
每单元列出来,比如try to do sth的这种,越多越好

准时 on time 欢迎返校。 Welcome back to school.
去野外旅行 have/go on a field trip 去远足 go hiking
去野餐 have/go on a picnic 后天 the day after tomorrow
前天 the day before yesterday 山顶 the top of a mountain
被……绊倒 trip over 赶快 hurry up 我同意 I agree
系好我的鞋带 tie my shoes 走错路 go the wrong way
昨晚 last night 下星期 next week 相聚 get
Jim Allan Green 王 小明
(first name)(middle name)(family name)(family…)(given…)
( given names )( last name )
姓名的意义 the meaning of a name 南瓜饼 a pumpkin pie
你打算做什么(加未来的时间)?What are you going to do …?
They have some problems getting there.
我们一边远足一边吃时新水果会有许多乐趣。We are going to have lots of
沿着……走 go along/walk along/go down
Excuse me. Where is the (nearest) …,please?
Excuse me. Is there a …… near here?
Excuse me. How can I get to the ……?
take the 序数词turning on the left/right
离这里大约有……公里远It is about … kilometer(s) away.
It is about … meters along on the left/right.
喜欢做运动 like doing sports 做同一件事 do the same thing
喜欢做某事(含有享受欣赏的意思) enjoy doing sth
乘坐……路车去上班 catch/take the NO. … bus to work
找到;发现(需费时费力)find out
听到这个(消息)我很难过/遗憾 I am very sorry to hear that.
将……带到这儿来/带到那儿去 bring sth here/take sth there
照顾好你自己 look after yourself 保持健康 keep healthy

分秒必争 every minutes counts 打电话 make telephone calls
出门 go out/be out在早餐/午餐/晚餐时 at breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)
我希望你现在好多了。I hope you are better now.
开始/着手干某事 start/begin to do/doing sth
结束/完成干某事 finish doing sth
早餐之前你做了什么?What did you do before breakfast?
forget to do sth/remember to do sth
forget doing sth/remember doing sth
他说的每句话/他做的每件事 everything he said/he did
听……/听到 listen to…/hear 看……/看到 look at…/see
找……/找到 look for…/find 起先/最后 at first/at last
询问某人有关……ask sb about 出生于 be born
关于……的每件事 everything about…
要求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth 向某人要某物 ask sb for sth
你出生在哪里/什么时候?Where/When were you born?
一直;始终 all the time 摇滚乐队 the rock band
开音乐会 give a concert 在音乐会上 in(at) the concert
中央电视台记者 a journalist from CCTV
被称为甲壳虫的著名乐队 a famous band called The Beatles
你出生时谁给你取的名字?Who named you when you were born?
五千多人 more than five thousand people
发生了一次事故 have an accident 跌倒 fall down
继续/继续做某事 go on/go on doing sth
非常粗心大意/小心仔细 be very careless/careful
一些他们最著名的歌曲 some of their most famous songs
忘记过去 forget the past 在某人的心里 in one’s heart
在……的结尾/开始 at the end of…/at the start of …
在……的中间 in the middle of… 在音乐会后after the concert
在中国的其他一些地方 in some parts of China
在中国的大部分 in much of China/in most parts of China
在中国的哪一地区 which part of China/which place in China
许多其他的游客 many other tourists 匆忙地 in a hurry

在……以前 before…… 在……以后 after……
(一段时间)以前/以后 ……ago/later 如果…… if……
在……的时候 when……在语言方面很擅长 be good at languages
科学家/自然科学 science/scientist 结婚 get married
足球世界杯 the Football World Cup 上演;放(唱片)等put on
你在学校里最喜爱的学科 your favourite subject at school
每个人 everyone/everybody 任何人 anyone/anybody
一些人;某个人 someone/somebody 没有人 no one/nobody
一切事(物) everything 任何事(物) anything
一些事(物);某个事(物) something 没有事(物) nothing
从……持续到…… last from … to …
询问日期: What is the date today?(注意过去与现在的时态
询问星期: What day is it today? 变化 is --- was)
询问天气: What is the weather like today / in + 地点?
变得更暖/冷/长/短 get warmer/colder/longer/shorter
变绿/黄 turn green/yellow 开花;发芽 come out
在田野里 in the fields 打电话给…… ring up sb/ring sb (up)
在一年的(天气)坏时节里 at a bad time of year
你说话的口音/方式 the way you speak 三月下旬 late March
与……不同 be different from… 暖和的衣服 warm clothes
这是个容易/难以回答的问题。That is an easy/a hard question.
喜欢……更胜于…… like…better than… 以后 later on
其他任何一个…… any other +单数名词
需要去做某事 need to do sth 几乎相同 be nearly the same
完全相反 be the opposite 这是真的。That’s true.
访问中国最好的时间 the best time to visit China
今天天气好冷啊! What a cold day (it is today)!
How cold it is today! 我恐怕(担心,害怕……) I’m afraid
这个问题的答案 the answer to this question
滑旱冰 go roller-skating 学校操场school playground
给某人一个电话 give…a ring/call 有时;偶尔 at times
淮河以北将有一场大风。There will be a strong wind to the
north of the Huai River. 在中国的西部in the west of China
北京在中国的北方。 Beijing is in the north of China.
日本在中国的东面。 Japan is to the east of China.
天气预报 a weather report 在东北/西北 in the Northeast/Northwest
在白天/黑夜 in the day(daytime)/in the night
保持在零度以上 stay above zero 降到零度以下fall below zero
高温/低温 the high/low temperature 爬山 climb the mountain
看书/洗衣服/搞卫生 do some reading/washing/cleaning
在下雨天 on rainy days 一次聚会 a get-together
在世界各地 across the world 感到快乐/悲伤 feel happy/sad
祝贺与应答: ---Happy New Year! ---The same to you.
---Happy birthday! ---Thank you very much.
邀请与应答: Would you like to …? I’d(would) love to.
Can you ……? Thank you for…….
I hope you can ……. I’m sorry, but I can’t …
请等一下。Hold on(打电话用)/One moment, please.
我恐怕我也许会晚一点。I’m afraid I may be a little late.
捎/留个口信 take/leave a message 翻过来 turn over
我可以为你捎个口信吗?Could/Can I take a message for you?
你可以为我留个口信吗Could/Can you leave a message for me?
我会将口信转告给…… I’ll(will) give… the message.
感谢你邀请我(们)。Thank you for inviting/asking me/us.
没有时间去做某事 there is no time to do sth
她其他的所有朋友 all her other friends 取出 take out
她的大部分/许多/一位朋友 most/many/one of her friends
生日礼物 birthday present 与……一样 be the same as…
什么也没有除了…… there is nothing but… 迟到be late for
缺课 be away from school 少于/多于/晚于less/more/laterthan
每隔多久(发生一次) how often 多久(指一段时间) how long
再多些/再来一块(个,张……) some more/one more
我可以吃一块蛋糕吗May/Could I have a piece of cake, please?
随便吃…… help yourself to… 只要一点点 just a little
你可以将……递给我吗? Could you pass me …, please?
一切都顺利吗?How’s everything going? 我们每个人each of us
在圣诞假期期间 during the Christmas holiday
寒假/暑假 winter/summer holiday 春节 the Spring Festival
在1月19日下午 on the afternoon of January 19th

go to the movies 去看电影
look after=take care of 照顾
surf the internet 上网
healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式
go skate boarding 去划板
keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康
exercise=take (much) exercise=do sports锻炼
eating habits 饮食习惯
take more exercise 做更多的运动
the same as 与什么相同
once a month一月一次
be different from 与…不同
twice a week一周两次
make a difference to 对什么有影响
how often 多久一次
as for至于
most of the students=most students大多数学生
shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物
activity survey活动调查
do homework做家庭作业
do house work做家务事
eat less meat吃更少的肉
junk food垃圾食物
be good for 对什么有益
be bad for对什么有害
want to do sth 想做某事
want sb to do sth想某人做某事
try to do sth 尽量做某事
come home from school放学回家
of course=certainly=sure当然
get good grades取得好成绩
help sb to do sth帮助某人做某事
=help sb with sth
a lot of vegetables=many vegetables许多蔬菜
hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不
keep/be in good health保持健康
some advice 一些建议
eg: --he sometimes goes to work on foot
how often does he go to work on foot ?
---he sometimes goes to work on foot
how does he sometimes go to work
what’s the matter with you ? 你怎么啦?
=what’s wrong with you ?
=what’s the trouble ?
have a stomachache 胃疼=have a sore stomach
have a cold 感冒
have a fever 发烧
have a headache 疼痛=have a sorehead
have a cough 咳嗽
have a toothache 牙疼=have a sore tooth
have a sore throat 咽喉疼
have a sore back 背疼=have a backache
have sore eyes 眼疼
be sorry for sth 因某事抱歉
be sorry to do sth 做某事感道抱歉
lie down 躺下
have a rest 休息一会
hot tea with honey加蜂蜜的热茶
see a dentist 看牙医
drink lots of water多喝水
traditional Chinese doctors传统中医
be stressed out 有压力的
a balance of yin and yang 阴阳平衡
for example 例如
be quiet=keep quiet保持安静
too much yin太多的阴
be angry with sb对某人生气
eat herbs吃草药
eat a balanced diet饮食平衡
on the other hand 另一方面
get tired 疲倦的
healthy foods健康的食物
at the moment此刻 目前
have a lot of headaches经常疼痛
host family房东
need some conversation practice需要会话练习
1. I’m sorry to hear that.
2. It’s +adj +for (of) sb +to do sth
(1).It’s easy for you to carry the box .
(2).It’s very important to remember these words
(3).It’s very kind (nice) of you to help me
3. She should go to bed early
4. He shouldn’t eat anything = He should eat nothing
5. He may know = Maybe he knows
He may be at home.=Maybe he is at home.
6. I’m not feeling well = I don’t feel well=I feel ill.=I feel terrible.
7. I hope you feel better soon
8. Taking exercise is good for your health
9.I’m sorry for being late.=I’m sorry to be late.
babysit = look after照顾
go camping 去野因营
relax at home在家休息
go hiking 去远足
have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself玩得很高兴
show sb sth = show sth to sb把什么给某人看
Please show me your photo.=Please show your photo to me.
get back to = return to回到 return=give back
go away for too long 离开很久
go to the mountains去爬山
next week下周
on Friday在星期五
go sightseeing去观光
go bike riding 去骑车
take walks散步
go fishing去钓鱼
rent videos租碟子
think about思考
decide to do sth决定做某事
He decides to go swimming.
decide on doing sth
He decides on going swimming.
some differences 一些区别
take a long vacation度长假
the beautiful countryside美丽的郊外
plan to do sth计划做某事书
I’m planning to finish Unite 5 this week.
forget all my problems 忘记所有的问题
can’t wait to do sth迫不及待做某事
at night在夜晚
spend on sth – spend in doing sth花费时间/金钱做某事
I spent five yuan on this book.=I spent five yuan buying this book.
=This book cost me five yuan=I paid five yuan for this book.
It took him three days to finish reading this novel.
sleep a lot睡足
in Europe在欧洲
speak French说法语
come from France来自法国
Canada’s Great Lakes加拿大的五大
Ask sb about sth 寻问某人某事
ask sb(not) to do sth叫某人做某事=tell sb (not) to do sth
The Great Wall长城
1. what are you doing for vacation ?
2. who are you going with ?
3. how long are they staying ?
I’m staying for three weeks.
4. he is going to Tibet
I’m going to see a film=go to the cinima
5. Sandy plans to have a party this weekend
take the subway乘地铁
take the bus
ride to
take a taxi
ride a bike
take the train
take the plane
take the boat
by bike = on the bike骑车
on foot 步行
walk to步行
get to = reach = arrive in (at)到达
by car = in a car乘小汽车
by bus = on the bus
by boat = in a boat乘船
leave for前往
have a quick breakfast匆忙地吃早饭
take a show 沐浴
the early bus早班车
the bus station车站
take … to 把什么带走
take with 携带
the bus ride乘车旅行
get to school到达学校
go to school去上学
depend on依靠 决定于
It depends on the weather.
must be一定 (表肯定的推测)
around the world全世界
=all over the world
in other parts of the world世界的其它部分
not all students并非所有的学生
the ways of getting to school到达学校的方法
means of transportation交通工具
have to = must不得不 必须
Does he have to stay at home?
Must I go now?
a number of = a lot of许多A number of students don’t like to stay at home on weekends.
the number of什么的总数量
The number of students in our class is 49.
ill in hospital生病住院
He is a sick boy=He is ill.
worry about sb担心某人
be worried about
thank you so much 多谢你
think of考虑
1. Now does Nina get to school
2. how far do you live from school ?
3. How far is it from your home to school ?
4. How long does it take ?
5. It takes sb some time to do sth
It takes us two hours to finish our homework every day
It took the workers two years to build the bridge
6. He walks to school every day = He goes to school on foot every day
7. My father takes his car to his office
8. =My father goes to his office in his car(by car)
= My father drives to work
9. We usually take the plane to Shanghai = We usually fly to Shanghai
= We usually go to Shanghai by plane /air
10. How can I get there ? =could you tell me how I can get there ?
11. Which is the way to (get to) the park ?
12. Could you tell me how to get to the park.
have a piano lesson上钢琴课
study for a test备考
go to my guitar lesson
have too much homework有太多的家庭作业
Thanks for doing sth
= Thank you very much for sth因某事感谢某人
Thank you for telling me the good news.
I’d love to 我非常愿意
play tennis打网球
the day after tomorrow后天
invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
I want to invite you to come to my home.
Thank you for your invitation.
the whole day整天= all day
the geography project地理课
discuss the science report讨论科学报告
practice the piano练钢琴
watch football match看足球赛
come over to过来
go to the mall = go shopping 去购物
eg: --can you come to my party on Wednesday?
--Yes. I’d love to Sorry .I can’t .
what’s today ?
It’s Monday the 14th .
Thanks a lot for your invitation to have dinner
Thanks a lot for inviting us to come to your party
I’m playing tennis with the school tear
= I’m going to play tennis with the school team.
I have a really busy week
= I’m really busy the week
Why not go with me ? = Why don’t you go with me ? = How about going with me ?
in common 共同点
in some ways 从某些方面
as you can see正如你看到的
both … and… 两者都
both of us我们两都
look different看起来不同
enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事=like doing sth
look the same = look alike看起来一样
as …… as 和什么一样
the same as
not as /so ……as不如
a little taller稍稍高一点
much bigger大得多
much more out going 外向得多
begin with = start with从什么开始
be interested in doing sth对什么感兴趣
This story is very interesting.
He is interested in playing computer games.
be excited to do sth做某事很兴奋
The movie is very exciting.
be good at doing sth
= do well in doing sth在某方面很好
make them laugh使他们笑
make sb do sth使某人做某事
be good at schoolwork功课好
opposite views相反的观点= idea opinion
be good with sb
= get on well with sb与某人相处融洽
tell jokes讲笑话
get the job 获得工作
do the same thing做同样的事
two years ago两年前
stay at home待在家里

1. Who is more athletic, Gao Yang or Li Zong ? 2. which is cheaper, the first one or the second ore ?
3. Holly’s best friend likes to do the same things as she does.
4. Sandy is quiet , sunny is quiet , too.= sandy is quiet ,so is Sanny
5. Both father and mother are doctors Both of my parents are doctors
6. I’m as tall as you He is not as funny as Jim = Jim is funnier than him
7. English is not difficult as science =Science is more difficult than English
= English is less difficult than Science 8. Tina is shorter than Tara.

Unit 2 what’s the matter?
一. 身体部位的表达

1. head 头
2. neck 脖子/颈
3. shoulder 肩膀
4. arm 胳膊
5. hand 手
6. finger 手指
7. stomach 胃
8. back 背
9. leg 腿
10. knee 膝盖
11. foot 脚
12. face 脸
13. eye 眼睛
14. ear 耳朵
15. nose 鼻子
16. mouth 嘴巴
17. tooth 牙齿
18. throat 喉咙

二. 病情的表达
1. have a cold 患感冒
2. have a fever 发烧
3. have a headache 头痛
4. have a stomachache 胃痛
5. have a toothache 牙痛
6. have a sore throat 喉咙痛
7. have a sore back 背酸痛
8. have a sore neck 脖子痛

三. 如何给建议
1. see a doctor 看医生
2. drink lots of hot water 多喝热水
3. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶
4. see a dentist 看牙医
5. take some medicine 吃药
6. shouldn’t eat anything 不该吃任何东西
7. lie down and (have a ) rest 躺下休息
8. go to bed early 早点睡觉
9. listen to music 听音乐
10. shouldn’t’ eat any more … 不该再吃…

四. 看病的表达
1. What’s matter? 怎么了?
2. I’m not feeling well. I have a … 我感觉身体不适, 我得了…
3. When did it start? 什么时候开始的?
4. It started … ago. ….前开始的.
5. That’s too bad. You should / shouldn’t … 那太糟糕了. 你应该/不该…
6. Yes, I think so. / That’s a good idea. 是的, 我也这样认为. / 好主意.
7. I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你早点好起来.

五. 重点短语
1. lie down 躺下
2. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶
3. feel better 感觉好点
4. get tired / angry / stressed out 变得疲惫/生气/紧张,有压力
5. traditional Chinese doctors 传统中医
6. a balance of… ……的平衡
7. for example 例如
8. too much 太多
9. Chinese medicine 中药
10. western countries 西方国家
11. eat a balanced diet (吃)一个均衡的饮食
12. a few 一些 / 少许
13. stay / keep healthy 保持健康
14. need to do sth. 需要做某事
15. at the moment 现在 / 此刻
16. host family 寄宿家庭
第1个回答  2009-10-17



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