
1 与同学相处好,爱好打篮球,乐于助人。
2 对语文很感兴趣,但学习不够用功。
3 擅长数学,每天花大量时间做练习。
4 常帮助同学学英语。
5 英语是她最喜欢的学科,她是班上最好的学生之一。

1.To get along well with classmates, loves to play basketball, helpfulness
2.Very interested in the language, but learn less diligent
3.Good at math, spend a lot of time to do exercises every day
4.Often help students learn English
5.English is her favorite subject, she is one of the best students in her class
Urgent, today we should, which in English, grateful, do not have a syntax error
第1个回答  2009-11-15
lucy gets along with classmates well, she likes to play basketball and she is willing to help the others. she is interested in chinese but she doesnt work hard enough on it. she is good at maths, she spend a good amount of time on it every day. she always help her classmates with english. english is her favourite subject and she is the top studend in class.
第2个回答  2009-11-15
Lucy is willing to help other and can get along with classmates.She likes playing basketball.She is interested in Chinese but not a hard studying.She is good at Math and can spend a plenty time on learning it.She is on of the best students in the class and her favourite subject is English,acturally,she often helps others on thier English studying.




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