
ROS: Research On Site (实地调研)in HDHR lasts about days after passing 《面试过程》. It is a chance for both to know each other better.

l TOS: Training On Site (实地训练) is a supervised and guided self-learning process according to each individual in a real business development environment after successfully passed ROS. Candidates will actively participate in variety of business activities to understand company’s development strategies and methodologies of business, team, and culture; lay certain business and technical foundation for your career, to develop necessary skills to be able to contribute, etc. The intensive TOS, up request, lasts about 3 month or more . To encourage participants to join our company, it would be free of charge of tuition for OUTSTANDING candidates and may provide with basic insurance and basic allowance (starts from 100~300+ and increases up to 1000 RMB/m) depending on performances and achievement.

l JOS: Join On Site (加盟) to become a formal member of Core Team in HDHR after successfully finished TOS. Depending on an individual, the compensation starts from 1k+ and gradually increases to 5k RMB/m or more (including 5 insurances + 1 fund) and the evaluation may be on every 3 to 6 months. Sales & Marketing people may have extra incentive reward. Above policies are subject to change.

2 《加盟说明》:

l 《加盟过程》is a procedure to evaluate, to learn, to achieve, and to be part of prosperity for applicants.

l It serves as a guideline only and each candidate would be evaluated individually. The principle of compensation is to start from low and aim at high.

l The process or position may be not suitable for those who may have some financial issues such as support him/herself or family immediately and completely right now etc.

l The position is only meaningful for applicants who are very active and positive, loyal and honest, career-oriented, enthusiastic and entrepreneurial, eager to learn and improve, willing to challenge and compete, ready to contribute and cooperate, prepare to lead, have a burning desire to succeed, and want to grow with our company.

l HDHR is a start-up and has long way to go to become world-class brand. We are looking for real (potential) leaders to lead him/herself, team, and our company to the brilliant future. Bear this in mind before you decide to continue, please.

3 《加盟过程》的目的

l 协助本公司选择合适的应聘者,使业务顺利发展。公司也为合适的应聘者提供事业和财富发展的平台,使其成长为专家和领袖。

l 协助应聘者选择合适的行业、合适的职业、合适的公司、合适的工作,以及合适的综合待遇,避免在此浪费自己的时间。


ROS: Research On Site (实地调研)in HDHR lasts about days after passing 《面试过程》. It is a chance for both to know each other better.

l TOS: Training On Site (实地训练) is a supervised and guided self-learning process according to each individual in a real business development environment after successfully passed ROS.
1 TOS: 实地训练是指在成功通过实地调研之后的一个有监督和指导的、针对在真实的商业发展环境中不同个体的自我学习过程。
Candidates will actively participate in variety of business activities to understand company’s development strategies and methodologies of business, team, and culture;
lay certain business and technical foundation for your career, to develop necessary skills to be able to contribute, etc.
The intensive TOS, up request, lasts about 3 month or more .
To encourage participants to join our company, it would be free of charge of tuition for OUTSTANDING candidates and may provide with basic insurance and basic allowance (starts from 100~300+ and increases up to 1000 RMB/m) depending on performances and achievement.
为了鼓励参加者加入我们公司,对于表现出色的应试者,将免去学费,并根据表现情况及其成果,可能提供基本保险和基本津贴(底数:100~300以上,保险可达1000 人民币/每月)。

l JOS: Join On Site (加盟) to become a formal member of Core Team in HDHR after successfully finished TOS.
JOS: 加盟是指在成功完成实地训练以后,加盟成为HDHR核心团队的的正式会员。
Depending on an individual, the compensation starts from 1k+ and gradually increases to 5k RMB/m or more (including 5 insurances + 1 fund) and the evaluation may be on every 3 to 6 months.
不同的人不同,津贴由一千元可逐渐提升到5千元或以上人民币/月(包括5各保险和1个基金), 评估会每3到6个月进行一次。
Sales & Marketing people may have extra incentive reward. Above policies are subject to change.

2 《加盟说明》:

l 《加盟过程》is a procedure to evaluate, to learn, to achieve, and to be part of prosperity for applicants.
l It serves as a guideline only and each candidate would be evaluated individually. The principle of compensation is to start from low and aim at high.
l The process or position may be not suitable for those who may have some financial issues such as support him/herself or family immediately and completely right now etc.

l The position is only meaningful for applicants who are very active and positive, loyal and honest, career-oriented, enthusiastic and entrepreneurial, eager to learn and improve, willing to challenge and compete, ready to contribute and cooperate, prepare to lead, have a burning desire to succeed, and want to grow with our company.

l HDHR is a start-up and has long way to go to become world-class brand. We are looking for real (potential) leaders to lead him/herself, team, and our company to the brilliant future. Bear this in mind before you decide to continue, please.

在你决定继续之前,请紧记, HDHR只是一个开始,离世界品牌还有很长的路。我们正在寻找真正的(潜在的)领导者,去领导他们自己,团队和我们公司走向光明的未来。

3 《加盟过程》的目的
The Objective of Join On Site

l 协助本公司选择合适的应聘者,使业务顺利发展。公司也为合适的应聘者提供事业和财富发展的平台,使其成长为专家和领袖。
To assist our company to choose the appropriate applicants so as to develop the project successfully. The company will also offer the proper applicants a platform of career and prosperity to help them become experts and leaders.

l 协助应聘者选择合适的行业、合适的职业、合适的公司、合适的工作,以及合适的综合待遇,避免在此浪费自己的时间。
To assist applicants to chose the proper industry, occupation, company,job and salaries. To save the applicants' time.
第1个回答  2009-07-08
活性氧:研究网站(实地调研)在HDHR持续大约几天经过“面试过程。 ”这是一个机会,双方更好地相互了解。

TOS :培训现场(实地训练)是一个监督和指导的自我学习过程中根据每个人在一个真正的商业开发环境后,顺利通过活性氧。候选人将积极参加各种商业活动,以了解公司的发展战略和方法的企业,团队,文化等;奠定一定的业务和技术基础,你的职业生涯,开发必要的技能,以便能够贡献等密集的服务条款,行动要求,持续大约3个月或更长时间。鼓励与会者加入我们公司,这将是免费的学费的优秀考生,可提供基本的保险和基本免税额(从100 〜 300 +和上升至1000元/平方米) ,根据表现和成就。

怡和科技:上加入网站(加盟) ,成为正式会员的核心团队在HDHR后,成功地完成服务条款。根据个人的补偿从1000 + ,并逐步提高到5,000元人民币/米或以上(包括5 + 1保险基金) ,并评价可能是每3至6个月。销售和市场营销的人可能有额外的奖励报酬。上述政策可能会有所变化。

2 “加盟说明” :





"Joining process" the purpose of

To assist the Company in selecting suitable candidates, so that the smooth development of business. Also suitable candidates for the cause and the wealth to provide a platform for the development of its growth for the experts and leaders.

To help candidates choose the right industry, suitable employment, the right company, the appropriate work, as well as a comprehensive treatment of the right to avoid this waste of their time.

第2个回答  2009-07-08

1 实地训练是在成功通过实地调研之后,根据每个人在真实商业环境中(的表现)而设置的一个接受监管和指导的自我学习过程。参与者将会积极参与到各种商业活动中,以了解公司的发展策略,商业手段,团队以及文化;为个人的职业打下商业和技术基础,培养可以做出贡献的相应技能,等等。(训练)强化的实地训练,在要求之下,可以持续三个月或更久。为了鼓励参与者加入我们的公司,表现出色的参与者将不必支付培训费用,并根据参与者的表现和成就,提供基本保险和基本津贴(100到300起,最高到1000人民币每月)

1 加盟:成功完成实地调研后成为HDHR核心团队的正式成员。取决于个人,工资从1000起,逐渐增加到5000人民币每月或更多(包括五种保险和一种基金),评估每三个月或六个月一次。销售&经销部门的人可获得额外的奖励。以上的政策可能会改变。

1 加盟过程是一个为所有应聘者进行审评、了解、实现和成功的过程。

1 它只起指导作用,每位应聘者会被单独审评。工资从低开使,逐渐升高。

1 该过程或职位可能不适于有经济需求的应聘者,比如急需钱支持自己或家人,。

1 该职位只对非常活跃、积极、忠诚、诚实、有事业心、热情、有开拓精神、善于学习和进步、乐意挑战和竞争、随时准备着付出和合作、可以领导、非常想成功,并且想和公司一起成长的应聘者有意义。

1 HDHR是新兴公司,要成为世界级别的品牌还需要努力。我们要找的是真正的(或有潜能的),能够领导自己、团队,和公司向着更好的未来迈进的人才。在你继续之前,请记住这点。

3 The purpose of Join On Site
1 To help our company choose suitable applicants,to let business run smoothly.The company will also provide a platform of career and prosperity for suitable applicants and let he/she become a professional and a leader.

1 To assist the applicants choose suitable industries,suitable jobs,suitable companies,suitable jobs,and suitable integrated work conditions,so as to prevent applicants wasteing their time.

第3个回答  2009-07-08
活性氧:研究网站(实地调研)在HDHR持续大约几天经过“面试过程。 ”这是一个机会,双方更好地相互了解。

升的TOS :培训现场(实地训练)是一个监督和指导的自我学习过程中根据每个人在一个真正的商业开发环境后,顺利通过活性氧。候选人将积极参加各种商业活动,以了解公司的发展战略和方法的企业,团队,文化等;奠定一定的业务和技术基础,你的职业生涯,开发必要的技能,以便能够贡献等密集的服务条款,行动要求,持续大约3个月或更长时间。鼓励与会者加入我们公司,这将是免费的学费的优秀考生,可提供基本的保险和基本免税额(从100 〜 300 +和上升至1000元/平方米) ,根据表现和成就。

升怡和科技:上加入网站(加盟) ,成为正式会员的核心团队在HDHR后,成功地完成服务条款。根据个人的补偿从1000 + ,并逐步提高到5,000元人民币/米或以上(包括5 + 1保险基金) ,并评价可能是每3至6个月。销售和市场营销的人可能有额外的奖励报酬。上述政策可能会有所变化。

2 “加盟说明” :






3 "to join the process," the purpose of

l to assist the Company in selecting suitable candidates, so that the smooth development of business. Also suitable candidates for the cause and the wealth to provide a platform for the development of its growth for the experts and leaders.

l to help candidates choose the right industry, suitable employment, the right company, the appropriate work, as well as a comprehensive treatment of the right to avoid this waste of their time.





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