

Character profile for Should realize wild qianhe (thousand) : ordinary girl, kind and brave, adversity play in super flexibility. Mother tang: giant evil spirit, used magic to control the hot spring, like nagging, many fussy, control desire strong. Relief early see amber Lord (small white) : twelve years old beauty of the young men, the embodiment of the white dragon, then accountants' office of the hot spring competent, complex character contradictions. Bell (xiao ling) : the town's small demon character, bitter enthusiasm, the discontent but to friends heavy feeling heavy righteousness. Have no yan (no dough) : wearing masks, lost his voice, can't communicate with the people, the loss of self tragic character. Axe the ye (boiler grandpa) : in the basement for hot spring control man of high pressure boiler, adjust good at interpersonal relationship. Money mother-in-law: evil female mother tang twin sister, character and peaceful otherwise. The lost 10 years old girl qianhe, inadvertently get into this off-limits to humans. In order to survive in the dreamland, qianhe was evil female mother tang name to the thousands of human life completely from; She also become mother tang at the hands of workers, in the tyranny of evil female control of hot spring baths in keep labor. From the kettle grandpa, bell qianhe sister and mysterious beauty small white of encourage young get survive courage, work hard to avoid in hot spring into animals. Gradually, on her silence already a long time of "vitality" be cold life awakened, because a man can actually feel oneself are alive, and for the first time, have been qianhe such experience. Hot springs in a call "have no yan" the mask of the people, all day he will only mutters "cold", "I will, I have money, for", "thousand, hungry" such words, bad temper, rude, lost the capacity to communicate. Trying to live life better understand the qianhe, she doesn't want to have no yan and have the same end, he tried to find liberation have no yan method of soul. At the same time, the once her young protect small white stabbed the soup to her mother-in-law's daughter money niang, qianhe resolutely decided to save the small white, challenge the authority of the evil spirit. The story about Qianhe is a thin ten old girl. The story of the "spirited away" from her body began unfolding. Qianhe follow my parents from the city to move to another city, on the way of what happened a wonderful journey. The film's first act is qianhe opened my eyes, cold and numb. Maybe she has lost child should innocence and curiosity. See a car window outside with strange things the flight of a bit is, without leaving a trace. They open car, am a stranger here, the wrong way is normal. But they did not think of, they rushed to make the mistake of ghost spirit rest place. They go through the mysterious tunnel after, see a blue sky and the lush grass and pure and fresh wind. It seems to have now rare place in society? Strange is empty town streets lined with is the flavor of the food. Qianhe parents according to endure not the temptation of food, doesn't care what food master is not here. Take food to eat. Qianhe can't stop parents move, here disturbing her, she had to walk in the street in an empty, wander. Suddenly, she saw the white dragon, indispensable another master, he reprimand angrily to the qianhe, let her get out of here. At this time, night falls, the lights of the large house behind white dragon on the light. By his harsh statements qianhe frighten of turn round and then went to parents run there. Along the way, light a lamp that a lamp that light up, if have be like without shadow at her side swing with, let a person good for the thin little girl worry, expect her to hurry to the parents there, and with them to leave. When qianhe eat to her parents run the place, a corner, but found the two men sat there is incredibly wearing clothes pigs parents. For greedy and become two pigs. She was ten years old, but social had made her numb a lot, she certainly don't believe the fairy tale. She thinks it's just this is his illusion, she walked along the passage back to, to find the way to know when became a vast sea. A ship colorful unsurpassed lights were blazing ship slowly to the side to make, stop the shore, but detection is with the shadow of a mask. Qianhe so afraid, she flurried of say, disappear disappear. Disc in here, I smiled. I thought the words in this place will become a spell, said spirit is? Because qianhe is at this time the disappearance of gradually transparent. If white dragon don't appear, say, qianhe will disappear. But white dragon appeared, he gently to qianhe said, don't be afraid of don't be afraid, I'm on your side, eat the food you will not disappear. When the soup of her mother-in-law; instead, they just don't know what a thing in the sky is flying to catch qianhe, white dragon, with qianhe survived, but he had to leave, but rely on of pulled qianhe him, he said to her, want to survive here, you have only a person go on. And here don't work, you will be mother tang into animals. Qianhe, and fear, and don't want to turn into an animal, but she has more to save her parents. So, she along the white dragon to her the way of guidance, found the nest furnace grandpa, ask him to give yourself a job. Nest furnace grandpa refused, he says his people have enough. However, when to send meal of xiao ling to see qianhe, he said it was his relatives, let xiao ling with her to see mother tang, see come out this is a kind-hearted grandpa. When leaving a nest of furnace grandpa's the moment, xiao ling but accused qianhe, help you, can be you incredibly connected a sentence thank you all have no. See soup before her mother-in-law, even the door all didn't knock to direct the pushed the door. See soup after her mother-in-law, you can find it is a love lost his temper and greed of money material woman, to my children, huge baby and spoil. Sign the contract. Qianhe started work here. And be mother tang took qianhe original name, leaving only a word: thousand. Name once taken away, they can't find the way home. White dragon said this, the clothing and write when qianhe has her name a paper for her, let her saved well. Think of the name is in a world of proof, by mother tang forced qianhe was renamed "thousands", it is to let she forget her own name, forget who you are. Name, here as a kind of and the real world (which the I) contact symbol. The name is to contact her body and originally one of the world's most key points. Evil female mother tang take her name is in order to keep her, let qianhe
第1个回答  2014-06-22
我来给你一篇,比较权威的,情节, 观后感, 分析都有了,如下: Ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents are moving to a new town, much to Chihiro's displeasure. While driving, they get lost and her father decides to take a shortcut down a mysterious forested pathway. After a short but bumpy drive, the family comes to a stop at what seems to be an abandoned theme park. Curious, the father leads his family through a tunnel and explores the park, finding a deserted town and a stall full of freshly-cooked food. The parents greedily help themselves while Chihiro refuses to eat. As Chihiro's parents are eating, she wanders off and meets a boy named Haku. Haku seems to be familiar with Chihiro and warns her to escape with her parents; she returns to find they have turned into pigs, and that the way back has become a deep river. Spirits appear and go about the park. Haku secretly takes Chihiro to a large bathhouse to avoid alerting the spirits to her presence. Haku then tells her that she must get a job from the boiler man, Kamajii until he can help her recover her parents and escape. With the help of the six-armed boiler room master Kamajii and a bathhouse servant girl named Lin,[2] Chihiro is able to convince Yubaba, the elderly Witch and owner of the bath house, to give her a job; in exchange, Chihiro is forced to give up her name so that Yubaba may keep her in service for eternity. Yubaba gives her new servant the name "Sen(千)," which is derived from "Chihiro(千寻)" by removing the second character and using the alternate reading of the first. Chihiro eventually learns that Haku is similarly indebted to Yubaba. Chihiro is put to work alongside Lin, helping to bathe and serve the most difficult spirits in the bathhouse. Chihiro is able to successfully bathe a "stink spirit" (later revealed to be a river spirit who had been heavily polluted), who rewards Chihiro for her service with a magic medicine made from special herbs. Chihiro discovers Haku's true form, a dragon, and he is later attacked in this form by shikigami in the form of paper birds controlled by Zeniba, Yubaba's twin sister. Haku had stolen and swallowed Zeniba's seal under orders from Yubaba, which has a spell on it that gave Haku internal bleeding and lacerations. Chihiro tries to help Haku recover from his injuries using the medicine given to her by the river spirit, which acts as an emetic to the dragon, causing him to vomit, and thus recovering Zeniba's sigil and squashing a peculiar black slug that had been attached to it. Haku remains comatose, so Chihiro decides to travel to Zeniba's home to return the seal, hoping to break her curse over Haku. Chihiro sets out on a train ride across the spirit world, along with a wraith-like spirit called No-Face, who terrorized the bathhouse and tried to earn the affection of Chihiro, Yubaba's pet raven (who has been turned into a small, fly-like creature by Zeniba), and Boh, Yubaba's gigantic infant son whom Zeniba had transformed into a mouse. The group arrives at Zeniba's house to find that Zeniba is friendlier than expected. She explains that the seal spell has been broken by Chihiro's love and caring and that the black slug Chihiro has squashed was a curse placed on Haku by Yubaba to control him. Zeniba and Chihiro's friends make Chihiro a special hairband to show her that her friends are with her, as well as for protection, and No-Face is offered to stay at Zeniba's home as her assistant. Haku, now recovered, shows up to return Chihiro to the bathhouse, explaining that Yubaba will return Chihiro's parents to normal and allow all three of them to leave in exchange for returning Boh. As they travel on Haku's dragon form, Chihiro realizes that Haku is the same river spirit that saved her as a small child when she fell into the Kohaku River, and the realization helps to break Yubaba's control on Haku completely. At the bathhouse, Yubaba reveals that Chihiro must pass one more task as part of Haku's deal: identify which pigs in the huge herd are her parents. Chihiro passes the test, as she states that none of them are her parents, and Yubaba is forced to let her and her family go. Haku escorts her to the entrance of the spirit world, telling her that her parents are waiting on the other side, but not to look back or else the deal will be broken. Chihiro rejoins her parents, and the family returns to their car (now dusty and covered with fallen leaves and branches, looking as though a long time has passed) and continues to their new home. Zeniba's hair band is still in Chihiro's hair, proving her adventure to be true. In the English adaptation, the film ends as Chihiro's parents tell her that they understand her worry, to which she replies that she thinks she'll do fine. This is a change from the Japanese original, which leaves Chihiro in silent thought as the car drives away, reflecting on her adventure.



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