9天搞定SAT阅读-Day 7 More On Analytical Questions





Why doesn't Sarah want to meet Emily?
Which of the following words best describes Sarah?
一旦确定了问题属于分析性问题,下面要做的就是思考:What is the question REALLY asking?(这一题真正想问什么?)例如,思考下面的问题:
With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?
这一题实际上是要求考生pick the statement that "matches" the passage(选出与文章内容相匹配的陈述)。
It can be inferred from the selection that Tesla:
A. was an awful businessman
B. did not have the same education as Edison
C. was overly trusting of human nature
D. was a natural competitor
E. misjudged Edison's character
这一题实际上问的是:"What is true about Tesla?"(有关Tesla的描述,哪一项是正确的)。
Strategies to eliminate analysis choices:
Avoid extreme choices.避免绝对项
Synonyms don't count.排除同义词
尤其是具有相同意义的选项。这样相同意思的选项基本不是正确答案。在上一题中,B项和E项的意思相近(misjudgment of character = overly trusting),因此这两项都不是正确答案,因为正确答案只有一个。
Don't over-extend.不要过度推测

1. The candidate _____ when asked why he had left his last job; he did not want to admit that he had been ____ .
A. demurred - promoted B. confided - banned C. dissembled - dismissed
D. rejoiced - wrong E. hesitated - lauded
2. Tennyson was a well-loved poet; no other poet since has been so ____ .
A. lionized B. attacked C. decried
D. poetical E. abhorred
3. The parliamentary session degenerated into ____ with politicians hurling ____ at each other and refusing to come to order.
A. mayhem - banter B. disarray - pleasantries C. tranquillity - invectives
D. chaos - aphorisms E. anarchy - insults
4. The admiral ____ his order to attack when he saw the white flag raised by the enemy sailors; he was relieved that he could bring an end to the ____ .
A. reiterated - hostilities B. countermanded - fighting C. commandeered - truce
D. renounced - hiatus E. confirmed - aggression
5. In a fit of ____ she threw out the valuable statue simply because it had belonged to her ex-husband.
A. pique B. goodwill C. contrition
D. pedantry E. prudence
6. Many 17th century buildings that are still in existence have been so ____ by successive owners that the original layout is no longer ____ .
A. preserved - visible B. modified - apparent C. decimated - enshrouded
D. salvaged - required E. neglected - appropriate
7. Since ancient times sculpture has been considered the ____ of men; women sculptors have, until recently, consistently met with ____.
A. right - acceptance B. domain - approbation C. domicile - ridicule
D. realm - condolence E. prerogative - opposition
8. ____ action at this time would be inadvisable; we have not yet accumulated sufficient expertise to warrant anything other than a ____ approach.
A. precipitate - cautious B. hesitant - wary C. vacillating - circuitous
D. decisive - firm E. ponderous - direct
9. Many biologists have attempted to ____ the conditions on earth before life evolved in order to answer questions about the ____ of biological molecules.
A. mimic - fitness B. standardize - shapes C. replicate - reactions
D. simulate - origin E. ameliorate - evolution
10. Harding was unable to ____ the results of the survey; although entirely unexpected, the figures were obtained by a market research firm with an ____ reputation.
A. accept - peerless B. discount - impeccable C. fault - mediocre
D. counter - unenviable E. believe - fine
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