八年级上册英语第七单元 重点短语 50个 英译汉


1.在将来 in the future
2.从现在起的100年100 years from now
3.去上学 go to school 4.每个家庭 every home
5.在家通过电脑学习 study at home on computers
6.使用钱_use money__
7.活到200岁_live to be 200 years old_
8.100年后_in 100 years_ 9.更少的人_less people_
10.更多的业余时间_more free time_ 11.更少的污染 less pollution_ 12.更少的树_less trees_
13.更少地使用地铁_use the subways less
14.五年前_five years ago_ 15.在高中_in high school_ 16.踢足球_play soccer_ 17.在大学_in college 18.弹钢琴_play the piano 19.打网球_play tennis 20.什么运动_what sport
21.一座高楼大厦_a tall building 22.太空站_space station
23.一位电脑工程师_a computer programmer
24.在这附近_near here
25.乘火车去上学_take a train to school_
26.乘火箭去月球__fly a rocket to the moon_
27.在公寓里_in an apartment _ 28.看起来像__look like
30.科幻电影_science fiction movies 31.帮助?_help with? 32. 十年后_in ten years 33.去年_last year
34.爱上??_fall in love with 35. 作为一名记者_as a reporter 36.许多_lots of
37.我最好的朋友_my best friend 38.独自居住_live alone 39.太小_too young
40.甚至可能_even possible 41.去溜冰_go skating 42. 每一天__each day
43.看起来时髦的_look smart 44.在周末_at the weekend _ 45.度假_on vacation 46.能够_be able to
47.穿着更加的随意_dress causally 48.最令人不愉快的工作_the most unpleasant job
49.数以百计的;成百上千的_hundreds of
50.做相同的事情_do the same thing 51.举个例子_for example

52.醒来,唤醒_wake up 53.能够_be able to
54.其他的科学家_other scientists 55.和人们谈论,讲话_talk with \talk to sb
56.一次又一次_over and over again 57.感到无聊_get bored_
58.不同的形状__different shapes 59.一场地震之后_after an earthquake
60.寻找_look for
61.一把电动牙刷_an electric toothbrush
62.下一次_next time
63.下一次世界杯_the next World Cup
64.明年_next year
65.穿制服_wear a suit\uniform_ 66.预测未来_predict future 67.梦想成真_come true 68.没有声音_no sound
69.大多数人_most people 70.与?一样_the same as?



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