
A MEXICAN child, 23 months old,has died of H1N1 flu in the United States, in Texas, and the World Health Organization has raised the pandemic alert to level fove.The flu apparently threatens to give the whole world a fever.

A MEXICAN child, 23 months old,has died of H1N1 flu in the United States, in Texas, and the World Health Organization has raised the pandemic alert to level fove. The flu apparently threatens to give the whole world a fever.
Masks have become a must,governments are asking people to cut unnecessary trips in Mexico,and some people in the US were calling for a closing of the borders.That was ignored by the Homeland Security secretay,Janet Napolitano,but she was under heavy pressure.However President Barack Obama defended her decision, saying it would be "akin to closing the barn door after the horse is out."
口罩已经成为必备品,政府已经号召墨西哥人民减少不必要的旅行,一些美国市民正在号召封锁边界。国内安全秘书长Janet Napolitano对此项号召不予回应。但是她仍然面临很大压力。美国总统奥巴马支持她的作法,他说:这无异于马跑了之后关仓门。
Obama's colorful expression-"close the barn door after the horse is out"-comes from the older saying"to close the barn door after the horse has bolted". To "bolt" was originally a horse or mule,to mean it had run away after it was startled or frightened. This idiom then became a colloquial expression meaning "try to action(to solve a problem)when it's already too late".
So,Obama rejected the idea off closing the US border with Mexico because the disease had alresdy spread and it seemed too late to shut the border.That might not only fail to stop the virus but also have economic consequences.
This expression has variants,with"shut"instead of"close","run away"for"bolt",or"stable"for"barn".
这个表达方式是多变的,用“shut”代替“close”“run away”代替“bolt”或者“stable”代替“barn”。
第1个回答  2009-07-01
第2个回答  2009-07-02
A MEXICAN child, 23 months old,has died of H1N1 flu in the United States, in Texas, and the World Health Organization has raised the pandemic alert to level fove.The flu apparently threatens to give the whole world a fever.
墨西哥儿童, 23个月大,死于H1N1型流感病毒在美国,在德克萨斯州,和世界卫生组织提出了流行病警戒级别fove.The感威胁显然给整个世界发烧
第3个回答  2009-07-01
第4个回答  2009-07-01



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