
公司名: 某知名中资 创投/私募股权投资公司
职位名: IT经理
工作地: 北京

? 负责公司外部网站、内部管理系统的建设;
? 负责公司内部机房、各类服务器、网络的管理和维护,以及数据备份;
? 负责设计各种IT技术方案、操作规范等;
? 负责内、外部软件其中包括项目管理系统的安装调试和升级。

• 拥有5年以上在大型公司或海外IT技术支持工作经验,Windows平台下IT技术支持5年以上工作经验;
• 计算机或者相关专业本科以上学历,英语6级以上。
• 熟悉常用路由、交换、无线网络设备的组网及管理配置,熟悉IT安全策略实施,拥有3年以上大型公司网络管理经验;
• 熟练掌握计算机软硬件知识并熟悉相关故障的解决处理,熟悉黑莓服务器的搭建及管理,熟悉黑莓终端的使用;
• 强烈的服务意识和责任心,较好的团队合作能力,沟通能力;
• 具有良好的自我学习能力和主动性,能够承受高强度工作压力,可以在非工作时间做必要的系统调整工作;

Company Name: A well-known Chinese-funded venture capital / private equity investment firm
Post name: IT Manager
Workplace: Beijing

? Responsible for external websites, internal management systems;
? Responsible for internal room and various types of servers, network management and maintenance, as well as data backup;
? Responsible for the design of various IT solutions, and operating norms, etc.;
? Responsible for internal and external project management software, including system installation and upgrades.
Other skills and requirements:
Bachelor of Education,
More than 5 years relevant working experience;

• have more than 5 years in large companies or overseas work experience in IT technical support, Windows platform IT technical support for more than 5 years work experience;
• computer or college-level or relevant professional qualifications and English for more than six.
• familiar with the commonly used routing, switching, wireless network equipment and management of network configuration, with the implementation of IT security policy, with 3 years management experience in large corporate networks;
• master the knowledge and familiarity with computer software and hardware solutions related to failure to deal with, familiar with the BlackBerry server and management structures, and is familiar with the use of BlackBerry devices;
• a strong sense of service and responsibility, good teamwork ability, communication skills;
• have good self-learning ability and initiative, able to withstand the pressure of high-intensity work can be done in a non-working hours system the necessary adjustments;




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