

“在我们国家,中国,制造企业对新产品的研究开发以及加工设备的更新换代等技术非常重视,但却忽视了与此相对应的厂区规划,生产线安排,物料流动等工业工程技术。这成为我们国家工业生产的一个瓶颈,严重制约着产品质量和生产效率的提高。举个例子,为什么我们国家能够制造出航天飞船,但汽车业的发展却迟迟没有突破呢?原因就在于此。福特公司创立的Ford System给公司带来了巨大的收益,日本丰田公司提出的Just In Time (JIT)同样推动了日本汽车业的迅速发展。了解了国内外工业发展的历史,对比了国内外工业发展的现状之后,我坚信工业工程对于工业生产的重要性,身为一名机械专业的学生,我决心致力于工业工程的研究。”



In our country---China, the manufacturers have attached great importance to the upgrading and updating of the processing unit as well as the research and development of the new products. But at the same time, they have overlooked the relavant industrial engineering technology system, such as factory planning, production line arrangement and material flow, which becomes a bottleneck of our industrial production and imposes grave constraint to product quality and the prodution efficiency. This, for example, may best explain why China, a country capable of building space shuttles, has made no breakthrough in its automobile industry.The Ford has achieved significant profits through the establishment of Ford System; Toyota's Just In Time(JIT) came as a powerful spur on the rapid development of Janpan's automobile industry. Having reviwed the history of industrial development both at home and abroad and compared the current situation of both sides, I am firmly convinced that the industrial engineering means an utmost importance to industrial production. As a student majoring in Mechanics, I am determined to commit myself to the research of industrial engineering.
第1个回答  2009-11-29
"In our countries, China, manufacturer of the new product research and development, as well as the upgrading of processing equipment, technologies such as very seriously, but we have overlooked this corresponds to the factory planning, production arrangements, materials flows and other industrial engineering. This has become industrial production in our country as a bottleneck, seriously restricting the product quality and production efficiency. For example, why our country can produce spacecraft, but the auto industry has been slow to break? The reason this is it. Ford the company founded by Ford System to the company has brought great gains made by Japan's Toyota Just In Time (JIT) also promoted the rapid development of the Japanese automotive industry. learned about the history of industrial development at home and abroad, compared to industrial development at home and abroad the status quo, I firmly believe that industrial engineering for the importance of industrial production, as a mechanical professional student, I am committed to the study of industrial engineering. "
第2个回答  2009-11-29
"In our countries, China, manufacturer of the new product research and development, as well as the upgrading of processing equipment, technologies such as very seriously, but we have overlooked this corresponds to the factory planning, production arrangements, materials flows and other industrial engineering. This has become industrial production in our country as a bottleneck, seriously restricting the product quality and production efficiency. For example, why our country can produce spacecraft, but the auto industry has been slow to break? The reason this is it. Ford the company founded by Ford System to the company has brought great benefits,
Toyota raised by Just In Time (JIT) also promoted the rapid development of the Japanese automotive industry. Learned about the history of industrial development at home and abroad, compared to the status of industrial development at home and abroad, I firmly believe that industrial engineering for the importance of industrial production, as a mechanical professional student, I am committed to industrial engineering studies. "





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