急需 马岛战争 英文简介


The majority of the 1800 Island inhabitants (or "kelpers,"
so called because of the large amounts of kelp that surrounds the
Islands) are descendants of British settlers who settled there
after British occupation of the Islands in 1833. In addition to
those of British descent, a few Islanders trace their roots to
cosmopolitan origins.
It seems improbable that such isolated islands would be of
much interest to any nation other than Great Britain. Yet during
the first half of the twentieth century, virtually all
Argentinians had become convinced these Islands were rightfully
theirs.The cause of the return of "Las Malvinas" had become
firmly rooted in numerous facets of Argentine society
But the predominantly British ancestry and culture of the
Islanders had strongly influenced their resolve to remain under
British rule, particularly after sovereignty negotiations
intensified in the mid 1960's. As a result, the Islanders
steadfastly opposed all proposals which would lead to eventual
transfer of sovereignty to Argentina.
Argentina's obsession for the return of the Islands was
finally realized on April 2, 1982, when Argentine military forces
forcibly seized them after 150 years of British possession and
administration. The British quickly dispatched a task force
which recaptured the Islands after six weeks of bloody air, sea,
and land combat. The cost to both sides was enormous. Aside
from the huge economic expenditures required to support the war,
the death toll amounted to over one thousand Argentine and two
hundred and fifty British military personnel.(10)



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