





他用力诠释着自己的不甘心,用力将自己最好的一面展现, 所以你也用尽全力爱着他。


  "If you like the one idol" caiyongkang
  If you like the one idol, you must go to a concert of his,
  Personally, to see for him, good to see him.
  Because life on the stage may last a long time, may also be fleeting.
  You do not know which one he belongs to.
  You can not predict that the time to shine how many, Xia Yimiao you guess where he would go away.
  You do not know anything, what can not be sure
  他是你感知世界里无可取代的全部,但他也是你未知世界里永无交集的一点。 He is irreplaceable you perceive the entire world, but he is also a world where you never know the intersection point.

  如果你喜欢了一位偶像,请你一定要让妈妈知道, If you like the one idol, you must let her mother know,
  Her mother is a person who loves you, and you love him.
  一个很近一个很远,而你是将两个无关联的生命体糅合于同一空间的凝结点。 A close a long way, and you are not associated with the lives of the two bodies blend in the same space condensation point.
  To tell her that you liked him, even loved him, and may not be understood, even if do not understand, but also end up with a peace of mind.
  Is too deliberately do not need to be too direct, it can be a simple hint - Mom, look, how he felt? 是很棒的一位歌手哦。 Oh yes great a singer.
  So beloved of his natural Ruoyouruowu dear mother in the eyes of skimming over the surface and off, leaving the impression moment.

  If you like the one idol, you must be for him to write some text,
  China and the United States does not pursue, do not insist on conclusive,
  只要轻省记录你所有的思念与颤栗,所有的真实与感悟,所有的明媚与忧伤。 As long as the light-provincial record your thoughts and trembling of all, all the real and the sentiment, all the beautiful and sad.
  爱如水一般蔓延,浸过你的神经,划过你的指尖,温柔地抚过你敏感的心。 Love water in general spread of soaking your nerves, across your fingertips, gently Fuguo your sensitive heart.
  Also write about him more or less points, the text, fragmented record their own spiritual path,
  Do not let the mood in the years wiped out, and dissipated.
  Not seeking depth, but to simply record live in your world of him.

  If you like the one idol, you must carefully calling his name again,
  With vague, choking, and bright, sincere, gentle, and Chong Ni's voice.
  In every ordinary day, a distraught in every moment,
  A worry about the outcome of each sigh, the well-being of each one touched dizzy, the
  Miss him in every night, gently calling his name,
  Seriously and is ready for every one tone, hold your breath read out,
  An idea rises again fell, tells unforgettable turning back.

  If you like the one idol, be sure to learn how to better life for him.

  That has slowly infiltrated into your life bit by bit the boy,
  That allows you to tears often boys,
  That smile, clean and sweet boy,
  In any case always brought up that you are offering him a boy child.
  你再最美丽的时刻遇见了那个最优秀的男子,但是上帝没有让你们彼此相遇。 You to the most beautiful moments that best met the man, but God did not let you meet with each other.
  他在那个最绚烂的舞台,光华交汇,歌舞升平,绝世华丽; He was the most gorgeous in that stage, Guanghua intersection, peacefulness, beautiful masterpiece;
  而你在最普通的街头,行色匆匆,人头涌动。 And you in the most common on the streets, bustling, flowing head.

  两点之间的距离仅仅是思念,别无其他,仿佛触手可及,却遥不可及。 The distance between two points is just thoughts, there is no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach.
  如果你爱他,请你也为他好好寻找自己生活的支点, If you love him, you are also good for him to find the fulcrum of his life,
  不要为他迷失了既定的轨道, Do not, he lost the established track,
  关掉电脑的片刻回归平静,担当起原来的角色,从哪里来到哪里去。 Turn off the computer a moment return to calm, to assume the role of the original, come from where to go.
  因为你深爱的他是一个如此心高气傲的人, Because you love, he is such a Xingaoqiao person,
  他用力诠释着自己的不甘心,用力将自己最好的一面展现, 所以你也用尽全力爱着他。 He forced interpretation can not be reconciled with his own, forced to show his best side, so you have exhausted all its efforts in love with him.
  因为爱他就等于爱着你自己,爱着因为他而变得更加温柔的自己, Because love him is tantamount to love yourself, love because he has become more gentle themselves,
  爱他,是本性,是注定,是天然。 Love him, that nature is doomed, is a natural.

  要对得起自己的人生,就要尽量给别人的人生添加美好的成分, To be worthy of my own life, we should try to add someone else's life, beautiful composition,
  拼命地挽留自己遇到的美好的东西,拼命挽留。 Desperately to retain their own experience good things, desperate to retain.
  他一样,你也如此。 Like him, you also do so.
第1个回答  2009-10-06

Cai Kang Yong "if you have been fond of one idol " if you have been fond of one idol, ask you to must go to look at one his concert, In person, go to be going to take a look at him with own eyes, try to be fond of looking at him. That life may continue for because of the stage is upper is very long , possibility is also written in water. You do not know he is which kind of to belong to. You have no way to forecast that emit light and heat time still having a number after all , he is able to disappear where to go to down one second less than you being guessed. You what does not all know what all has no way to grasp, he is that your perception has no in the world but all replacing, but he has no forever in being also your unknown world one point intermingling. Ask you to must let mother know if you have been fond of one idol,you are loving him also very much because mother is to love your person most. A very close one are very distant , you are that the associative life body mixes Yu Tong Yi space set point but that two there are no. Tell her , your to be fond of him very much , love him even , not maybe being understood that, even if not understanding that, also come to feel at ease. Need is not very painstakingly very direct , can be to dropping mother a hint, think that simplely he how? Be very good one singer oh. The beloved mother in self's eyes cursory but is left impression in the moment too by his faintly discernible natural love. Ask you to should be conclusive definitely being that he writes a few characters , go after is not magnificent , not insist on , record your all missing and tremble as long as making light of a province if you have been fond of one idol,all trueness and come to realize , all brightness and sorrowful. Love has spread if water is general , had soaked your nerve , the fingertip streaking you , had stroked your sensitive heart lightly mildly. Need to write point's characters about him more or less also , scrappy intention course making note of self, dust flies in not dodging state of mind in years the cigarette goes out , vanishes into thin air. Seeking a depth, not only seek a simplicity , make note of his in living in your world. If you have been fond of one idol, ask you to shout one first name all over him definitely seriously , use ambiguous , choke with sobs , bright and cheerful , god-fearing , mild , bestow favor on excessive sound. Within every common day, before every mentally confused moment, faint room moving in everyone happiness , night missing him in everyone, shout his first name lightly , finish sending out everyone pitch seriously , hold breath a playback among sighing being mindful of personal gains and losses in everyone,a idea rises falling behind , tells always remembered in heart as if inscribed on bones chips off the mass reverts not to the block. If learn to live better definitely for him please you have been fond of one idol. That seeps into your life intravenous drip boy already slowly , that uses you often the tears of happiness spring up in one's eyes boy, that smiling expression is clean but luscious boy, you are ready to call his child's boy no matter how that grow up all the time only. Your still most beautiful moment has come across that most excellent male person , God has not let your both parties meet each other but. He is made in that most splendid stage , brilliance to converge , celebrate peace by singing and dancing , unique gorgeous; But you are pressed for time on a journey in the most average street corner,relations with people pour moving. Distance between 2 o'clock only be miss, have no other, seem to touch hand but reach, be not allowed to reach but at a distance. Ask you to be that he seeks self life fulcrum well also if you love him, not being that he has lost established orbit, a moment of switching computer return is calm , assume up the original role, from where where arrives in going to. He is a so proud and arrogant people because of you are very much loving , he puts forth self's strength annotation let self be putting forth self's strength self best one aspect to be displayed , be loving him therefore you also exhaust sparing no effort not resigned to. Be loving yourself because of he is equal to being apt, he, is nature , is to be destined , is natural to be loving self , love becoming especially mild because of him. Need to be worthy of self life , will try one's best to add fine component for others's life , desperately, persuade the fine thing that self comes across to stay , persuade to stay desperately. His one kind , your also so-called.
第2个回答  2009-10-07
If you like the one idol, you must go to a concert of his,
Personally, to see for him, good to see him.
Because life on the stage may last a long time, may also be fleeting. You do not know which one he belongs to.
You can not predict that the time to shine how many, Xia Yimiao you guess where he would go away.
You do not know anything, what can not be sure
He is irreplaceable you perceive the entire world, but he is also a world where you never know the intersection point.

If you like the one idol, you must let her mother know,
Her mother is a person who loves you, and you love him.
A close a long way, and you are not associated with the lives of the two bodies blend in the same space condensation point.
To tell her that you liked him, even loved him, and may not be understood, even if do not understand, but also end up with a peace of mind.
Is too deliberately do not need to be too direct, it can be a simple hint - Mom, look, how he felt? Oh yes great a singer.
So beloved of his natural Ruoyouruowu dear mother in the eyes of skimming over the surface and off, leaving the impression moment.

If you like the one idol, you must be for him to write some text,
China and the United States does not pursue, do not insist on conclusive,
As long as the light-provincial record your thoughts and trembling of all, all the real and the sentiment, all the beautiful and sad.
Love water in general spread of soaking your nerves, across your fingertips, gently Fuguo your sensitive heart.
Also write about him more or less points, the text, fragmented record their own spiritual path,
Do not let the mood in the years wiped out, and dissipated.
Not seeking depth, but to simply record live in your world of him.

If you like the one idol, you must carefully calling his name again,
With vague, choking, and bright, sincere, gentle, and Chong Ni's voice.
In every ordinary day, a distraught in every moment,
A worry about the outcome of each sigh, the well-being of each one touched dizzy, the
Miss him in every night, gently calling his name,
Seriously and is ready for every one tone, hold your breath read out,
An idea rises again fell, tells unforgettable turning back.

If you like the one idol, be sure to learn how to better life for him.
That has slowly infiltrated into your life bit by bit the boy,
That allows you to tears often boys,
That smile, clean and sweet boy,
In any case always brought up that you are offering him a boy child.
You to the most beautiful moments that best met the man, but God did not let you meet with each other.
He was the most gorgeous in that stage, Guanghua intersection, peacefulness, beautiful masterpiece;
And you in the most common on the streets, bustling, flowing head.

The distance between two points is only miss, no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach.
If you love him, you are also good for him to find the fulcrum of his life,
Do not, he lost the established track,
Turn off the computer a moment return to calm, to assume the role of the original, come from where to go.
Because you love, he is such a Xingaoqiao person,
He forced interpretation can not be reconciled with his own, forced to show his best side, so you have exhausted all its efforts in love with him.
Because love him is tantamount to love yourself, love because he has become more gentle themselves,
Love him, that nature is doomed, is a natural.

To be worthy of my own life, we should try to add someone else's life, beautiful composition,
Desperately to retain their own experience good things, desperate to retain.
Like him, you also do so.
第3个回答  2009-10-06
第4个回答  2009-10-06



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