all right和that's all right有什么区别


All right.That”s all right.与That”s right.的用法区别:
1.All right.的三种用法.
�Let”s play football.咱们踢足球吧.
�All right.好吧.
(2)用在系动词be(am,is are)之后,表示健康状况,相当于fine或well,意思为“身体好”,“病好了”.如:
How are you?
I”m all right.我很好.
His work is all right.他的工作令人满意.
2.That”s all right.的三种用法
(1)That”s all right.用于对别人表示感谢的答语,意思是“不用谢,不客气”,相当于That”s OK./Not at all./You”re welcome.如:
Thank you very much.
That”s all right.不用谢.
(2)That”s all right.用于别人向你道歉时的答语,意思是“没关系”,相当于Never mind /It doesn”t matter.如:
I”m sorry,I”m late.对不起,我迟到了.
That”s all right.没关系.
(3)That”s all right.用于对对方某一情况表示“没问题”,“行了”或“可以了”.如:
Can I see your licence,please?我能看看你的执照吗?
Sure.Here you are.当然可以,给你.
That”s all right.Thank you.没问题,
3.That”s right.是同意对方的观点或看法时的常用语,意思是“对”,“正确”.如:
What”s four and six?4加6等于几?
It”s ten.是10.
第1个回答  2016-03-04
一、All right.
1. 作对方建议或劝告的应答语。例如:
-Let's go and ask him. 咱们去问他吧。
-All right. 好的。
-Shall we go home? 我们回家好吗?
-All right. 好的。
-You'd better not smoke. 你最好不要抽烟。
-All right. 好的。
2. 作对方想法或请求的应答语。例如:
-I think it is green. 我认为它是绿色。
-All right. 对。
-Pass her a piece of paper,please. 请递给她一张纸。
-All right. 好的。
-Can I put my bag here? 我把书包放在这儿行吗?
-All right. 行。
-Will you please say that again? 你再说一遍好吗?
-All right. 好的。
二、That's all right。
1. 作对方抱歉的礼貌应答语。例如:
-I'm sorry, I can't go there with you. 对不起,我不能同你一起去。
-That's all right. 没关系。
2. 作对方感谢的应答语。例如:
-Thank you very much for your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。
-That's all right. 别客气。



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