
发盘又称发价或报价提出买卖某项货物的各项交易条件,并愿意按照这些交易条件与韩国服装进出口公司达成交易、订立合同。交易条件有:能提供给韩国SM时尚潮流服装进出口公司的商品数量及价格是 D6957567 6000PCS,单价为20元每件,D4523991 3000PCS,单价为24元每件;付款方式需要以我方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证并由即期汇票支付,韩国SM服装进出口公司由开证行开来的信用证要在装运前的一个月到达我方,信用证在中国装运期后20天一直有效。这个发盘有效期为15天。在还盘函中我们需要注意的地方主要是:还盘必须在有效期内作出才有效,还盘也是反要约,如果我方上海嘉智国际贸易有限公司作出了接受韩国SM服装进口有限公司的条件,就要受到约束。所以,上海嘉智国际贸易有限公司在对韩国SM服装进出口公司的还盘函做出回复时,应仔细反复去审辨,看是否有无不利于上海嘉智国际贸易有限公司的条件。 这样情况下要如何写卖方还盘范文? 求解答

dear sirs
thank you for your offer dated March 1st and we are regret to find that we can't make it as the price quotated by you.
I'd like to point out that our product is famous for its high quality and reasonable price.With the increasing of the price for raw materials,we can't make the ends meet by selling the towel at $600 per case. However, in consideration of our long-term friendly relationship. we are prepared to allow you a special discout of 5% for large orders.
If you are willing to cooperate with us ,plese reply us as soon as possible,because we have low stocks.
我是国贸专业的学生 希望我的答案能够被你采用 谢谢
第1个回答  2021-03-27
Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your offer
dated June 20 and for the
samples you kindly send us.

We appreciate the good quality of these heat meters but unfortunately we? find your prices appeat to be on the high side and will deprive us of any
profits. We also find that the price of the similar products from other manufacturers are lower than yours.

So we suggest that you make
some allowance,say 10% on your
quoted prices. We
believe your allowance would
help to introduce your goods
to our customers.

Yours sincerely



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