

Morning, my father said to me: "Tonight the" Sprint 46 days, "the first page done, endless even think about eating!" I reluctantly prepared to do a pen out of the book from the books piled up in a thin piece of felt paper in my hands seem so heavy.
I sigh a sigh of relief: Who do I graduate? I blindly doing the job has been done unconsciously twenty-three, a cover was wet with tears.
Out the door and found her mother already finished a meal, saw me he simply said:. "Come to eat it," I replied coldly the sentence: "I'm not hungry," he went straight into the bedroom.
All day, I have to stay in the bedroom watching TV, and parents did not say a word. But inside goosebumps: Dad, I know you hope Jackie Chan hope is urgent, but I'm not a robot, after all, also need to rest. What do you time to understand me, but also my one free and happy world it?



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