
正如传说中那样,史蒂夫乔布斯在2002年审视苹果公司时,看到了手机,PDA和MP3播放器(包括苹果公司的重磅炸弹,iPod)等多个产品。这时候他灵光一闪,问了自己一个改变世界的问题,如果将这些功能集成在一个设备中会怎样?答案最终导致苹果公司推出了下一举措: Rokr手机。
Rokr手机在商业上是一场失败,苹果公司曾经与摩托罗拉短暂合作, 共同开发一个具有MP3功能的手机。这次合作留给现在的是一个尴尬的记忆。在很大程度上,今天iPhone的存在是因为Rok手机让手机行业发现了自己的不足。即使Rokr手机广受批判,但是乔布斯敏锐的感觉到手机行业的发展出现停顿,于是他开始规划iPhone。

Apple's success or failure of the four principles
Steady stream of revolutionary products. A large number of supporters. Ridicule competitor ads. Apple do it? As soon as you reveal.
Apple's full of mystery, magic performance, but in fact appears to contain a large number of brains. In Apple's effective way of running can be refined into a perfect management principles, in the right cultural environment, you can also flourish in other places. The company found that the most valuable employees and taken good care of them (you should not do?). In the field of product innovation, Apple designers and engineers so that an equal footing, and through the design of all their products maintain the minimalist style has a distinctive appearance. To be sure, the
Apple is the world's best customer, not to follow the lead of corporate clients. However, this approach will not have the patent.
We have carefully studied with Apple's legendary history, drawing on its experiences and lessons of success and failure, in the right Apple has many years of research experience with the help of experts analyzes the success of Apple's secret, and it is grouped into a number of guiding the principle of policy and a reliable, so you can use to lead their own group. These experiences allow you to overnight become the Steve Jobs do? Of course not. So it helps you use the world's most exciting business experience for your next project to add some Inspiration?
As the legend, as Steve Jobs look at Apple in 2002, and saw the mobile phone, PDA, and MP3 players (including Apple's blockbuster, iPod) and other products. Emmanuel flash this time, he asked himself a question of changing the world, if these features are integrated into one device what would happen? The answer ultimately lead to Apple introduced the next step: Rokr cell phone.
Rokr phone was a commercial failure, Apple has been short-lived collaboration with Motorola to jointly develop a mobile phone with MP3 capabilities. The partnership is now left in an awkward memory. To a large extent, today's iPhone because of the presence of Rok Mobile to the mobile phone industry found its own deficiencies. Even if the Rokr phone is widely criticized, but Jobs was keen sense of the development of the mobile phone industry pause, and he began to plan the iPhone.
We have noted above, this anecdote to an important thing about Apple: Apple's invincible reputation in fact inconsistent. Another one to remember is that Apple learned a lesson from mistakes. In fact, the error in the innovation process is an important component. However, this process needs to regulate what kind of principles? Here is the most important of the four principles.




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