



(1)A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive.

一只做了标记的蜜蜂从盘中喂饱自己以后就飞回蜂箱了(itself 与 bee 在人称、性质、数上保持一致)

(2)In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park.

1955年,沃尔特.迪斯尼亲自创办了第一个迪斯尼公园。(himself 与 Walt Disney 在人称、性质、数上保持一致)



(3)He saw himself in the mirror.

他在镜子里看见了他自己。(himself 和 he 为同一人)

(4)He saw him in the mirror.

他在镜子里看见了他。(him 显然指另外一人)

常见的反身代词列表: I--myself you(单数)-- yourself you(复数)-- yourselves she--herself he


we--ourselves they--themselves it--itself one--oneself
用法 1)做宾语

a. 有些动词需有反身代词

absent, bath, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave

We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心。

Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。

b. 用于及物动词+宾语+介词

take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth.

I could not dress (myself) up at that time. 那个时候我不能打扮我自己。

注:有些动词后不跟反身代词, get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。

Please sit down. 请坐。

2) 作表语; 同位语

be oneself: I am not myself today. 我今天不舒服。

The thing itself is not important. 事情本身并不重要。

3) 在不强调的情况下,but, except, for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可。如:

No one but myself (me) is hurt.

注意: a. 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。

(错) Myself drove the car.

(对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。

b. 但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语。

Charles and myself saw it.


You should be proud of yourself. 你应为自己感到骄傲。






1) 列表

数 单数 复数

人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一 人称 第二人称 第三人称

人称代词 I you he/she/it we you they

反身代词 myself yourself yourself/herself/himself ourselves yourselves themselves



a. 有些动词需有反身代词,如absent, bathe, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave等。例如:

We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心。

Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。

b. 用于及物动词+宾语+介词,如take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth等。例如:

I could not dress(myself)up at that time. 那个时候我不能打扮我自己。

注:有些动词后不跟反身代词,如:get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。例如:

Please sit down. 请坐。

3) 用作表语,如结构be oneself.例如:

I am not myself today. 我今天不舒服。

4) 用作同位语

The thing itself is not important. 事情本身并不重要。

5) 在不强调的情况下,but, except, for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可。如:No one but myself(me)is hurt.


a. 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。

(错) Myself drove the car.

(对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。

b. 但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语。例如:

Charles and myself saw it. 查尔斯和我看见了这件事。


定义 人称代词的宾格或所有格词尾加“-self,-selves”的代词称为反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun),亦称复合人称代词(Compound Personal Pronoun)。



例A:The old man killed himself last night.


例B:We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party last night.


例C:Help yourselves,please.


解说 如各例句所示,各反身代词都是指其主语本身。这种用法有些已成为惯用表达法(例B),例如:

例:He absented himself from school this morning.


例:She seated herself by the window.


例:I was late this morning because I overslept myself.


例:Don't overeat yourself,or you'll get sick.


例:They dressed themselves up quickly and left the house.



例A:The door opened of itself.


例B:I like to travel by myself.


例C:She was beside herself with grief.


解说 例A的“of itself”是表示无外力干予,即“自动”的意思。例B的“by myself”是表示无外人参加,即“独自”的意思。例C的“beside herself”是表示脱离她本来的自我,即“失常,发疯”的意思。


例:I myself heard him say so yesterday.


例:she did it herself.(=She herself did it.)


例:The story itself is not interesting.

第1个回答  2010-07-28


(1)A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive.

一只做了标记的蜜蜂从盘中喂饱自己以后就飞回蜂箱了(itself 与 bee 在人称、性质、数上保持一致)

(2)In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park.

1955年,沃尔特.迪斯尼亲自创办了第一个迪斯尼公园。(himself 与 Walt Disney 在人称、性质、数上保持一致)



(3)He saw himself in the mirror.

他在镜子里看见了他自己。(himself 和 he 为同一人)

(4)He saw him in the mirror.

他在镜子里看见了他。(him 显然指另外一人)

常见的反身代词列表: I--myself you(单数)-- yourself you(复数)-- yourselves she--herself he


we--ourselves they--themselves it--itself one--oneself
用法 1)做宾语

a. 有些动词需有反身代词

absent, bath, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave

We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心。

Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。

b. 用于及物动词+宾语+介词

take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth.

I could not dress (myself) up at that time. 那个时候我不能打扮我自己。

注:有些动词后不跟反身代词, get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。

Please sit down. 请坐。

2) 作表语; 同位语

be oneself: I am not myself today. 我今天不舒服。

The thing itself is not important. 事情本身并不重要。

3) 在不强调的情况下,but, except, for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可。如:

No one but myself (me) is hurt.

注意: a. 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。

(错) Myself drove the car.

(对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。

b. 但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语。

Charles and myself saw it.


You should be proud of yourself. 你应为自己感到骄傲。






1) 列表

数 单数 复数

人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一 人称 第二人称 第三人称

人称代词 I you he/she/it we you they

反身代词 myself yourself yourself/herself/himself ourselves yourselves themselves



a. 有些动词需有反身代词,如absent, bathe, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave等。例如:

We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心。

Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。

b. 用于及物动词+宾语+介词,如take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth等。例如:

I could not dress(myself)up at that time. 那个时候我不能打扮我自己。

注:有些动词后不跟反身代词,如:get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。例如:

Please sit down. 请坐。

3) 用作表语,如结构be oneself.例如:

I am not myself today. 我今天不舒服。

4) 用作同位语

The thing itself is not important. 事情本身并不重要。

5) 在不强调的情况下,but, except, for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可。如:No one but myself(me)is hurt.


a. 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。

(错) Myself drove the car.

(对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。

b. 但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语。例如:

Charles and myself saw it. 查尔斯和我看见了这件事。


定义 人称代词的宾格或所有格词尾加“-self,-selves”的代词称为反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun),亦称复合人称代词(Compound Personal Pronoun)。



例A:The old man killed himself last night.


例B:We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party last night.


例C:Help yourselves,please.


解说 如各例句所示,各反身代词都是指其主语本身。这种用法有些已成为惯用表达法(例B),例如:

例:He absented himself from school this morning.


例:She seated herself by the window.


例:I was late this morning because I overslept myself.


例:Don't overeat yourself,or you'll get sick.


例:They dressed themselves up quickly and left the house.



例A:The door opened of itself.


例B:I like to travel by myself.


例C:She was beside herself with grief.


解说 例A的“of itself”是表示无外力干予,即“自动”的意思。例B的“by myself”是表示无外人参加,即“独自”的意思。例C的“beside herself”是表示脱离她本来的自我,即“失常,发疯”的意思。


例:I myself heard him say so yesterday.


例:she did it herself.(=She herself did it.)


例:The story itself is not interesting



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