

The meaning of opera into the classroom, not only to let the children enjoy the beauty of opera, but also a culture, a kind of cognitive, aesthetic education is to change a single all-round quality education for an experiment.
A long time, arts education in our country there is a certain degree of "alienation" phenomenon. On the one hand, the arts education in ordinary schools lack the characteristics of the arts, arts education is not art; On the other hand, some parents under the banner of "quality education" label, in order to Grading Test, in order to further increase the divide and let the children study the arts. The essence of art is the aesthetic, the same, arts education is in essence the aesthetic education, its main function is to enhance the aesthetic cultivation of the students. Only when the art education carries the connotation of the humanities, people feel the beauty of life, encouraging people to pursue a more meaningful and more valuable in life, this is the real "art education."
第1个回答  2009-07-29
The purpose of including Chinese Opera in teaching is not only let children see the beauty of our Chinese heritage, but also gaining an experience of development from a one sided education of aesthetic beauty to an all rounded education. It has been a long time since our education on arts becoming off course. On one hand, common schools' arts education lacks the characteristics of arts, on the other hand, some parents encourage their children to learn arts for the sake of attaining high rankings in certain area of arts which can in turn grant their children higher chance of getting in good schools. Arts is about assessing beauty, and arts education is about teaching how to assess beauty, and its most important function is raise the students' ability of assessing beauty. Only when arts education has inherited the culture of our race, enabling people feel the beauty of life, and then it will encourage people to pursue a life with more meaning and value. This is the true"arts education".



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