
11、I arrived at Shanghai on February 10 at 9:00 o’clock.
12、He was only in his thirties at that time.
13、He took the machine to pieces to find out how it operated.
14、Class is to begin in a minute, but the teacher still hasn’t turned up.
15、I always regret not having studied harder when I was young.
16、You don’t have to pay for your flight; they’re included in the price of your holiday.
17、She pretended not to see me when I passed by.
18、Last summer I took a course on how to make dresses.
19、You will never pass the examination unless you study harder
20、Though what he said was of little help to me, I thanked him all the same
21、You’d better speak slowly so that she may understand you better
22、She will have her father repair her watch.
23、So difficult is the work that I can not complete it in such a short time.
24、Hello, may I speak to Dr. Bush? Speaking.
25、Of the two new teachers, who do you like better?
26、They started off at about 5 o’clock in the morning. They should have arrived there by now
27、When did you receive my letter?
28、It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack must be here at any moment
29、The speaker raised his voice in order to be heard by the people at the back
30、Write down these words.Yes, but I have no paper to write on.
31、Here’s my card. Let’s keep in touch.
32、Following the teacher’s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem
33、Her dog ran out of the yard the moment the old lady opened the gate.
34、Have you even been to the square which was built last year?
35、In this park, birds often fly down from trees to eat from visitor’s hands. They are used to being fed in this way.
36、It’s such a big room. If you don’t speak loud, you’ll never make yourself heard.
37、Mr. Wang will meet you at the airport tomorrow morning. Please tell me your flight number.
38、When the meeting was held, many reporters were sent to cover it.
39、– How long did it take you to write this novel?-- About two years.
40、I’ve cut it into two pieces. You can take either half. They’re exactly the same.
41、When you phoned me yesterday evening, I had just finished the housework and was starting to take a bath.
42、When his parents died, he was brought up by his aunt.
43、China is famous for the Great Wall.
44、The sum of money I have already had is not nearly enough at all for the price of the machine that I want to buy.
45、I doubt whether I will come to his speech next time. It couldn’t have been any more in fact.
46、Was it holding the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the would then?
47、The novel is worthy of being read.
48、It is very kind of you to see me.
49、It looks as if it’s going to rain.
50、The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to lift it.
51、They lives on the other side of the road.
52、She can speak Japanese better than anyone else .
53、This lesson is much easier than the last one.
54、Today’sweather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday , is it?
55、This book is for students whose native language is not English .
56、You may not go out until your work is done .
57、Look what my father brought me when he came from work .
58、Nobody knew how long l had been there .
59、The harder he studies , the greater progress he”ll make.
60、Had l had time , l would have gone to see him.
61、He didn’t go to France , the doctor suggested that he not go there .
62、She whispered to her husband, so that she wouldn’t wake up the sleeping baby.
between our food and our health.
63、Today, most of the families use gas to cook instead of coal, even in the countryside.
64、– What would you like to order, maybe a tea?-- No, thank you! What is the special today?
65、I have little ink, so I have to go to the office to get some.
66、The fact that all the stars are moving around the sun was first put forward around 500 years age, wasn’t it?

12 ,他只有三十多岁在那个时候。
15 ,我总是很遗憾不能参加学习困难小时候。
16 ,您不必支付您的航班;他们列入的价格您的假日。
18 ,去年夏天,我在球场上如何使服装。
19 ,你将永远不会通过考试,除非您学习困难
20 ,虽然他说的是没有多大帮助,我感谢他都一样
21 ,你最好说话缓慢,使她可以更好地理解你
24 ,你好,我是代表博士布什?发言。
25 ,两个新的教师,谁做你更喜欢?
27 ,你什么时候收到我的信?
30日,写下这些words.Yes ,但我没有文件上写上。
31 ,以下是我的名片。让我们保持联系。
32 ,按照老师的建议,汤姆终于找到一种方法,可以解决这个问题
33 ,她的狗跑了出来的时候院子里的老太太打开了闸门。
34 ,你甚至广场是去年建成?
35 ,在这个公园,鸟类常常从树上飞下来吃从观众的手中。它们被用来被美联储以这种方式。
36 ,这是一个大的房间。如果你不说话大声,你将永远不会使自己听到。
39 , -多久,需要你写这部小说? -约两年。
40 ,我已经将它分为两个部分。您可以采取要么一半。他们是完全一样的。
41 ,当您打电话给我昨天晚上,我刚刚完成的家务,并开始洗澡。
42 ,当他的父母去世,他被带到了他的姨母。
43 ,中国是著名的长城。
45 ,我怀疑我是否会来下一次讲话。它不能有任何更多的事实。
46 ,是否举行的亚太经合组织会议,使上海的重点将呢?
47 ,小说是值得阅读。
48 ,这是你真是太好了,看看我。
49 ,这看起来好像是要下雨。
50 ,石头是如此沉重,这是困难的老人解除它。
52 ,她会说日语的比任何人都更。
53 ,这一教训是非常容易的最后一次。
问题补充: 54 , Today'sweather并不冷,因为昨天,是吗?
55 ,这本书是为学生的母语不是英语。
56 ,您可能无法走出去,直到您的工作要做。
57 ,看看我的父亲把我当他来自工作。
58 ,没有人知道多久,已经有升。
59 ,就越难,他的研究,取得更大的进展,他“使当地雇员。
61 ,他没有去法国,医生建议他不能去那里。
62 ,她低声对她的丈夫,所以她不会唤醒沉睡的婴儿。
63 ,今天,大多数的家庭使用煤气做饭取代煤
第1个回答  2009-07-29
30、写下这些单词,是的, 但是我没有纸张。
第2个回答  2009-07-29
11、I arrived at Shanghai on February 10 at 9:00 o’clock.我在2月10九点到达上海。
12、He was only in his thirties at that time. 他那时才三十出头。
13、He took the machine to pieces to find out how it operated.他察看了机器的各部分零件,想搞清楚怎么操作它。
14、Class is to begin in a minute, but the teacher still hasn’t turned up. 还有一分钟就要上课了, 但是老师 还没有出现。
15、I always regret not having studied harder when I was young.我常常后悔年轻的时候没有好好学习。
16、You don’t have to pay for your flight; they’re included in the price of your holiday. 你不用付机票费,这个费用已经包括在你的度假花销里了 。
17、She pretended not to see me when I passed by.她假装没有看到我经过。
18、Last summer I took a course on how to make dresses.上个暑假我学上课学习穿着打扮。
19、You will never pass the examination unless you study harder 不努力学习的话你是不可能通过考试的。
20、Though what he said was of little help to me, I thanked him all the same 虽然他说的话帮不了我什么,但我仍然很感谢他。
21、You’d better speak slowly so that she may understand you better 你最好说慢一点,这样他们能听得清楚点。
22、She will have her father repair her watch. 她会让她的爸爸修理她的手表的。
23、So difficult is the work that I can not complete it in such a short time. 这项工作太难了,我根本没办法在这么短时间内完成。
24、Hello, may I speak to Dr. Bush? Speaking. 喂,我想找布什医生。我就是,请说。
25、Of the two new teachers, who do you like better? 两个老师当中你喜欢哪个多一点?
26、They started off at about 5 o’clock in the morning. They should have arrived there by now 他们早上5点就出发了,现在应该到那了。
27、When did you receive my letter? 你是什么时候收到我的信的?
28、It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack must be here at any moment 差不多7点了,杰克应该在那里了。
29、The speaker raised his voice in order to be heard by the people at the back 演讲者提高音量以便让后面的人也能听到。
30、Write down these words.Yes, but I have no paper to write on. 把这些单词写下来。 是,但是我没有纸。
31、Here’s my card. Let’s keep in touch. 这是我的名片,多联系。
32、Following the teacher’s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem 根据老师的建议,汤姆最终找到了解决问题的方法。
33、Her dog ran out of the yard the moment the old lady opened the gate. 那个老奶奶开门的时候他的狗跑出了院子。
34、Have you even been to the square which was built last year? 你去过 那个去年建的广场吗?
35、In this park, birds often fly down from trees to eat from visitor’s hands. They are used to being fed in this way. 在公园里,小鸟从树上飞下来,落在游客的手上。
36、It’s such a big room. If you don’t speak loud, you’ll never make yourself heard. 这个房间很大,如果你说话不大声点,别人就听不到你说什么。
37、Mr. Wang will meet you at the airport tomorrow morning. Please tell me your flight number. 王先生明天早上会到机场接你,请告诉我你的航班号。
38、When the meeting was held, many reporters were sent to cover it. 会议举行时,很多记者被派出去进行相关报道
39、– How long did it take you to write this novel?-- About two years. 你写这篇小说用了多久? 差不多两年时间
40、I’ve cut it into two pieces. You can take either half. They’re exactly the same. 我已经把它一分为二了,你可以随便拿一半,两个是一样的
41、When you phoned me yesterday evening, I had just finished the housework and was starting to take a bath. 你昨天傍晚打电话给我的时候,我刚做完家务正准备洗澡。
42、When his parents died, he was brought up by his aunt. 他的父母去世后,他由他的阿姨抚养长大。
43、China is famous for the Great Wall. 中国的长城很出名。
44、The sum of money I have already had is not nearly enough at all for the price of the machine that I want to buy. 我手上的这笔钱还差一点才够我买我想要的那台机器。
45、I doubt whether I will come to his speech next time. It couldn’t have been any more in fact. 我怀疑他下次演讲我是不是还会来。事实上我再也不会来了
46、Was it holding the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the would then? 亚太经合组织 会议的举行让上海成为世界的焦点了吗?
47、The novel is worthy of being read. 这本小说值得一读。
48、It is very kind of you to see me. 你来探望我,你真是太善良了
49、It looks as if it’s going to rain. 看起来就要下雨了
50、The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to lift it. 石头很重,那位老爷爷很难把它挪动
51、They lives on the other side of the road. 他们住在路的另一边
52、She can speak Japanese better than anyone else . 她的日语比其他人都说的好
53、This lesson is much easier than the last one. 这篇课文比上篇课文简单得多了




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