

第1个回答  2010-08-25
第2个回答  2010-08-25
第3个回答  2010-08-25
第4个回答  2010-08-25
第5个回答  2010-08-25
The best of life should be a process, not results; because we end result is the same, but the process is totally different!

1, the most wonderful life should be: defeated, keep on fighting and finally to the destruction of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong stroke, but also immediately after the closing hand finish the job. This is a fan of the brilliant Marshal Hunan had life!

2,she was also elected one. Remember, the most wonderful life should be: one of immediate concern from the platoon level, the location of major general, without any background, relying solely on individual efforts, won a key battle each victory. This is the undefeated division of General Su Yu's wonderful side of life!

3, the most wonderful life should be: live their lives in prison even if the most wonderful time, but perseverance finally out of prison, and should win the respect of the people of South Africa and the world. This is a wonderful life of President Mandela!

4, the most wonderful life should be: a little girl all are ordinary, completely on their own earning capacity, to achieve a number of others that can not events. This is a wonderful life, Wendi Deng.

5, the most wonderful life should be: there is no blame on others because of the poor, did not return for the sympathy and moral concern, as the capital, but by their solid efforts to improve their situation. This is a wonderful life, Hung-hui war.

6, the most wonderful life should be: from scholar to the wealthy, and from the wealthy to the debt two million of the \clear all debts then become wealthy. This is the Shi Yuzhu wonderful life.

7, the most wonderful life should be: when the bandits cunning, when the military when war hero, when the imperial army when the great sweep Society \the first to cross the river when the first plug the red flag Presidential Palace. This is the text of General Wu of the mystery of life.

8, the most wonderful life should be: a one does not hear from the poor young man,, to the qigong master,, and then to the capital of predators, while the entrepreneurs control of several football clubs, real-time into prison, the beautiful young girl art troupe troops should marry him in prison, his men continued to buy his big black horse in the stock market. This is Zhang's mysterious life.

9,, the most wonderful life should be: from a utility man, in \This is Stephen Chow's wonderful life.

10, the most wonderful life should be: from a shipyard worker became President of the country, and from a national president, retirement is still able to return to the shipyard to a peaceful state of mind when the welder. This is a wonderful sand Lech life.

11, the most wonderful life should be: in the most difficult times and has not been difficult to beat, but the witty chanting of \\This is a wonderful farmers Sheng life.

12, the most wonderful life should be: a boiler, and has a strong Trolltech, Yue happy to patients, through their own efforts and the pursuit of access to a national chess champion. This is Liu Dahua's wonderful life.

13, the most wonderful life should be: from a female youth, good and strong after a generation of film, there is a result of personality defects was once imprisoned for hair has turned white, he is a lively funny star of active life. This is Liu's wonderful life.

14,, the most wonderful life should be: one had a special sad experience, that the stock market to make money, after all efforts to improve the stock through the skills, and finally two years to earn 30 million stocks, fell to 3300 points from 6200 points in the process of also making the more than 500 million. This is true of Zhejiang to Beijing experience working girl.

15, the most wonderful life should be: a Beijing suburban girl with no father, the sea battles, no background, did not go to prestigious universities, entirely on their own efforts, several setbacks no regrets, there are tens of millions of assets 30s. This is the first author in Beijing, a partner in the real experience.



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