英语作文 青少年不应该被允许开车


Young people should not be allowed to drive

More and more households have a car, and some students get a driver's license. You do not mind driving a car, but you feel that students should not be driving, because the children in this age hearted. Students should be more time spent in learning to realize their dreams. Grown up, they would have a lot of opportunity to drive.
第1个回答  2009-10-16
Teenagers Shouldn't Be Allowed to Drive

Nowadays many families have their cars, even some students have driving licences,which is nothing. But some children drive a car,which is not good.For they are too young.To my mind, students musn't drive. Teenagers'driving is not only dangerous to themselves but also others.In addition, students should take good use of the time and study hard in order to put their dreams into realities.They'll have more chances to drive when growing up.

I think that some 16 year olds aren't responsible enough to drive. But if you don't allow your kids to drive, will you allow them to ride with other kids. If not, how will you monitor that. If they go out with friends, whos to say that they won't jump in the car with someone and go somewhere.
I live in a very rural area. Our town has nothing. We have to drive 10 miles to get anywhere...movie theater, fast food, cruising, anything. I don't think it would be feasible here to not alloow my child to drive or ride with other kids. Unless I kept her locked up in the house, which I'm not going to do.
However, I had several friends who drove. One of which, I was never to be in the car with, because my parents didn't think he was safe. Do you think I listened?? NO! My friends and I would just drive to his house out in the country and leave from there. Or we would all meet at one person's house, whos parents didn't care for her to ride with him and leave from there. He was the kids with money, had a great car, unlimited gas money, etc.

I don't, however, agree with a 16 year old having a brand new car. I had to borrow my parents car when they let me. Plus, Mom and Dad resticted my driving for a couple of years. I had to "build up" if you will, to driving longer distances and in more traffic, etc.

Incidentally, there are a lot more laws for drivers under 18 now than there was when I was a kid. They can't have more than one kid under the age of 18 in the car with them...siblings don't count in that number though. They have a curfew of 11pm on weeknight and midnight on the wekends, unless they have a signed paper from their employer stating that they are driving home from work. At least these are IL laws, so I'm not sure if every state has them.



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