

1. up
1) 向上
lift up 举起
climb up 爬上
come up 上升
get up 起床
stand up 站起来
pick up 检起
grow up 长大
put up 举起 ;张贴
rise up 升起
look up 抬起头
take up 拿起
build up 树立
set up 建立

2) 完成,结束
finish up 完成
drink up 喝干
eat up 吃光
burn up 烧光
wash up 洗净
use up 用光
fill up 装满
pay up 付清
end up 结束
close up 停止,关闭
break up 结束,分解

3) 离开,消灭
break up 拆开,驱散
cut up 切碎
blow up 炸毁
tear up 撕碎
give up 放弃

speed up 加速
show up 显现
cheer up 振作起来
bring up 抚育
check up 核对
clear up 清理
light up 点亮
make up 化装, 和解, 弥补
take up 从事
shut up 关闭
block up 堵塞
cover up 掩盖
hold up 延误
keep up 坚持
2. down

1) 向下
cut down 砍倒
get down 下来
hand down 传下来
knock down 撞倒
lay down 放下
let down 放下
pour down 倾盆而下
pull down 拉下
sit down 坐下
blow down 吹倒
bend down 弯下
bow down 鞠躬
kneel down 跪下
lie down 躺下

2) 停止,减弱
close down 关闭
drop down 突然停止
break down 坏了,中
settle down 平静下来
cool down 冷静下来
turn down 拒绝
put down 镇压

hold down 压低
slow down 慢下来
write down 写下
copy down 抄下
note down 记下

3. on
1) 连上,固定住
act on 对…起作用
catch on 抓牢
come on 跟随
count on 依赖
fit on 固定
turn on 打开
switch on 打开
put on 穿上
try on 试穿
rely on 依靠
depend on 依靠

2) 开始某活动
work on 从事
bring on 引起
look on 旁观, 观看
call on 拜访

carry on 继续开展
hold on 继续
insist on 坚持
add on 加上
mark on 标上
paint on 漆上
pass on 传递
get on 上车

4. off
1) 离开
blow off 吹掉
drive off 赶走;击退
get off 下车,动身
see off 送行
start off 动身
take off 起飞

2) 去掉,断开
cut off 切断
rub off 擦掉
shave off 剃去
shake off 抖落
turn off 关掉
switch off 关掉
take off 脱掉
wear off 磨损
break off 中断

3) 完成,停止
finish off 结束
pay off 付清
call off 取消

5. in
1) 进入,向里
break in 闯入,插嘴
breathe in 吸入
move in 迁入
involve in 卷入

2) 加入,记入
book in 登记
check in 签到
fill in 填入
hand in 交上

6. out
1) 向外
take out 拿出
come out 长出
eat out 出去吃
look out 当心
move out 搬出
point out 指出
stick out 伸出
dine out 外出吃饭
let out 放出, 释放

2) 结束,消失,取消
burn out 烧尽,烧断
put out 扑灭
run out 用完
use out 耗尽
kick out 逐出
die out 灭绝
carry out 完成,执行
go out 熄灭
tire out 筋疲力尽

set out 出发
hand out 分发
send out 发送
break out 爆发,逃脱
drop out 离开,退出
find out 找出
figure out 算出,解决
write out 写出

7. over
knock over 撞倒
turn over 翻转
look over 从…上面看
look over 调查
think over 考虑
go over


第1个回答  2017-09-18
1. a bit (of) 有一点,一会儿 2. a few 一些,少量 3. a kind of 一种,一类 4. a little 一点,少许
第2个回答  2010-06-21
pass away
pass out
make sb do
have sb. do
have sth. done
see/hear/watch sb.do/doing
第3个回答  2010-06-26
like to do
want to do
go to do
ask to do
tell to do
remember to do
forget to do
want sb to do sth
make sb do sth
mind doing sth
finish to do sth
finish doing sth
like to do sth
like doing sth
listen to sth
hear sb to do sth
forget to do sth
forget doing sth
how to do sth
used to do sth
by dong sth
wait sb to do sth
hope to do sth
sb want to do sth
be busy doing sth
do one's best todo sth
sb need to do sth
try to do sth
tell sb to do sth
tell sb not to do sth
stop sb from doing sth
have trouble doing sth
lend sb to do sth
manage to do sth
go on doing sth
be interested in doing sth
be afraid to do sth
too...to do sth
end up doing sth
get used to do sth
What about doing sth
would like to do sth
mind one's doing sth
be make up of doing sth
get to do sth
become expect at doing sth
succeed in doing sth
ask sb about doing sth
arrived in doing sth
love to do sth
love doing sth
it is time to do sth
enjoy doing sth
do well in doing sth
the best way to do sth
you'd better to do sth
practice doing sth
watch sb to do sth
decide to do sth
give up doing sth
agree to do sth
see sb doing sth
allowed sb to do sth
invite sb to do sth
make a conctribution to doing sth
prevent from doing sth
remember to do sth
remember not to do sth
remember doing sth
drop doing sth
drop to do sth
consider doing sth
pretend to do sth
prefer to do sth
can't stand doing sth
be shocked by doing sth
forget to do … 忘记要做某事
forget doing… 忘记做了某事
remember to do…记住要做某事
remember doing …记着做了某事
mean to do … 有意要做某事
mean doing … 意味着做了某事
regret to do …(do指代有限的几个词,如say、tell) 很抱歉要告诉你…
regret doing … 对做过去的事后悔
can’t help to do…不能帮助做某事
can’t help doing … 情不自禁做某事
try to do … 尽力去做某事
try doing 试着做某事
learn to do … 学着去做某事
learn doing … 学会做某事
stop to do … 停下来去做(另一件事)
stop doing … 停止做某事
go on to do … 接着做(另外一件事)
go on doing … 继续做某事
used to do … 过去做某事
be used to doing … 习惯做某事
look forward to doing sth 期待做某事



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