A Healthy Diet 作文

以“A Healthy Diet”为题,为你学校的健康俱乐部写一篇60词左右的短文。短文中应该讲到健康饮食的重要性;一日三餐所吃食物及所能提供的能量;每餐之间可以吃些什么,不应该吃些什么。

第1个回答  2010-07-26
A healthy diet is becoming the preference for more and more people.The way we live,especially the thing we eat,contributes a lot to our health.Our bodies were fueled by the three meals a day.They provide us energy such as protein ,vitamins ,fat ,carbohydrates ,mineral substances ,H2O and so on .To make our body absorb the essential nutrition,we need to balance our dietary pattern.Vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy, meat,as we know,lay the foundation of the nutrition ,In that case ,we should arrange properly with them .But do remember, the junk food,which have little or no nutritional value,like soft drinks, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, French fries, chocolate, etc. should be the last choice for you diet.



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