born this way的中文歌词


Born This Way(天生如此) —Lady GaGa It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M 不论你是正与他相爱,还是在暗恋他。 Just put your paws up 只管挥舞起你的爪子吧! 'cause you were Born This Way, Baby 因为我们天生如此,亲爱的。 VERSE: My mama told me when I was young 在我小的时候,妈妈曾经跟我说 We are all born superstars 我们都是天生的巨星 She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on 她将我的头发烫卷,为我涂上唇膏 In the glass of her boudoir 在她自己的房间的化妆镜前 "There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are” “爱上我们本来的样子,并没有任何过错” She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe” 她说,“因为他(指的应该是上帝)从一开始就将你创造得那么完美,我的宝贝” “So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far, 所以,姑娘,昂起你头吧,你将会走得很远 Listen to me when I say” 在我说这些话的时候,请认真听好 CHORUS: I’m beautiful in my way 我很美,并且美得独特。 'Cause God makes no mistakes 因为上帝从来没有过错误的时候 I’m on the right track baby 我正前行在最正确的道路上,宝贝 I was Born This Way 我,天生如此! Don’t hide yourself in regret 不要将自己掩埋在懊悔和遗憾之中 Just love yourself and you’re set 去学会爱上你自己,你是那么的完美 I’m on the right track baby 我正前行在最适合的轨道上,宝贝 I was Born This Way 我,天生如此! POST-CHORUS: Ooo there ain’t no other way 喔,并不是说没有别的路可走 Baby I was born this way 但是,宝贝,这才是我天生就要走的路 Baby I was born this way 宝贝,我天生如此 Ooo there ain’t no other way 哦,并不是说只有这一条路可走 Baby I was born- I’m on the right track baby 宝贝,我天生(就应该这样),宝贝,我正前行于正确的路上啊 I was born this way 我天生如此! Don’t be a drag – just be a queen 别当累赘,要当王者! Don’t be a drag – just be a queen 别当累赘,要当王者! Don’t be a drag – just be a queen 别当累赘,要当王者! Don’t be! 不可以当别人的累赘! VERSE Give yourself prudence 让自己变得精明谨慎 And love your friends 用真爱温暖你的朋友们 Subway kid, rejoice your truth 在地铁上的孩子也会为你的真诚而欢庆 In the religion of the insecure 我深信不疑着,世事皆是无法断定、难以预料的 I must be myself, respect my youth 所以,我更要做我自己,尊重自己的青春 A different lover is not a sin 拥有一个与众不同的恋人,并不是什么罪孽 Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey) 相信上帝吧 I love my life I love this record and 我爱我的生活,我爱这首歌 Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith) 爱,是需要信念的 REPEAT CHORUS + POST-CHORUS BRIDGE: Don’t be a drag, just be a queen 不要成为累赘,要成为王者! Whether you’re broke or evergreen 不论你是破产了,身无分文,还是成功着,一直顺利 You’re black, white, beige, chola descent 不论你是何种肤色 You’re lebanese, you’re orient 不论你是出生在黎巴嫩,或是东方 Whether life’s disabilities 不论你是否残疾 Left you outcast, bullied, or teased 不要去理会那些遗弃和背叛,欺骗和恐吓,嘲笑和戏弄 Rejoice and love yourself today 在当下,爱自己,并且为自己而欢呼喝彩 'Cause baby you were born this way 宝贝,因为你生而如此 No matter gay, straight, or bi, 不论你是(男)同性恋,异性恋,还是双性恋 Lesbian, transgendered life (女)同性恋,还是变性人 I’m on the right track baby 我们都在属于自己的道路上行走 I was born to survive 我天生就为自己的权利而奋斗 No matter black, white or beige 与肤色无关,无论你是黑,白,还是黄 Chola or orient made 无论你来自南美洲还是亚洲 I’m on the right track baby 我们都能找到自己的路!宝贝 I was born to be brave 我天生如此,这是上帝赋予我的勇气 REPEAT CHORUS OUTRO/REFRAIN: I was born this way hey! I was born this way hey! 我天生如此,hey! I’m on the right track baby 我正在我的路上前行,宝贝 I was born this way hey! 我天生如此! I was born this way hey! I was born this way hey! I’m on the right track baby I was born this way hey!




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