

Rivalry among competitors
It industry has a large number of competitors, such as yahoo, google, linux and others software suppliers. 他们的产品结构与微软相似甚至优于微软,因为他们更专更深。而微软就比较广。因此微软在it行业的竞争优势相应较低。微软应采取联盟,收购和合并等战略(联盟联想,苹果,收购雅虎),以增加竞争强度

Threat of potential entry
It行业的发展潜力还很大,随时可能随着新技术的发展,有新的竞争者进入并开发它的市场。从而对其他竞争者造成了进入壁垒。For instance, 微软从一开始注重的就是软件,但网络市场方面发展的太快,google最先挖掘了网络的潜在市场,他凭借自己的技术,享有了scale-based low cost advantage低成本优势,并形成了economies of scale规模经济,拥有了大量的客户和市场。当微软注意到发展网络方面的重要时,为时已晚。Google 给他造成了进入壁垒。

Bargaining power of suppliers
微软凭借其在it业庞大的客户市场,他又很强的Bargaining power of suppliers。微软在pc市场上占系统的主导地位,趋于垄断。大多数电脑生产商都在使用微软系统,因为众多的微软系统使用者。只有极少的操作系统可以代替微软,像linux和Mac os。虽然苹果电脑几乎只用mac os系统,others’ majority pc厂商还是prefer to use 微软系统。并且苹果电脑的主要市场仅限于美国地区。因此微软有很强的Bargaining power of suppliers

Bargaining power of buyers
微软凭借他自主研发的技术,拥有很强的Bargaining power of buyer。他的战略是把ie, media player等与系统捆绑销售,并且微软最兼容最强大的office是其他很多其他软件商所无法提供的。并且微软现在还在继续开发,使得微软不需要其他软件商的帮助和供应。就算是需要购买其他软件商的产品或技术,也不会花费高价钱,因为it行业的公司太多,并且产品都趋于标准化的standard,无差别undifferentiated的,因此微软有较强的Bargaining power of suppliers

Threat of substitutes
大量的软件商很有可能代替微软的软件,比如opera代替IE,wps代替office,暴风影音代替media player。 这些第三方软件大多都是免费的,并且更强大(比如暴风影音播放器)。他们吸引了大量的客户。相对于微软很多收费的软件office等,微软就会失去竞争优势,转而被第三方软件代替。For instance, linux系统开放源代码,现在越来越被用户关注并且偏爱,dell已经开始在他的很多pc上预装linux系统了。所以微软需要降低成本,或继续努力研发他的软件。


Rivalry among competitors
It industry has a large number of competitors, such as yahoo, google, linux and others software suppliers. The structure of their products with Microsoft similar to or even better than Microsoft, because they are more special and deeper. The company is more extensive. So Microsoft's competitive edge in the industry, it correspondingly lower. Microsoft should take the Union, the acquisition and merging strategy (alliance Lenovo, Apple, Yahoo acquisitions) to increase the intensity of competition

Threat of potential entry
It is still much potential for development of the industry, at any time with the development of new technologies, new competitors to enter and develop its market. Thus for the other competitors to enter the barriers. For instance, Microsoft has begun to focus on is that from a software, but the development of the network market too fast, google the first to tap the potential market for the network, he relied on their own technology, enjoying the scale-based low cost advantage low-cost advantage, and created economies of scale of economies of scale, with a large number of customers and markets. When Microsoft is aware of the important development of the network when it is too late. Google created barriers to entry for him.

Bargaining power of suppliers
Microsoft has it by virtue of its large business customers in the market, he strongly Bargaining power of suppliers. Microsoft in the pc market, accounts for the dominant position of the system, tends to a monopoly. Most computer manufacturers are using Microsoft's system, because many users of Microsoft's system. Only a few alternatives to Microsoft's operating system, like linux, and Mac os. While Apple has only mac os system, others' majority pc manufacturer, or prefer to use Microsoft's system. And that Apple's main market area is limited to the United States. So Microsoft has a strong Bargaining power of suppliers

Bargaining power of buyers
Microsoft, by virtue of his self-developed technology, has a strong Bargaining power of buyer. His strategy is to ie, media player bundled with the system, etc., and the most compatible with Microsoft's most powerful office in other many other software vendors can not provide. And Microsoft is still continuing to develop, making Microsoft's other software providers do not need the help and supplies. Even if other software companies need to purchase a product or technology, but also not spend a high price, because it trades too much, and the products tend to standardized standard, undifferentiated undifferentiated, so Microsoft has a strong Bargaining power of suppliers

Threat of substitutes
A large number of software vendors is likely to replace Microsoft software, such as opera instead of IE, wps instead of office, instead of Storm video media player. Most of these third-party software is free, and more powerful (such as Storm video player). They attracted a large number of customers. A lot of fees and charges in relation to Microsoft's office software, and so on, Microsoft will lose its competitive edge, in turn was replaced by third-party software. For instance, linux system, open source, and now increasingly being user concerns and preferences, dell has begun and many of his pc pre-installed linux system has. Therefore, Microsoft needs to reduce costs, or to continue its efforts to develop his software.




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