

Carmen ( 卡门 ) 《卡门》被喻为世上最著名的歌剧作品。自 1875 年首演以来,剧中感性且狂放的西班牙调子成为了最脍炙人口的咏叹调,奠下《卡门》作为最经典歌剧的地位。故事发生在十八世纪二十年代的西班牙的塞维利亚。军人唐荷西爱上了吉卜塞女郎卡门。卡门后来在工作的烟草工场与人打架并遭拘捕,唐荷西为了协助她逃脱而身陷狱中。他出狱后,卡门请求他不要再回军营去,而与她加入走私行列。不久,卡门渐渐对唐荷西失去了兴趣,转而情倾斗牛士埃斯卡米洛。在一次斗牛前,卡门与埃斯卡米洛参加了游行,她并没有理会反对,在人 中等待唐荷西的出现。当卡门表明要从此离开唐荷西后,唐荷西怒火中烧,断然刺死了眼前的负心人,故事最终悲剧收场。监制:莫华伦;指挥:余隆卡门:安妮 花菲莉;唐荷西:莫华伦;米凯拉:莱亚 活地 费德曼;埃斯卡米洛:廖昌永合唱团:香港歌剧院合唱团,叶氏儿童合唱团;乐团:广州交响乐团本歌剧将由香港电台录影及录音。节目将於 5 月 31 日(星期三,公众假期)下午 12:00-2:45 於无 电视明珠台、香港电台第四台 (FM97.6-98.9 兆赫 ) 及香港电台网上广播站 ( www.rthk.org.hk )同步播出,并於 6 月 3 日 ( 星期六 ) 下午 8 时正在香港电台第四台重播。 Carmen is reputed to be the most famous opera in the world. It is certainly one of the best-loved of all operas. This musical drama of passion, betrayal and revenge was first performed in Paris in 1875. The action takes place in Seville, Spain, in the 1820s. Don Jos, who was training for the priesthood, killed a man in a quarrel and has had to enlist in the army in Seville. His mother and Micala, the woman who loves and hopes to marry him, have followed him to the south and live in a village near the city. Don Jos falls for Carmen, a gypsy. After a fight in the cigarette factory where she works, Carmen is arrested. Don Jos allows her to escape, for which he is himself imprisoned. On his release, Carmen persuades him not to return to his barracks but to join her and her smuggler friends. Carmen's interest in Don Jos soon fades: she is attracted to the bullfighter Escamillo. They start to fight a duel. Micala arrives and implores Don Jos to return to his dying mother. In his absence, Carmen goes off with Escamillo. She joins him, in the procession before his bullfight. Ignoring warnings, Carmen waits for Don Jos who is in the crowd. He pleads her to return to him and when she rejects him he kills her. A gripping story and one that is very suitable for the memorable music that Bizet composed in its honour. Amongst the many great songs in this work is the one that is arguably the most famous opera song of all time – "Torador!" Producer : Warren Mok ; Conductor : Yu Long ; Carmen : Annie Vavrille ; Don Jose : Warren Mok ; Micaela : Lea Woods Friedman ; Escamillo : Liao Chang Yong Chorus : Opera Hong Kong Chorus , Yip's Children Choir Orchestra : Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra This opera will be recorded by RTHK. It will be simulcast on TVB (Pearl), Radio 4 (FM stereo 97.6-98.9 MHz) and RTHK ’ s website ( www.rthk.org.hk ) on 31st May (Wednesday, public holiday) at 12:00-2:45pm. The programme will be repeated on 3rd June (Saturday) at 8:00pm on Radio 4.



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