
面试官您好,我很高兴能参加此次面试,我叫XX,出生于1987年,我的专业是会计电算化,我的英语不算太好,能够进行一些简单的对话。但是我相信通过一段时间的适应和努力,我能达到工作的需要的。我的性格开朗有活力,有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。平时喜欢听音乐,上网,特别喜欢踢毽球。我的最大优点是有责任心,有一个积极进取、永不言败的良好心态。我选择到这里因为我认为 公司能给我提供一份更具有挑战性的工作和更好的发展平台。


The interviewer Hello, I am very pleased to be able to participate in the interview, my name is XX, was born in 1987, my specialty is computerized accounting, my English is not good enough, to carry out some simple dialogue. But I believe that the adaptation period of time and effort, I was able to achieve the work needed. I am outgoing and dynamic personality, good communication skills and team spirit of cooperation. Likes listening to music, the Internet, particularly like kicking shuttlecock. My biggest advantage is that there is a sense of responsibility, there is an aggressive and never give up a good mentality. I chose here because I think the company can give me a more challenging work and a better development platform.
I think in my constant efforts, will soon be integrated into the company and will become a good employee, I believe that all of us united in collaboration with an even brighter tomorrow! Thanks!
第1个回答  2009-11-06
The interviewer Hello, I am very pleased to be able to participate in the interview, my name is XX, was born in 1987, my specialty is computerized accounting, my English is not good enough, to carry out some simple dialogue. But I believe that the adaptation period of time and effort, I was able to achieve the work needed. I am outgoing and dynamic personality, good communication skills and team spirit of cooperation. Likes listening to music, the Internet, particularly like kicking shuttlecock. My biggest advantage is that there is a sense of responsibility, there is an aggressive and never give up a good mentality. I chose here because I think the company can give me a more challenging work and a better development platform. I think in my constant efforts, will soon be integrated into the company, and it will be a good employee, I believe that all of us group



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