
大学生聚餐 几多欢喜几多愁
首先是花销问题。据随机调查,一次聚餐的人均消费约为25元左右。25元对于一个普通消费水平的同学来讲,差不多是四天的伙食费。而当今90%以上的大学生生活来源基本上都还是靠父母。既然是聚餐,总不能太过寒酸,好歹也得去个稍微体面点儿的饭店,花销也就自然上涨了。一名大二的同学告诉笔者,他曾经一个月参加的聚餐多达五次,结果搞得刚过半月,生活费就透支了。并且每个同学的出身背景和家庭条件状况不同,一些条件不好的同学本来生活就很紧张了,可遇到集体聚餐,又不好意思推脱,长此以往就会感到无力招架。尤其是许多宿舍聚餐,无论是“ AA制”还是“轮番请”,几轮下来,每个人的花销绝对不是个小数目。

How much joy misery Students Dinner
In today's society, "dinner party" has already become a trend, but I do not know since when, "dinner" has become quite popular within the university campus one term. What "dinner"? Why is "dinner"? Perhaps it is not as simple as you might think, one of the advantages and disadvantages are worth thinking and discussion.
According to the survey, the main meal of today's college students have four forms:
1. Villagers will. This is just a number of freshmen will soon encounter a school dinner. "Abroad case of refresher" since ancient times is a matter worthy of drinking wine on the table, we talk a familiar dialect, recalled in his hometown of anecdotes, each warming itself sinking, alone in a foreign land homesick heart. Can say, "the villagers would be" on the remote to the students, it is definitely very important.
2. All kinds of associations or organizations of the dinner. Community organizations, college students on campus as an integral part of life, for everyone is an unforgettable and valuable experience. We come from different colleges, different professions, can enter the same association or organization, from nothing to fight side by side, sufficient to show everyone like-minded, this is a kind of fate. If still with dinner, it absolutely can gain an unexpected friendship.
3. Class dinner. University and high school big difference is that while the classmates, but usually see a face in addition to school, almost no chance to get along. The networking dinner is just a good way.
4. Hostel dinner. When a person recollection of his college life, the impression is definitely the most profound day and night together for four years Sheyou Men. In particular, to the university hostel to stay longer time with each other on deeper feelings. May encounter a small theme, brothers or sisters would say, "go to rub together meal."
From this, dinner is really to enhance all aspects of friendship in a good way. But having said that, pregnant there must be concern, dinner is also really a lot of drawbacks.
The first is the issue expenses. According to random surveys, one dinner per capita consumption is about 25 yuan. 25 yuan for an ordinary level of the students in terms of consumption, almost four days of meals. While more than 90% of today's college students are still largely depend on the source of life their parents. Since it is a dinner, can not be too shabby, good or ill have to go a little something decent hotel, spending would, of course rose. A sophomore students told the writer that he had participated in the dinner as much as five times a month, the result Gaode just over a half months, living on overdrawn. And each student's personal background and family situation of different conditions, some disadvantaged students who live very nervous, could face a collective meal, but also embarrassed evade the long run will feel unable to parry. Many quarters, especially dinner, whether it is "AA" system or "turns, please", rounds down, everyone's spending is definitely not insignificant.
Second, ideological issues. Currently almost all of us can not make money, money and friendship on early as a single entity, even in some cases submitted to some "fair-weather friends", this is undoubtedly unhealthy trends in society on an ideological and erosion, so that the original pure friendship have become more secular flavor.
Another issue I must mention that food security issues. Dinner when the boys almost have to drink, girls are easy to eat too much, it will undoubtedly harm our health. And outside the sanitary quality of food is usually less secure than the school canteen, which is also a negative factor in the body.
In short, the dinner of the students in terms of positive and negative, we do not exclude dinner, but dinner should be healthy and reasonable, let us through dinner truly enhance our great friendship.
第1个回答  2010-06-22
第2个回答  2010-06-22
Students how glad much worry about dinner
In today's society, "a dinner" has already become a kind of fashion, but don't know, "since when dinner" has become quite popular in university campus and the noun. What is "dinner?" Why "dinner?" Maybe it is not so easy as you think, the advantages and disadvantages of multi-booting system are worthy of our consideration and discussed.
According to the survey, today's university students party there are four main types:
1. Laoxiang. This is a freshman many students will soon meet a dinner party. "Home" in country since ancient times, is worth drink on the table and everybody to speak with the memories of revenge, anecdotes, mutual warm home a foreign body in the lonely heart homesick. Say "villagers will come to different students, it has very important meaning.
2 all societies or organization. Mass organizations, as an integral part of the campus life, everybody is an unforgettable experience and precious. Everyone is different from the academy, different specialty, can enter the same club or organization, from no relationship to struggle together, everybody is congenial, this is a kind of luck. If you still can together, the absolute can harvest dinner unexpected friendship.
3 class dinner. College and high school big difference is to classmates, but usually except meet outside the class, almost no chance. Each fellowship dinner is a good way.
4 dormitory for dinner. When a man with his college life, the most profound impression of absolute muscles are the four years. Especially in college to stay in the dormitory rather long time, feeling is deeper. Maybe a little theme, brothers or sisters will said, "go, go to rub a".
Consequently, dinner is indeed improve every aspect of friendship is a good way. But then again, have dinner will be mixed, the disadvantages of does a lot.
First is spending problem. According to the survey, the first of the random meals per capita consumption of about 25 yuan. 25 yuan for an ordinary consumption level of students, the cost is almost four days. But in today's more than 90% of the college life source or parents is basically. Since it is the party, always can't too shabby, somehow also go to a restaurant, a decent slightly spending will rise. A sophomore student told the author once a month, he attended a dinner up to five times, just over half got results, living is overdrawn. And every student's family background and origin, some conditions in different conditions of the students had bad life very nervous, can meet the collective dinners, and embarrassed to evade, this will feel powerless to parry. Especially, either party many dormitory "AA" or "grill please," rounds down, each person is absolutely not spend a small number.
Second is the ideological problems. Now you can earn money, almost all the money and friendship will advance is an organic whole repeatedly, and even some also make some fair-weather friends ", this is the social bad style of college students' ideological and a erosion, let originally pure friendship more secular flavor.
Another problem is that diet, safety problems. The dinner was almost all boys to girls also easy to drink, and this will undoubtedly battling for everybody's health damage. And the food hygiene quality usually outside school canteen so as to ensure that this is a body disadvantage.
Anyhow, dinner on students has its advantages and disadvantages, we do not reject dinner, but to achieve healthy reasonable meals, let we can improve our party through the true greatness of friendship.



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