

make Sb. do Sth. 让某人做某事

make Sth. Adj. 使某事怎么样
made in China 中国制造
be made of 由......制作成 (可以看出原材料)
be made from 由......制作成 (不可以看出原材料)
be made up of 由......组成
make the bed 铺床
make the tea 烧茶
What make is it? 什么牌子?
第1个回答  2014-02-26
Makevt. 使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成
vi. 开始;前进;增大;被制造
n. 制造;构造;性情
n. (Make)人名;(塞、南非)马克
[ 过去式 made 过去分词 made 现在分词 making ]

make up 构成 ; 弥补 ; 化妆 ; 编造
make sense 讲得通 ; 有意义 ; 有道理 ; 言之有理
make for 走向 ; 有助于 ; 促进 ; 导致
Make [ meik ]
a recognizable kind
"what make of car is that?"
同义词: brand
the act of mixing cards haphazardly
同义词: shuffle shuffling
engage in
"make love, not war"; " make an effort"; " make revolution"
同义词: do
give certain properties to something
"Don't make this into a big deal"; " This invention will make you a millionaire"
同义词: get
make or cause to be or to become
"make a mess in one's office"
同义词: create
cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner
同义词: induce stimulate cause have get
give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally
"make a stir"
同义词: cause do
create or manufacture a man-made product
同义词: produce create
make, formulate, or derive in the mind
"make an estimate"; " What do you make of his remarks?"
同义词: draw
compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
"Heat makes you sweat"
create by artistic means
同义词: create
earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
"How much do you make a month in your new job?"
同义词: gain take in clear earn realize realise pull in bring in
create or design, often in a certain way
同义词: do
to compose or represent:
"This makes a fine introduction"
同义词: form constitute
reach a goal, e.g.,
"make the first team"; " She may not make the grade"
同义词: reach get to progress to
be or be capable of being changed or made into
"He makes a great host"; " He will make a fine father"
make by shaping or bringing together constituents
"make a dress"; " make a cake"; " make a wall of stones"
perform or carry out
"make a decision"; " make a move"; " make advances"; " make a phone call"
make by combining materials and parts
同义词: construct build
change from one form into another
"make water into wine"; " make lead into gold"; " make clay into bricks"
act in a certain way so as to acquire
"make friends"; " make enemies"
charge with a function; charge to be
同义词: name nominate
achieve a point or goal
同义词: have get
reach a destination, either real or abstract
同义词: reach attain hit arrive at gain
institute, enact, or establish
"make laws"
同义词: lay down establish
carry out or commit
"make a mistake"
add up to
"four and four make eight"
form by assembling individuals or constituents
organize or be responsible for
"have, throw, or make a party"
同义词: hold throw have give
prepare for eating by applying heat
"can you make me an omelette?"
同义词: cook fix ready prepare
put in order or neaten
"make the bed"; " make up a room"
同义词: make up
head into a specified direction
同义词: take
have a bowel movement
同义词: stool defecate shit take a shit take a crap ca-ca crap
undergo fabrication or creation
"This wool makes into a nice sweater"
be suitable for
"Wood makes good furniture"
amount to
"This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"
constitute the essence of
"Clothes make the man"
appear to begin an activity
proceed along a path
"make one's way into the forest"
同义词: work
reach in time
gather and light the materials for
"make a fire"
induce to have sex
同义词: seduce score
assure the success of
"A good review by this critic will make your play!"
represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like
"She makes like an actress"
同义词: pretend make believe
consider as being
calculate as being
"I make the height about 100 feet"
cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable
"make my day"
favor the development of
"Practice makes the winner"
develop into
"He will make a splendid father!"
behave in a certain way
"make merry"
eliminate urine
同义词: urinate piddle puddle micturate piss pee pee-pee make water relieve oneself take a leak spend a penny wee wee-wee pass water



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