

2。判断一个人口语好坏的第一标准就是他的语音是纯正。发音是语言习得的入门钥匙, 母语和外语概莫能外。 发音掌握不好, 不可能精通所学语言,无论是口语还是书面语, 更难以用所学语言进行顺畅思维。很多人英语发音难听是由发声方法的差别造成的,“后部发声方法”是发好英语音的关键。人类的口腔结构都是一样的,但不同的语言发音时,口腔的发声方法却不一样,说汉语和说英语的口腔发声方法就不一样。汉语发音用的是口腔的“前部发声方法”,即用口腔的前半截运动来发音,发音时舌尖、嘴唇的动作较大较重;而英语发音用的是口腔的“后部发声方法”,即用口腔的后半截来发音,发音时舌根的运动幅度很大,嘴唇的动作较轻,两种方法听起来好像没什么差别,实际上差别十万八千里,用口腔的前半部分是怎么也发不好英语音的,而且会发音难听。对此缺乏足够清醒的认识是很多中国人(包括英语教师)说英语难以达到真正语音纯正、听起来地道、好听的境界。

MengMuSanQian is known about the story of imitation study. Mencius, mother choiced 3 years or even on JiangXi, living in textile guys, but very early education seriously mencius. Mencius home near the cemetery. The young mencius often saw the scene, grave funeral with treehouses imitate funeral, dig tombs, people play the game. Mother meng feel this is no place for a child's growth, moved house. Mencius's home near the market, mencius hears is to kill pig, sell meat. Mencius will imitate kill pig all sell meat, game. She was here is not stable, then again move, moved to a XueGong nearby. XueGong near, mencius is heard, saw DouShuSheng is well-mannered scholar, in deep study atmosphere, mencius is under the influence of reading, to see such a sight, mother meng happily say: this is the child can live. Then settled here. Mencius imitate adult assiduous study, finally became a famous Confucian master.
Social learning theory, the study is obtained by imitating process, i.e. one another by observing the behavioral responses and acquisition. Lots of psychology research results show that most humans are learned by imitation. People's bad behavior is often through this way. If children or adults see the TV aggression, you will become very aggressive. MengMuSanQian story illustrates very early in the children's imitation study very much
A good judge of the first standard is spoken of his speech is pure. Pronunciation is language acquisition of introductory keys, l1 and l2 GaiMoNengWai. Pronunciation, may not be mastered in the target language, whether written or oral, more difficult to use the language for smooth thinking. Many English pronunciation offensive is caused by different methods of voice, "rear" is audible sound good English. Human dental structure is the same, but different languages, oral vocalizations were different, said Chinese and English oral vocalizations is different. Mandarin pronunciation is oral vocalizations ", "in front of the oral cavity from unmature to exercise before your pronunciation, tongue, lip movements larger heavier, But with the oral English pronunciation is the "rear", which break after half to the oral tongue when the pronunciation, pronunciation, lips moving range of movement, two kinds of methods, it sounds like be differences in fact, what is the first oral English is bad, and pronunciation. This lack of understanding is clear that many Chinese (including English teachers) to achieve real English pronunciation is pure, sounds nice. Tunnel,
Chinese English untypical pronunciation is the root cause of the lack of strict and effective training. Actually, for the Chinese people with pronunciation, want to speak English is not difficult, the tunnel is key to spend time in a speech in earnest, the underground to find out the problems and correct it, otherwise their oral English will never escape China flavour. English pronunciation is very rich, English pronunciation intonation, lies in the extreme hyperbole vowels with abdominal breathing or deep breaths.
If learn oral vocalizations ", "rear tunnels fluent English pronunciation immediately sent can not only, and can mimic natural novels of pronunciation, experience the full mastery of English pronunciation. Posterior vocalizations not a few words can speak clearly, but learning is not difficult, bringing in the premise that, after the pertinence training is to practice. Notable is, imitate, must be in complete master pronunciation and pronunciation methods based on the imitation, otherwise the worse, so must you really feel sure can only after reading and practice.
第1个回答  2010-07-03
1.Mencius's mother moved the three is well-known story of the imitation learning. Meng Ke-year-old death of his father, Meng Mu though by helping people to wash and starch, textiles for a living, but attaches great importance to Mencius's early education. Mencius in the cemetery near the home of the original. Mencius often see young funeral grave scene, the funeral grave imitate small partner, play all day digging, buried one of the game. Meng Mu think this place is not suitable for children growth, we moved house. Mencius's new home near the market, Mencius seen and heard a butcher, butcher things. Mencius on the imitation of killing pigs all day, meat of the game. Mencius's mother was not living in the land here, so once again moved, and moved to a house near the school. Near the school house, Meng Ke heard was reading and saw a polite scholar, a strong reading in the atmosphere under the influence of Mencius also learn to study the rituals, a scene like this, Mencius's mother said happily: This is the place where children can live ah. So he settled here. Mencius imitate adult hard study, he became a famous Confucian master.

2.Speaking of good or bad judge a person is his voice the first standard is pure. Pronunciation is the key to language acquisition, entry, mother tongue and foreign language without exception. Master the pronunciation is not good, not fluent in the language, whether spoken or written, more difficult to smooth the language of thinking. English pronunciation awful lot of people is caused by the difference between sound way, "back of the voice method" is the key to send the English language sound. Human oral structures are the same, but different language sounds, the mouth of the sound in a different way, said Chinese and oral English-speaking voice is not the same way. Chinese pronunciation is used in oral "voice front approach", that is, the first half of the oral motion to pronunciation, pronunciation when the tip of the tongue, lips, large heavy action; the English pronunciation with the mouth "voice back method ", that is after the half with a mouth to pronounce, pronunciation tongue movement when the magnitude of the action lighter lips, sounds like no difference between both methods, in fact, different cry, with the first part of the oral cavity how bad was also made English sound and will sound terrible. Lack a clear understanding of this is that many Chinese people (including teachers of English) said that difficult to achieve the true voice of English pure, authentic sound, nice level.

English pronunciation is not authentic Chinese source is the lack of strict and effective training. In fact, For the Chinese pronunciation is wrong, to say that an authentic English is not difficult, the key is to spend some time on Voice serious to be done on, to find out problems and correct them, or their English Speaking on forever unable to escape the smell of China. English pronunciation is very rich, the taste is the Voice of English cadence, is very exaggerated vowels and the use of abdominal breathing or deep breathing.

If you learned to mouth the "back vocal approach", speak fluent English pronunciation can be issued immediately to not only natural fluently, and can mimic a variety of sounds to experience the wit and command of English pronunciation. Posterior approach is not sound a few words can speak clearly, but not difficult to learn, in that the premise of essentials through targeted training is to practice out. It is worth noting, imitation must be in complete control of articulation and the articulation of the basis, or more imitation of the worse, so be sure you really feel the can after the Follow and practice.



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