
1.In your opinion,what's the best effect of computers on modern society?what's the worst effect? (download,install)这道就说方便在因特网上下载需要的信息,便捷了联系,加强人与人的沟通,使世界连成一个整体,但是人们会因此变的依赖电脑,不去思考等等,就这意思!
2.what's the one strength of china's public transportation systerm?what's one weakness?(fares,public transportation,congested,delayed)不用非得都用上,用上了就行。
3.how can we promote a peaceful society without war?(没词汇要求)
4.if you could choose,would you rather be a man or a woman in today's society?why?(discrimination, equal opportunities, male-dominated)这个答案是还是想当女的,因为不认为这是个男性占主导地位的社会,男女都有平等的机会,而且认为女性在社会上的作用很大,举点例子就行, 大概就这意思哈,谢谢了

1.I think the positive effect computers have on the modern society is that with computers people can communicate with each other more efficiently and conveniently. Computers have made a large proportion of our daily work easy and handy. We can simply surf the web and download the information we need from other people or websites.
However, the negative effect is that they make people rely heavily on them and also make people lazy and stop thinking. When meeting with a question or problem, people just naturally want to go to their computers and get the answer or solution from other people. This is really bad.

2.China's public transportation system is really a huge one. It transports tens of millions of people every day. So, in this sense, the system really facilitates people's travelling. The weakness I think is that the system could not meet all the needs. China has a huge population. Every day on the streets and roads we see traffic jams and congestions. It is really painful to wait in the traffic and could not move even a little bit.

3.War was never absent in any period of the long human history. We don't want any wars, but sometimes they just come naturally and inevitably and this is really sad. The causes of war are mutiple: greed, territory disputes, natural resourses, grudge and religional conflicts and so on. No man wants war. We need a peaceful world to focus on building a beautiful homeland. Sometimes, we should keep that in mind and control ourselves.

4.I still want to be a woman. I don't think this is a male-dominated society. I think men and women both have equal opportunities. The key to success is not your gender. If you work hard enough, you will succeed eventually no matter you are a man or woman. Women hold up half the sky and they play a important role in society.
第1个回答  2010-06-20
1.I think the best effect of computer is we can get any information by download from the website. Our communication is much more installed by the computer, too. But also the problem is we depend too much on the computer and refused to think.
2.The public transportation system of China just like the economy of China, too. It was fared rapidly. But it seems still can't coordinate with the requirements of some big city like Beijin. It was congeted and delayed a lot of passengers in rush hour.
3.Make all of the people in this world are full of food and live happiness, I think this is the basically problem. When we get a wonderful global village, we will never think about fight and war.
4.Of course I want be a girl in today's society. For now we have a civilized society which was no discrimination. It was not a male-dominated society. Woman has the equal opportunities as man. Even female play an important part in our medical, preschool education, etc. Because we have more patient and considernation.
第2个回答  2010-06-21




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