
offering seats compulsory for young passengeers
Nowadays,offering seats for elder are common matters in everywhere.Recently, There has sprung up a heated debate as to whether offering seats for young passengers. Different people has different opinions,some people think that young passengers should offer seats compulsory for elder,because young people are stronger than elder in physical condition,the elder aren't subjected to shake in bus,which make them fall down easily,besides,they think respecting elder is a good ethic.others think differently,they think young people has no duty to offer seats for elder,because they think that young people are so tired after work,they need a time to have a rest. As far as i am concerned,i agree with the former opinion,for one thing,the traditional ethic in China should be spread,which require us to respect elder.it contribute to develop the friendly city;for another thing,elder should be looked after,because their physical condition has decreased,so we should pay more attention to them.

  offering seats compulsory for young passengeers
Nowadays,offering seats for  elder are(is) common matters in(everywhere是adv,in去掉) everywhere.Recently, There has sprung up a heated debate as to(个人认为也可以用on) whether offering seats for young passengers. Different people has(have) different opinions,some people think that young passengers should offer seats compulsory(去掉) for elder,because young people are stronger than elder in physical condition,the elder aren't subjected to shake in bus,which makes them fall down easily,besides(好),they think respecting elder is a good ethic.others think differently,they think young people has no duty to offer seats for elder,because they think that young people are so tired after work,they need a(去掉) time to have a rest. As far as i am concerned(这个不错),i agree with the former opinion,for one thing,the traditional ethic in China should be spread(spread在这句里面应该是作为动词,美德应该被发扬,被动,所以spreaded),which requires us to respect elder.it contribute to develop the friendly city;for another thing,elder should be looked after,because their physical condition has decreased,so we should pay more attention to them.


1.(1)亲你在文章中用了很多次think,其实可以用别的次来替代,这样老师可能会觉得你词汇量会比较丰富,用词比较灵活。譬如可以用consider、reckon、hold the opinion that,,,还有很多(毕业太久了有点忘了= =);(2)because可以用the reason that、as、for the sake of等代替,这个亲你可以在网上搜索应该有很多的;(3)文中young people和elder可否用别的词替换?









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