have got to和have to的区别


在表示一次性动作时,have to和have got to是可以互换的,如:

I have (got) to be back by ten o'clock. 我必须10点前返回来。

I haven't got to work tomorrow. 我明天不必上班。

但是,当表示习惯性动作时,尤其是当句中含有表示经常性的副词 (如always, often, sometimes等)时,则应使用have to, 而不使用have got to,如:

I don't usually have to work on Sundays. 通常我在星期天不必工作。

I often have to get up at 5. 我常常不得不5点钟起床。


Jim's got to check the temperature every 12 hours.

Jim has to check the temperature every 12 hours.

have got to 一般没有“习惯性”的含义,而且,当它和具有动态意义的动词连用时,常常是指将来……。第1句可能含有指示,命令的意思,规定吉姆将来的职责;而第2句更加可能是表示一种习惯性动作(这就是吉姆现在的职责了)。

have to 与 have got to的另一区别,就是后者不大用于过去时,如:

They didn't have to worry about money. 他们那时不必为金钱而操心。

I had to walk very fast to catch up with you. 为了赶上你,我不得不走得很快。

最后一个区别,就是have to 前可加助动词或情态动词,或者用在进行时和完成时结构中,而have got to却不能,如:

I shall have to help him as much as I can. 我不得不尽我所能去帮助他。

He may have to cancel his plan. 他也许不得不取消他的计划。

People are having to boil their drinking water during this emergency. 在这个紧急状况下,人们必须煮沸他们的饮用水。

The administration has had to make unpopular decisions. 行政部门不得不做出不得人心的决定。



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