谁有关于中美家庭教育方面的资料呢 是英文的

谁有关于中美教育方面的资料呢 是英文的 是关于中美教育理念的差异
中美考试制度的差异 的 先写中国的 再写美国的 谢谢啦
不要机器翻译的 谢谢啦 各位帮帮忙吧 谢谢啦 急

美国人教育孩子时,先在书上滴几滴蜜糖,孩子舔一舔,毫无疑问,书也就是甜的,所以美国人爱学习 美国高等教育制度

美国教育尽管在行政管理上比较分散,但社会对学校评估的做法是相对统一的。学校要定期接受审查,符合要求的才取得被认可的资格。美国对高等院校的评估分成六大区域进行,各区成立地方性的大中学校联合,对该区的学校进行评估。审查的内容通常包括学校的师资、课程、教学质量、设备、管理等各个方面的情况,经过较为全面的审查后决定某一学校是否被认可。 除对学校的评估外,对某些专业的课程也要经过专业评估团体审查和认可,有些专业领域,如医学、法律、牙医等,完成被认可的专业课程是领取执照许可的先决条件。
美国高等院校中,学院(College)主要提供大专课程和四年制大学本科课程,分别称二年制学院(Two-year college)或四年制学院(Four-year college)。大学(University)则是一种综合性较强的学府,往往会包括学院(College)、研究生院(Graduate School)和若干专业学院(Professional School),一所大学可以同时开设理、工、农、医、人、文和社会等学科的大学或研究生课程,有的大学(通常是州立大学)本身是一个庞大的体系,分有许多不同的校园(campus)。例如,纽约州大学(State University of New York)之下,就有阿尔伯纽约州立大学(State University of New York at Albany)。本汉姆顿纽约州布法罗纽约州立大学(State University of New York at Buffalo)等不同的校园。每一年校园都设有多方面学科课程,工业学院(Institute of Technology)也是一种综合性的高等院校。它既开设专业课程,也开设一般性的文理科课程;有的只有大学课程,有的包括大学和研究生学位课程。
二年制学院(Two-year College)提供初级阶段的高等教育,学生学完两年的课程之后可以取得准学士学位(Associate in Arts, Associate in Science)。这种教育又分成两类,一类是一般性教育,学生学习相当于四年制大学一、二年课程,所得的学分可以转到四年制大学;另一类是职业教育,所开设课程是为学生在社会上就业做准备,学生完成学年的学习后就从事技术的工作,不再攻读学位,二年学院的名称各叫地方学院(Community College),也有的叫初级学院(Junior College)。地方学院通常是地方政府兴办的。因为学生对象主要是本地居民,学校往往没有学生宿舍。二年制学校收的学费比较低,招生要求也不高,所开课程适应不同学生的需要,使众多的美国青年有机会接受教育高等教育。这是美国中学毕业后能有半数以上进入高等院校的原因之一。

四年制学院(Four-Year College)和大学(University)提供学士学位(Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Science,即B.A.或B.S.)课程。多数四年制学院的专业设置范围包括文理科的一般教育(Liberal Arts),即人文社会科学和自然科学的基础学科,有的也开设一些较专门的或应用性的科学,入学要求比两年制的高。
六、研究生教育与专业教育(Graduate and Professional Education)
研究生(Graduate School)招收已取得学士或学士以上学位的学生,开设的是深入课程。课程长短不一,一般地说,已经取得学士学位的学生,要学习一年至二年,才能取得文理硕士学位(Master of Arts, Master of Science,即M.A.或M.S.);已取得硕士学位的学生,要学习二至五年,才能取得博士学位(多数叫Doctor of Philosophy,即Ph.D.)。
专业学院(Professional School)招收已经取得相关专业的学士学位毕业生。这种专业学院,是指某几种特点的专业,如医科、药剂、牙医、法律和工商管理等。专业学院收费较高,竞争非常激烈。对中国学生来说,选择这些专业存在一些困难。
硕士学位课程必须包括一组相连贯的课程。随后是一系列性考试和论文,或是与之相关的一个有创造性的项目。硕士学位课程通常为一至两年。 硕士学位课程主要有两种:一种授予学生学术性的学位,即文学硕士学位或理学硕士学位;另一种课程授予学生某一职业上的硕士学位,引导学生进入一个实践性较强的专业领域,为今后职业做准备。
博士学位课程常常引导学生从事大专院校的教学这一传统职业,或任职于社会、政府、商业和工业部门。博士课程注重让学生自由探索和表述自己的观点,注重培养学生创造重大学术成果的能力。课程的立足点,走发展学生的理解能力和批判评估本专业领域最前沿知识 的争论问题能力。为此,学生须与富有教学和科研经验的教授紧密合作。学生毕业时,要提交论文及进入答辩。
美国大学行政管理分散,各院校使用的校历制度也不同。最常用的学期制(Early Semester)和学季制(Quarter System)。学期制一年大约三十至三十二个学习周,分两个学期,每学期制十五至十六个学习周。起止时间一般是九月初到十二月末是第一个学期,也叫秋学期(Fall Semester);一月至五月中是第二个学期,也叫春学期(Spring Semester)。暑期(Summer)是假期,可长达六至十周。大约百分之五十八的美国学校使用这种校历。学季制一年大约三十至三十三个学习周,分三个学季,每学季十至十一个学习期,另外还有一季是暑假。起止时间一般是九月中至十二月初为第一学季,即秋季(Fall Quarter);一月至三月为第二季,即冬季(Winter Quarter)四月初至六月中第三季,即春季(Spring Quarter);暑季是假期,长约十三周。大约百分之二十四的美国院校使用这种校历。
此外,还有少数学校使用另外一些校历制。有百分之八的学校用4-14校历制。即第一学期(九月开学)和第二学期(二月开学)各四个月。其间在一月份有一个长一个月的过渡性学期(Interim),学生在这个学期可以只修一门课。有百分之四的学校使用传统的校历制(Traditional System),与学期制相似,不同的是假期较短,另外,还有将一年分为三个等长学期的三个学期制(Trimester System),开学时间分别是八月、一月和四月。
第1个回答  2009-12-15
The Differences of Education between China and U.S

Based on checking the extensive literature and summing up the evidence, it is clear that study about differences of higher education between China and US has carried out a lot which mainly explaines the differences from different aspects of higher edcation between China and the United States. Such aspects mainly includes the social environment and cultural tradition, higher education system and reform measures. In the Integration of these differences, advantages and evils of both educational systems have been evaluated respectively, and corresponding improvement measures were also put forwords. By summary, the detailed conclusions are listed as follows:

US is a open society. The society's openness urges the American college to abandon old educational thoughts which European traditional universities stick to, adopt the open policy to absorb all advatanges from other countries and establishe a diverse and open education control system which emphasizes on the actual effect. US is the biggest imigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. American economy ephiseizes on the practical value, matter rewards as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc[2].

Us’s higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and prctice.

US's education pays more attention to raise student's self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but China's education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual.Obviously, Chinese education may fruitfully develop and ultilize the function of cerebrum, but US’s higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by ultilizing and synthesizing the information outside.

Each national higher education as economic system’s reflection serves for the economy; US education aims to adapt for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions including education’s service for the economic development, scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need, set up special curriculum and specialty which the society needs; In China's universities, during quite long period of time, the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and couldnot follow social demand.

In order to adapt the society, the American universities has established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; The students choose or transformate specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult.

When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students donot need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate student's study interest, raise the ability of doing it byself and make the study be one kind of creative action.Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing.

Due to the development of science and technology, connections between higher education and national politics, economy, science,culture, military relation is day by day closer. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply performances for the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature[1]. The advanced level of higher education has become a thesymbol of national strength.

We should clarify the difference of higher education between China and American, at the same time absorb the advantges to profit from the American higher education so as to faster the reform andthe development of our higher education.
第2个回答  2010-01-01
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