
请你根据表格提示给他提一些建议,已给开头结尾 1.准时参加聚会 如果不能准时,你的朋友会着急 2.带上一些诸如蛋糕或花之类的小礼物,如果带了小礼物,你的朋友会很高兴 3穿戴整齐地去参加聚会,如果穿戴不整齐,朋友的父母会不让你参加聚会 4,不要带其他的人去参加聚会,如果带了其他人去,你的朋友会感觉不自在,不要翻译硬翻的,要八年级的水平,多谢各位大神了!!!!

James,I have some suggest to you we need attend on time otherwise Lily will worried.But if you take some flowers or small gift she will be happy.Also please dress up and don't ask other one together with you because she will feeling uncomfortable.还是不了解语境,如果这么要求别人来参加你的生日趴你会事多到没朋友的。PS,初二就这么难了?看来我是老了。记得我那年还都是看图说话。。。
第1个回答  2014-01-07
I am very happy today because I am twelve years old. In these years,I learned many things and spend some happy days.First of all,I must thanks my father and mother.They love me very much. Second,I want to thank all of my friend because they help me lofs of. Finally,I hope that eveyone can enjoy themselves.
第2个回答  2014-01-06
James, please be on time attend party otherwise your friend will be worried, and your friend will be happy if you take some gifts like cake or flowers. Remember dress up to the party otherwise your friend's parents may not let you in; the last, do not take others to the party, your friend will be uncomfortable if you take someone else be there.

my advice, this kind of party do not need attend!



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