

伽利略·伽利雷,世界知名科学家,他既是物理学家、天文学家、哲学家又是发明家,他发明了温度计和天文望远镜。是近代实验物理学的开拓者,被誉为“近代科学之父”。伽利略(1564~1642)1564年2月15日生于意大利西北部的比萨城,父亲芬琴齐奥·伽利莱精通音乐理论和声学,著有《音乐对话》一书。1574年全家迁往意大利东部的大城市佛罗伦萨。伽利略自幼受父亲的影响,对音乐、诗歌、绘画以及机械兴趣极浓;也像他父亲一样,不迷信权威。17岁时遵从父命进比萨大学学医,可是对医学他感到枯燥无味,而在课外听家族世交、著名学者O·里奇讲欧几里得几何学和伽利略静力学,感到浓厚兴趣。后来成为伟大的物理学家、天文学家、科学革命的先驱,是人类改变世界的大科学家之一。 Galileo Galilei, the world famous scientists, he is a physicist, astronomer, philosopher and inventor, he invented the thermometer and astronomical telescope. Is the modern pioneers of experimental physics, known as the "father of modern science". Galileo (1564 ~ 1642) was born in February 15, 1564 in Italy, northwest of the city of Pisa, father Finn harps ZIO, Galileo Galilei proficient in music theory and acoustic music, author of "dialogue" a book. In 1574 the family moved to the big city of Florence in eastern Italy. Effect of Galileo is influenced by his father, music, poetry, painting and mechanical highly interested; also like his father, not superstitious authority. At the age of 17 comply with his father entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, but dull to medicine in extracurricular listening to him, and family friends, a famous scholar O Ricci told Euclidean geometry and Galileo statics, feel interest. Later became the pioneer of the great physicist, astronomer, scientific revolution, is one of the great scientists of human change the world.




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