
So far as the source of foreign funds invested in China is concerned, the number of newly established enterprises with US investment in China and the amount of such investment decreased by 4.69 percent and 22.32 percent respectively in 2005. The number of newly established enterprises with funds from 10 Asian countries (regions) in China increased by 0.69 percentages, but the amount of such investment actually used decreased by 5.19 percentage. The newly established enterprises with funds from some free ports in China also decreased by 3.21 percent; yet, the number of newly established enterprises with funds from the original 15 EU member countries in China and the amount of such investment did increase by 17.46 percent and 22.52 percent respectively.

The facts that the economies of neighboring countries and developed countries picked up the developing speed and such countries attracted foreign investors with their own advantages have influenced the scale of China's utilization of foreign funds to some extent. In 2005, Russia attracted US$16.7 billion of foreign direct investments, which accounted for 2.2 percent of Russia's GDP. Russia, where the growth rate of market was only second to that in China, ranked the second in the world.

In 2005, the volume of foreign funds attracted to India, which has thus become the country ranking the second in the world, has surpassed that attracted into the United States. Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment announced that Vietnam would attract US$4.5 - 4.6 billion, thus becoming one of the countries with the quickest economic growth rate in Southeast Asia.

The transition period after the entry into WTO has further cut down the doorsill for the Chinese market. The potentials to enjoy the largest growth rate of the service and trade market is a comparative advantage for China to attract foreign investment. It is expected that during a rather long forthcoming period of time, the service industry will remain as a field in the favor of foreign investment in China.

迄今为止的源泉外资投资于中国而言,一些新成立的企业在美国投资的中国和数额的投资下降了4.69和22.32百分之百分之分别于2005年。在一些新成立的企业,资金来自亚洲10个国家(地区)在中国增加了0.69的百分比,但这种投资金额实际使用比例下降了5.19 。新成立的企业在资金,一些在中国自由港口,亦下降了百分之3.21 ;然而,一些新成立的企业,资金从原来的15个欧盟成员国在中国和数额的此类投资也增加了百分之17.46和22.52百分之分别。

事实,经济的周边国家和发达国家拿起发展的速度和这些国家吸引外国投资者与自身优势产生了影响的规模,中国利用外资的资金在一定程度上。 2005年,俄罗斯吸引美国一百六十七点〇 〇亿美元外国直接投资,占百分之二点二,俄罗斯的国内生产总值。俄罗斯,那里的市场增长率只有第二,在中国,位居世界第二位。





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