英语翻译 16,there's nothing i enjoy more than attending a dance party on weekends .

17 bill's getting along better than anybody else in his class.18,my opinion is as good as or better than his.19, he speak english much better than i20,rofessional sports are more like business than for pleasure.21.he wanted to earn his living in the arts rather than in the commercial world .22.the film disappointed me, it was not half so good as i had expected.23,he is an honest person, he is the last man to do such a dishonest thing,.24,the meat cooks all the better if you cook it slow.25,in my opinion, he's by far the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.26 smoking is so harmful to people's health that it kills seven times more people eachyear than aytimobile accidents.27,of the two cars that the smiths have , the plymouth is ,without any question, the cheaper to run.28,the coarser the sediment, the steeper and narrower the beach 29 the man over there is none other than the great scientist, david thoreau, himself.30. George washington , Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roothvelt are the three most famous presidents in American history.31 you cannot be too careful when you ride a bike .32 the songs of bob dylan are very popular among people, who regard him as superior to other musicians.33 even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not moreexpensive than, the ones at the other stores.34,a tablemode of steel costs more than one made of wood .35.most doctors recognize that medicine is as much an are as it is a science.

16. 我最喜欢周末参加舞会了
17. 比尔在班上人缘最好
18. 我的观点不比他的差
19. 他的英语说的比我好多了
20. 职业运动不想休闲,倒更像生意
21. 他想通过艺术而不是在商业世界谋生
22. 我对那个电影很失望,还不如我想的一半好
23. 他是个诚实的人,最不可能做这种不诚实的事情的人就是他
24. 肉慢慢炒反而会更好吃
25. 我认为至今为止他是同时代最有想象力的诗人
26. 吸烟危害极大,每年死于吸烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍 aytimobile这个词是不是写错了
27. 斯密斯家拥有的两辆车中,毫无疑问plymouth(车名?车型?)更省油
28. 沉积物越粗糙,海滩就越狭窄陡峭
29. 那边那个人不是别人,正是伟大的科学家大卫梭罗
30. 乔治华盛顿、亚伯拉罕林肯和富兰克林罗斯福是美国历史上最出名的总统
31. 骑自行车的时候再小心都不为过
32. 鲍勃迪伦的歌非常流行,他的歌迷认为他比任何音乐家都更出色
33. 即使在促销,这些冰箱的售价也跟别的店里一样甚至更好
34. 铁桌子比木头桌子贵 tablemode 应该为table made
35. 大多数医生认为医学既是科学,也是艺术 are 应为art
第1个回答  2014-01-11
17.比尔的相处比班上其他任何人。 18日,我的观点是一样好或者比他更好。 19岁,他比i20说英语更好,比pleasure.21专业运动更像是商业。 他想赚他住在商业世界的艺术,而不是枪。 这部电影令我失望,它并不像我预期的一半好。 23岁,他是一个诚实的人,他是最后一个做这样一个不诚实的事,。 24日,肉的厨师更好的如果你煮它缓慢。 25日,在我看来,他是迄今为止最富有想象力的当代诗人。 26吸烟有害人们的健康,比aytimobile事故而死亡的人数每年多七倍。 27日,史密斯夫妇的两辆车,普利茅斯,没有任何问题,便宜。 28、粗泥沙的陡峭狭窄的海滩29那边的人不是别人,正是伟大的科学家,梭罗himself.30。 乔治·华盛顿,亚伯拉罕·林肯和富兰克林Roothvelt三个美国历史上最著名的总统。 31日骑自行车时怎么小心也不过分。 32鲍勃·迪伦的歌很受人们欢迎,他们认为他是优于其他音乐家。 33,即使他们出售,这些冰箱价格相等,如果不是很困难,在其他商店的。 34岁的tablemode钢铁成本超过一个木制的.35点。 大多数医生认为医学是一个一样,因为它是一门科学。
第2个回答  2014-01-11
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