english 第3人称代词 ?

english 第3人称代词 ?

人称代词(Personal Pronoun)


语法上对说话者、说话者的对手、以及所说及的人或事物所作的区分叫作人称(Person),而表达人称之区别的代词就叫作人称代词(Personal pronoun)。


(1)第一人称(First Person):指说话者本身(包括个人及团体。)

(2)第二人称(Second Person):指说话者的对方(包括个人及团体。)

(3)第三人称(Third Person):指所说及的人或事物(包括个体或整体。)





例:I speak English better now.


例:It is she who sings the best in my class.



① “It is I”与“It is me.”

传统文法以“It is I.”为正确,但是现代英语使用“It is me.”已很普遍,甚至于要说“It is I who…”也常改说“I am the one who…”,以避开“It is I…”。

② 第三人称单数为主语时,应注意与单数动词一致。

例:He does everything very carefully.


例:She was not at the party yesterday.



例:This is our school.


例:He always did his best to help others.



例:This is his own house(=This house is his own.)



例:We all know him.


例:The teacher asks us questions in class.


例:The new teacher took Amy for me this morning.


例:I sometimes go camping with them.



① 主语的比较皆使用主格。

例:Mary is older than he by two years.



例:I love you more than he (loves you).


I love you more than (I love) her.


② 作补语用的人称代词,其格与相关的名词或代词须一致。

例:I believe (that ) it was he who wrote that letter.


Do you really believe it to be him?


③ 两个以上的人称代词并列时,礼貌的表达次序是:

you and I/me

you, he/she, and I/me

he/she and I/me

you and he/she

例:You and I are to blame, not she.


例:Would you and Mary like to come with us?


例:She didn't know whether to ring you or me.


(2)We, You, They的特别用法



例:Indeed we want freedom, but we must obey laws.



例:We grow rice in Taiwan.


例:We don't have much rain here in autumn.




例:Nowadays you young people don't marry so early as we did years ago.


例:When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do.




例:They always say the same words when an accident happens.



例:They grow corn in those states.


(iii)They = People

例:They say that there will be a new war in the Middle East.

(=People say that…)

(=It is said that…)




例:“Where is my watch, dear?”


“I saw it in your drawer last night.”


例:“Who is it?”


“It's me, Peter.”


例:Mrs. Huang had a baby last night.It weighs 4 kilos.


例:What's that?


It's a silkworm.



例:“What time is it?”—“It's five to twelve.”


例:“What's the date?”—“It is the third of October.”


例:It is very hot in summer.


例:How far is it from here to the station?


例:I like it here very much.



句型It +be…+that(who)…

例:It was Paul that (who) broke the window.

(=Paul broke the window.)


解说 “It… that…”是表达强调的正常句式,但是若强调点是“人”,则使用“It…who…”也很普通。本句式可用于一个句子中的任何强调点,例如:

例:Peter met Helen and Bill at the theater yesterday.

→It was Peter who met Helen and Bill at the theater yesterday.


→It was Helen and Bill that Peter met at the theater yesterday.


→It was at the theater that Peter met Helen and Bill yesterday.


→It was yesterday that Peter met Helen and Bill at the theater.



例:It is shameful the way he behaves himself before girls.


例:It is easy to find fault with others.


例:It is wrong for you to speak ill of her.


例:It is a great convenience living / to live in a big city.


例:It is surprising that she should have married a farmer.


解说 上面各例句都可以把“It”所代表的实际主语移到句首来,例如:

The way he behaves himself before girls is shameful.

To find fault with others is easy.



例:I consider it wrong to cheat in an examination.


例:Don't you find it a waste of time watching television too much?


例:I thought it strange that Jack should have had so much money to spend these days.


解说 本句式都用于有宾语补语的不完全及物动词的句子,“it”代表着宾语补语之后的实际宾语(不定式、动名词、或that-clause)。本句式的实际宾语不可以移入“it”的位置而把“it”省略。常可用本句式来表达的不完全及物动词有:



例:Don't let your children play with matches or lighters.It is dangerous.


例:“Jim can solve that puzzle.”


“I don't believe it.”



例:It happened that I was there then.


例:It appears that he'll be elected.


例:It occurred to me then that I had an appointment with her that evening.



定义:代词能独立表达对事物的拥有或所有,并在句子中扮其所代表的名词的功能者叫做独立所有格代词(Independent Possessive)




例:This is your umbrella and mine(=my umbrella)is the one in your hand.


例:These are your balls, mine(=my balls)are those in that basket.


例:Ours(=Our car)is a sports car so it runs the fastest.


解说 独立所有格可以作句子的主语、补语、宾语等使用,全为第三人称,其数则由它所代表的名词来决定(由上示各例可知)。


例:You eat yours,and I eat mine.



Yours truly(sincerely…).



(4)of +独立所有格代词:双重所有表达法

例:He is an old friend of mine.


例:They are beautiful,those flowers of yours.

=Those flowers of yours are beautiful.




定义:人称代词的宾格或所有格词尾加“-self,-selves”的代词称为反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun),亦称复合人称代词(Compound Personal Pronoun)。



例A:The old man killed himself last night.


例B:We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party last night.


例C:Help yourselves,please.


解说 如各例句所示,各反身代词都是指其主语本身。这种用法有些已成为惯用表达法(例B),例如:

例:He absented himself from school this morning.


例:She seated herself by the window.


例:I was late this morning because I overslept myself.


例:Don't overeat yourself,or you'll get sick.


例:They dressed themselves up quickly and left the house.



例A:The door opened of itself. (无外力干预,即"自动")


例B:I like to travel by myself. (无外人参加,即"独自")


例C:She was beside herself with grief. (脱离自我, 即"失常")



例:I myself heard him say so yesterday.


例:she did it herself.(=She herself did it.)


例:The story itself is not interesting.

第1个回答  2009-06-25
english 不是代词,是名词
人称代词包括第一人称代词 I,和第三人称代词he,she,it,they
第2个回答  2009-06-25
he --him
she-- her
第3个回答  2009-06-25
he she it they都是第三人称代词



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