the places in Taiyuan City, telling how the names emerged, to introduce the history and culture of Taiyuan City.

The famous "Weeping Willow Alleyway"

Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), ordered his men to battle the Yuan(1206-1368) army in north. His aim was to destroy the enemy's millitary center -- the old Taiyuan City. Taiyuan City had a high city wall and a deep city moat at that time, which provided the Yuan army with good protection and also caused the Yuan army to be relaxed. The Ming army general Chang Yuchun disguised himself as a woodman and went into the Taiyuan City in order to know more about the enemy. What was beyond expection was that Chang Yuchun was dicovered by the enemy for he had been traced by a Yuan spy. Hardly had he walked across the Qiaotou Street outside the east gate of the old Taiyuan City and gone into the Zhaoxi Gate(the city gate) when the Yuan soilders came to surround him. General Chang fought with the soilders, escaped and ran into a alleyway below the city wall. He hid himself in a humble yard in the alleyway.

In this humble yard lived an elderly widdow whose surname was Liu. (Liu is also the name of weeping willow in Chinese) Liu's husband had beed killed by the Yuan army years ago. Her son had also been caught by the Yuan army and never returned. She hated the ruler of the Yuan Dynasty so much. When Liu saw the woodman was chased by the Yuan soilders, she really had symphathy for him. She hid Chang Yuchun, the general, in the piles of wood in the backyard before the Yuan soilders came and then she pretended to be deaf and dumb and tricked the soilders.

General Chang was saved. He was truely grateful to the elderly lady for saving his life. Before he left, he picked a branch of the weeping willow growing in the yard and gave it to Liu and said,"Old mama, war is coming. Attach this on the front door and the Ming soilders will try their best to protect you."

A few days later, the Ming army began to attack the Taiyuan City just as what the general had said. Liu saw the war breaking out. She was worried about her neighbours; therefore, she told them to attach a branch of weeping willow on their doors. Soon, the Ming army got the charge of the whole city because general Chang had known the details of the enemy and had arranged some people inside the city. When the Ming soilders went into the city, they followed the general's order to protect the citizens who had a branch of weeping willow on their doors.

After the war, the neighbours thanked Liu a lot. In order to mark the renascence of Taiyuan City, the neighbours put the branches into the soil. The branches grew up as time passed by. Year after year, weeping willows stand in the alleyway and become green in the right season. They have beautiful figures and bring shadows to people there. Because of this, the alleyway got a beautiful name "weeping willow alleyway".

1、the names of some road, some street, some alleyway and some building这里的很多个some都表示“某个”的意思,后面跟单数名词。
3、“柳巷”的翻译。“柳”在这里有两个所指,一指柳氏,二指巷中的柳,所以在翻译时既可以翻译成“Weeping Willow Alleyway”又可以翻译成“Liu Alleyway”。但是根据故事内容,我认为要翻译成前者,因为主要还是因为巷中的美丽柳影才使小巷得名的。
4、翻译时如果遇到朝代,要标出其年份,如Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)等等。
5、In this humble yard lived an elderly widdow whose surname was Liu. (Liu is also the name of weeping willow in Chinese)注意这里括号中的补充说明。
第1个回答  2010-04-04
When shopping signs everywhere, we see familiar name to see the road used to Taiyuan, street, alley names, building names, there is no one named source Taiyuan generate curiosity around it? Tracing the source, from the name in the understanding of the history of Taiyuan, Taiyuan now the origin of the argument names into one order, to tell you about the history and culture of Taiyuan,
Liu Xiang said the first well-known
Founder of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang base, dollars off the war in the Northern Expedition, the Hui Ge Yuan army directed at the military fort - Taiyuan. Meta army stationed in Taiyuan, Taiyuan city wall by virtue of the geographical advantage to wait at Plaza, dying stick. Minthi levy large general regular book, In order to understand the details of enemy troops, then disguised himself Woodman, undercover agents infiltrated the city of Taiyuan. Unexpectedly, things are not confidential, regular book traces the line by military spies discover the element. When he had just crossed the bridge Street outside the east of the city of Taiyuan, entering into the Chao Xi door, he was surrounded by outflanking Yuan army ambush. General urgency among very large, to kill to open a way to survive, Guairu root of an alley wall,
Drilling Lane North, a dilapidated small yard.
This is a small courtyard of Declining disability, only lived a more Nail the widows and orphans in Liu's old lady. Her husband used to be per soldier killed, son arrested by Yuan army husband, did not return. So, she hated the Yuan dynasty rulers. She saw soldiers kill the woodcutter was element, compassion arises spontaneously from them into the regular book hidden in the backyard of Chaiduo. Pursuers burst into homes in search, Liu's dumb, coax them to go.
Very large general rescued, grateful for the elderly life-saving grace. Before he left hospital he took off smoothly in a willow tree, to Liu's said: "The old mother, soon to be here to fight. In order not to repeat your old war, please insert it at the street door, After the Ming armies to see willow will be conscientious protection. "
But a few days, the military turned out scored Taiyuan. Seeing that Liu's war, the fear of neighbors and escape the war robbed, then go home door to door, telling all the neighbors, depicting switchgrass inserted in the door first. As the regular book deep clean the city's enemy, should be arranged within the provocateur, the Ming army Liyingwaige, quickly won the Taiyuan City. Soldiers invaded the city of tomorrow, by very large general orders, see the willow inserted in the door yard, they take extra care to protect Qiuhaowufan.
After the war, public neighborhood to flu Xieliu Shi, and to commemorate the recovery of Taiyuan, he gave the door the first of the willow, implanted in front of Street side. The willow will root, pumping technology, germination, Tu Cui. Insert the streets of willow, as time goes on, long into small willow, big willow, old willow. From spring to summer, from summer to autumn, this inconspicuous alley, pine-shaded branches smoke Na, cool, comfortable. Thus, a beautiful street, "Liu Xiang", came to the land of Taiyuan.
第2个回答  2010-04-04
When shopping complexes, you look familiar signs of taiyuan roads, watching the street name, lane, building, have all of the origin of taiyuan named curiosity? Traced back, from the name of taiyuan history, now will understand the origin place of taiyuan into a statement, introduce taiyuan historical culture,

The first known LiuHang said
Ming emperor zhu yuanzhang's founder, in northern expedition, the war destroyed yuan RMB HuiGe into the military stronghold, taiyuan armies. The troops stationed in taiyuan city of taiyuan, with $high pool of geographical advantage, deep well-rested, dying entrenched. The west, in order to understand the general regular book ShouDi details, hence personally masquerading as a woodcutter, taiyuan city undercover infiltrates. Behold, is confidential, regular book whereabouts are yuan army spies agent. When he just across the bridge street in taiyuan city, conjugal (at xi door, will be skipped around $army ambush. Often, the commander-in-chief urgent to kill a crowd, turn into the wall of a lane, under the roots of a broken into the alley northern patio.
The remnants of the small courtyard, overcame only lived a more GuGuaLao 60 years of LiuShi woman. Her husband was killed in the son, the army yuan and RMB army, to grasp. So, she hated the yuan dynasty rulers. She saw the woodcutter was yuan compassion, soldiers, the regular book hide into the backyard ChaiDuo. LiuShi, pursuing into prison for left, they will pretend.
Often, deep thanks the general rescued after the old man gratitude. Parting, he took a tree without court LiuShi to root tree, mamma said: "here soon to fight. To do not make you old again by war, please put it in the army, see JieMen Ming, will with willows."
But the army has scored days in taiyuan. LiuShi saw fires, lest the neighbourhood fight, then can tell all the neighbors, door-to-door at each gate first insert willows. Due to the deep in the city during regular book clearance shall arrange the enemy, ZuoTan, army, taiyuan city had LiYingWaiGe quickly. In the city, the army soldiers by general commands, often on the door with the yard, fair, QiuHaoWuFan carefully protection.
After all, thanks to LiuShi neighborhood, also to commemorate the retrocession, taiyuan first willows of the street door, implants. These willows and root, smoke, TuCui sprout. Insert the streets and lanes, as time elapse willows, became a little willow, daliushu, old willow. From spring to autumn, from summer to summer, this small alleys, green willows, branches, cool smoke. Hence, a beautiful the street name "LiuHang", came to taiyuan



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