no more than和 not more than的区别。看一道题

章振邦 的语法书中提到: not more than 属于普通比较级,如not better than 就是不比。。。好。no+形容词或副词比较级+than 所表示的可以说是该形容词或副词的反义词,如:no richer than= as poor as; no bigger than =as small as; no later than =as early as;据此推断 no more convenient than 应该是“都不方便”的意思。可是有这样一道听力题:M: Your new apartment is no more convenient than the first one had been.W: Exactly, but it's far more comfortable and above all it has a quiet surrounding.Q: What does the woman think of the old apartment?A: It was in a quiet surrounding. B: It was more comfortable. C: It was not too far. D: It was more convenient.答案为D是不是题目有问题,应该为not more convenient than. 请教下各位高人。

分析一下题目 M: Your new apartment is no more convenient than the first one had been.M: 你的新公寓(在地理位置上)不如原来那个方便啊! W: Exactly, but it's far more comfortable and above all it has a quiet surrounding.W: 确实不方便, 但是新公寓住起来很舒服,而且周围很安静。 Q: What does the woman think of the old apartment?A: It was in a quiet surrounding. 旧公寓 周围很安静 - 错 , 因为新公寓更安静 B: It was more comfortable. 旧公寓更舒适, 错 , 新公寓更舒服C: It was not too far. 旧公寓 不是太远。错, 对话中没有交代距离远近, D: It was more convenient. 旧公寓 (地理位置上) 更方便。 正确 选D没错
第1个回答  2013-11-23



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