

Method for self protection during summer vacation:
1, in the home, do not easily open the door. As a casual visitor visit, to first identify and then open the door. If you can't identify the identity, call your parents and ask for help.
2、不要接受陌生人食品,不接受陌生人的邀请去看展览、拍电影、做广告等,更不能到陌生人家里去玩。 3、如遇问路者,可以告之大概方向,但不能应其要求带其前往。一旦发现有陌生人尾随或是不停纠缠,应迅速走向人多的地方,或是寻找街头民警的帮助。
2, do not accept the stranger food, do not accept the invitation to strangers to see the exhibition, film, advertising, etc., but also can not go to the stranger's home to play. 3, in the case of the way, you can tell about the direction, but not required to take the. Once you find a stranger or a stranger to follow, should quickly go to the place of the people, or to find the help of street police.
4, if on the road being bad robbery, not rashly and he recklessly, to carry money to him and try to remember bad shape, appearance, accent and the characteristics of clothing, for safe escape, then quickly reported.
5, if they were kidnapped, to calm down. To play to their wisdom, to protect themselves from harm, to think of a way to family members or police news, can also along the way throwing bag stationery, books and carry wore shoes, hats and other, to family members or the police leave clues.

Travel, to listen to their parents and tour guide
During the long summer vacation, many students like to carry a backpack and go to the country to visit. In this summer, where students go to travel? What should pay attention to during the tour?
Summer travel must pay attention to safety. Before travel, can collect appropriate destination weather conditions, local customs and practices, to increase local knowledge. When traveling to the parents, tour guides, other staff of the command, according to their requirements, arrangements to do, in particular, to participate in special projects such as rafting, more need to pay attention to safety. Summer tourism, hot weather, should pay attention to heatstroke, add water to drink plenty of water. To the field of tourism, should pay attention to the temperature changes, to prevent the common cold, and we should pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent disease from the mouth summer travel must pay attention to safety



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