
Passage A
Because there are so many different nationalities in America, visitors can find almost any kind of restaurant in most of the large cities. The telephone book lists restaurants for each city according to the name, area of the city, or kind of food. Restaurants in large cities vary greatly in price and kind of food before you enter. If the menu is not posted, and you are uncertain about how expensive the place is, ask to see a menu before you are seated at a table, or else just ask about the price range. Appearances form the outside can be misleading ____ what looks like a small, informal restaurant may really be very expensive, and what looks like a large, expensive, restaurant may be very reasonable.
You can get a meal for about $4 or $5 or slightly more if you eat in snack bars or coffee shops, but in most city restaurants you should expect to pay $8 to $10 a person for dinner, with alcoholic drinks and wine extra. Prices in New York City are even higher.
1.Restaurants for each city are listed in the telephone book according to the _________.
a. area of the city b. name of the restaurant
c. kind of food d. any of the above
2.Where is the menu posted in many restaurants?
a. In the window b. On the door of the restaurants
c. On the table d. In the front of the restaurants
3.If you are not sure about the prices of the restaurants, what should you do?
a. Ask to see a menu before you sit down at a table.
b. Ask to post a menu in the window.
c. Just ask the price range.
d. Either a or c.
4.In most city restaurants, what is the average dinner price range for a person?
a. $4 to $6. b. $4 to $8.
c. $6 to $8 d. $8 to $10.
5.What is the main idea of the passage?
e. Prices in New York City are even higher.
f. Visitors can find almost any kind of restaurant in most of the large cities.
g. Appearances of the restaurants from the outside can give you wrong idea.
h. Restaurants in big cities vary greatly in price.


第二题没有明确说明,原句在此:Restaurants in large cities vary greatly in price and kind of food before you enter








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